Class |
Description |
AbstractPeriod |
Action |
Type of action to use with an endpoint.
AdvisoriesResponse |
Object to make the
advisories endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the
AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
AdvisoriesTask |
Requests and loads advisory data into local domain objects from the API.
AdvisoriesTaskCallback |
AdvisoryFields |
AdvisoryIncludes |
Aeris |
Holds references to server constant variables
AerisAbstractTask |
Abstract class that all specific endpoint tasks will use so that they can
return the object in a friendly model versus have to know what response is
being returned to you as by using the AerisCommunicationTask.
AerisBasics |
The basic response from the Aeris API.
AerisBatchRequest |
AerisBatchResponse |
The basic response from the Aeris API.
AerisCallback |
Callback interface for a request.
AerisCommunicationTask |
Basic communication task for sending messages.
AerisCustomCommunicationTask |
Basic communication task for sending messages.
AerisCustomResponse<T> |
Custom response class to extend for easier parsing of the JSON string
returned from a custom response.
AerisDataJSON |
AerisDataJSON.PeriodDeserializer |
AerisEngine |
Aeris singleton that manages the important OAuth info needed to make
AerisEngine.Units |
AerisError |
The error property will always be null if the request was successful, results
were returned and there were no errors or warnings.
AerisFriendlyResponse |
Abstract class that helps allow access to the AerisDataJSON to determine what
information is accessible to the AerisResponse.
AerisLocation |
Location object that holds lat and long values.
AerisLocBatchRequest |
Helper class for constructing a batch request that pulls down all necessary
information needed to fill the AerisWeatherInfoActivity.
AerisPermissions |
Permissions response object that holds the different permissions
AerisPermissionsBuilder |
Builder to obtain an AerisPermissions object based on certain criteria.
AerisPermissionsRequest |
AerisPermissionsResponse |
Model representing the Aeris permissions.
AerisProgressListener |
AerisRequest |
Builds request for various endpoints, actions, and parameters.
AerisResponse |
The basic response from the Aeris API.
AirQualityResponse |
AirQualityTask |
Requests and loads tropical_cyclones data into local domain objects from the API.
AirQualityTaskCallback |
AlertsResponse |
AlertsTask |
Requests and loads advisory data into local domain objects from the API.
AlertsTaskCallback |
AppIdParameter |
APP_ID Parameter to associate with the request.
BatchBuilder |
BatchCallback |
Callback interface for a batch request.
BatchCommunicationTask |
BuildConfig |
CellCone |
Information on the cells predicted path.
CellForecast |
Teh forecast information for a cell
CellLocation |
Information about the movement of the Cell.
CellMovement |
Information about the cell movement.
CellObservation |
CellPosition |
Information on the cells position.
CellTraits |
ClientIdParameter |
The client id given for the Aeris access.
ClientSecretParameter |
The client secret given for the Aeris access.
CodedInterface |
Interface that defines an object that has a code.
CommunicationTask<T> |
Abstract helper to set up the basics of our threading classes.
ConditionPeriod |
Period of a conditions data from the request with endpoint
ConditionsResponse |
Object to make the
endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the AerisDataJSON
have come back in the response.
ConditionsSummaryPeriod |
Period of a conditions data from the request with endpoint
ConditionsSummaryResponse |
Object to make the
endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the AerisDataJSON
have come back in the response.
ConditionsSummarySimple |
Base temperature model
ConditionsSummaryTemperature |
Base temperature model
ConditionsSummaryWinds |
Speed info
ConditionsTask |
Requests and loads conditions data into local domain objects from the API.
ConditionsTaskCallback |
ConvectiveOutlookResponse |
Object to make the Convective Outlook response more friendly to determine what parts of the AerisDataJSON
have come back in the response.
CountriesResponse |
Object to make the
countries endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the
AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
CountriesTask |
Requests and loads countries data into local domain objects from the API.
CountriesTaskCallback |
Crest |
Current |
CustomCallback |
Callback interface for a custom endpoint.
CustomParameter |
Custom parameter to use when one may not have been predefined by the Aeris
dBZM |
decibal info
Details |
Direction |
Distance |
DroughtsMonitorResponse |
Object to make the Droughts/Monitor endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the
AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
EarthquakeReport |
EarthquakesResponse |
Object to make the
earthquakes endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the
AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
EarthquakesTask |
Requests and loads earthquake data into local domain objects from the API.
EarthquakesTaskCallback |
Endpoint |
Endpoints refer to the types of data to request, such as a place,
observation, forecast or advisory, and will be the basis for any request made
to the API.
EndpointType |
Types of endpoints that are supported by Aeris.
Fields |
FieldsParameter |
By default the API will return the complete dataset for each endpoint request
as defined in the respective endpoint documentation.
FileUtil |
File util for accessing files within the project.
Filter |
Filter enums that can be used to pass to a filter parameter.
FilterParameter |
Predefined filters for limiting the results.
FiresOutlookResponse |
Object to make the FiresOutlook endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the
AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
FiresPerimeter |
FiresReport |
FiresResponse |
Object to make the
fires endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the
AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
FiresTask |
Requests and loads fires data into local domain objects from the API.
FiresTaskCallback |
ForecastPeriod |
Period of a forecast data from the request with endpoint
ForecastsFields |
ForecastsResponse |
Object to make the
endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the AerisDataJSON
have come back in the response.
ForecastsTask |
Requests and loads observation data into local domain objects from the API.
ForecastsTaskCallback |
ForParameter |
Returns the results starting form the value specified.
FromParameter |
Returns the results starting form the value specified.
GeoPolygon |
geoPoly data.
Hail |
Hail information about the storm.
Humidity |
Object of Range data.
Indice |
The information for an Indice response.
IndiceCurrent |
IndiceForecast |
IndicePeriod |
IndiceRange |
Possible value range for indices data.
IndicesResponse |
Object to make the Indice endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the
AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
InteractivePermission |
Permissions relating to the interactive maps.
JSONUtil |
Helper class for units tests
Lightning |
LightningObservation |
LightningPulse |
LightningResponse |
LightningTask |
Requests and loads lightning strike data into local domain objects from the
LightningTaskCallback |
LimitParameter |
Parameter that defines the limit for how many responses are wanted back.
LocationDelegate |
LocationHelper |
Logger |
Simple log wrapper for controlling log levels
LogLevel |
Enum defining the Log levels based on the Android Logger.
LowWaterRecord |
MapsPermission |
Permissions relating to the AMP maps.
MapsPermission.allowReason |
MapsPermission.CompositeOptions |
MapsPermission.CompositeOptions.BlendModes |
MapsPermission.CompositeOptions.ImageFilters |
MapsPermission.CompositeOptions.Modifiers |
MapsPermission.CompositeOptions.Opacity |
MapsPermission.maxSize |
MathUtil |
Provides some help with math calculations.
MaxSize |
Probability info
MesocycloneDetectionAlgorithm |
Probability info
Moon |
Moon information from the request.
MoonPhase |
Moon phase information
MoonphasesResponse |
Object to make the
sunmoon/moonphases endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts
of the AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
MoonphasesTask |
Requests and loads moon phases data into local domain objects from the API.
MoonphasesTaskCallback |
NetworkUtils |
NormalPeriod |
Period of a normal data from the request with endpoint
NormalPrecipitation |
Object of the precipitation based normals.
NormalSnow |
Object of the snowfall based normals.
NormalsResponse |
Object to make the
endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the AerisDataJSON
have come back in the response.
NormalsStationsTask |
Requests and loads normals stations data into local domain objects from the
NormalsStationsTaskCallback |
NormalsTask |
Requests and loads normals data into local domain objects from the API.
NormalsTaskCallback |
NormalTemperature |
Object of temperature based normals.
NormStationsResponse |
Object to make the
endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the AerisDataJSON
have come back in the response.
ObArchiveResponse |
Object to make the
observations/archive endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of
the AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
Observation |
Wrapper object for the observation JSON returned from Aeris for endpoint
ObservationData |
ObservationFields |
ObservationPeriod |
ObservationResponse |
Object to make the
observations endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the
AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
ObservationsArchiveTask |
Requests and loads observation archive data into local domain objects from
the API.
ObservationsArchiveTaskCallback |
ObservationsSummaryTask |
Requests and loads observation summaryPeriod data into local domain objects from the
ObservationsSummaryTaskCallback |
ObservationsTask |
Requests and loads observation data into local domain objects from the API.
ObservationsTaskCallback |
ObSummaryResponse |
Object to make the
observations/summary endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts
of the AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
Parameter |
ParameterBuilder |
Parameter builder for increasing ease of adding parameters to an
AerisRequest .
Perimeter |
Period |
PeriodsResponse<T extends AbstractPeriod> |
Helper class that handles accessing period information from specific
Permission |
Permission data wrapper object
PermissionsTask |
Task that will use the client information and query the Aeris API to see what
permission the client has for accessing the API.
PermissionsTask.PermissionsCallback |
Callback interface for handling the response for the permissions.
Phrase |
The information for an Phrase response.
PhrasesResponse |
Object to make the Phrases endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the
AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
Place |
PlaceParameter |
Defines the location to query data for.
PlacesAirportsResponse |
Object to make the
places/airports endpoint response more friendly to determine what
parts of the AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
PlacesAirportsTask |
Requests and loads places airports data into local domain objects from the
PlacesAirportsTaskCallback |
PlacesPostalcodesTask |
Requests and loads postal codes data into local domain objects from the API.
PlacesPostalcodesTaskCallback |
PlacesResponse |
Object to make the
endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the AerisDataJSON
have come back in the response.
PlacesTask |
Requests and loads places data into local domain objects from the API.
PlacesTaskCallback |
PLimitParameter |
Applied only on the periods property, the total number of periods to return
as an integer.
Pollutant |
PostalcodesResponse |
Object to make the
places/postalcodes endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts
of the AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
Precipitation |
Precipitation data.
Pressure |
Object of Range data.
PreviousRecord |
Previous Record held for the location
Probability |
Probability info
Profile |
ProfileFlag |
PsortParameter |
Applied only on the periods property, used to sort results based on certain
fields contained within the periods.
QualityControl |
Quality Control data.
QueryParameter |
Used to filter results based on certain fields in the data set.
RadiusParameter |
When requesting the closest results within a circle, the radius determines
how far from the specified location to search.
RadiusUnit |
Range |
Range data.
RecordsDetails |
Details for the record.
RecordsReport |
RecordsResponse |
Object to make the
endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the AerisDataJSON
have come back in the response.
RecordsTask |
Requests and loads observation data into local domain objects from the API.
RecordsTaskCallback |
RelativeTo |
Report |
Risk |
Risk data.
RiverCrests |
RiversCats |
The information for an Rivers Secondary response object.
RiversGaugesResponse |
Object to make the Rivers Gauges endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts
of the AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
RiversGaugesTask |
Requests and loads observation data into local domain objects from the API.
RiversGaugesTaskCallback |
RiversImpacts |
RiversResponse |
Object to make the rivers endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts
of the AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
RiversSecondary |
The information for an Rivers Secondary response object.
RiversTask |
Requests and loads observation data into local domain objects from the API.
RiversTaskCallback |
Satellite |
Object available for Satellite detected observations.
SingleLocationObserver |
SingleLocationTask |
Sky |
Summary sky model
SolarRadiation |
Range data.
Solrad |
SortParameter |
Used to sort results based on certain fields in the data set.
Sources |
Speed |
Speed info
Station |
Information about the station.
Storm |
StormCellResponse |
Object to make the
stormcells endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the
AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
StormcellsHail |
Hail summary information about the stormcell.
StormcellsSummary |
Hail summary information about the stormcell.
StormcellsSummaryDataJSON |
StormcellsSummaryResponse |
Object to make the StormcellsSummary endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the
AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
StormCellsTask |
Requests and loads storm cells data into local domain objects from the API.
StormCellsTaskCallback |
StormReport |
Storm report information.
StormReportDetail |
An object containing specific information about the report, such as totals,
measurements, etc.
StormReportsResponse |
Object to make the
stormreports endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the
AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
StormReportsSummary |
Summary information about the storm reports.
StormReportsSummaryDataJSON |
StormReportsSummaryResponse |
StormReportsSummaryType |
Storm report information.
StormReportsSummaryTypeDetail |
Storm report information.
StormReportsTask |
Requests and loads storm reports data into local domain objects from the API.
StormReportsTaskCallback |
Summary |
SummaryPeriod |
Sun |
Sun information
SunmoonResponse |
Object to make the
endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the AerisDataJSON
have come back in the response.
SunmoonTask |
Requests and loads sunmoon data into local domain objects from the API.
SunmoonTaskCallback |
Temperature |
Base temperature model
ThreatsDataJSON |
ThreatsPeriod |
ThreatsResponse |
Object to make the Threats endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the
AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
TidesPeriod |
Information about the tide period.
TidesResponse |
Object to make the
tides endpoint
response more friendly to determine what parts of the AerisDataJSON have come
back in the response.
TidesStationsTask |
Requests and loads tide stations data into local domain objects from the API.
TidesStationsTaskCallback |
TidesTask |
Requests and loads tides data into local domain objects from the API.
TidesTaskCallback |
TideStationsResponse |
Object to make the
tides/stations endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of
the AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
TimeStamp |
ToParameter |
Returns the results between now* and the value specified.
TornadoOutbreakPotential |
TOP info
TornadoVortexSignature |
Probability info
Traits |
Probability info
TropicalCycloneBreakPointAlerts |
TropicalCycloneBreakPointAlertsCoords |
TropicalCycloneDetails |
TropicalCycloneDetailsMovement |
TropicalCycloneForecast |
TropicalCycloneLifespan |
TropicalCycloneLocation |
TropicalCyclonePosition |
TropicalCyclonePressure |
TropicalCyclonesResponse |
TropicalCyclonesTask |
Requests and loads tropical_cyclones data into local domain objects from the API.
TropicalCyclonesTaskCallback |
TropicalCycloneTrack |
TropicalCycloneWindspeed |
Twilight |
Twilight information for the request.
Unit |
UnitType |
UrlBuilder |
Abstract UrlBuilder that takes care of some handling for each builder.
ValidationUtil |
VerticallyIntegratedLiquid |
VIL info
Visibility |
Visibility data.
Weather |
Object of Range data.
WeatherCoded |
/** Can be used to determine when a particular type of weather is expected to
WeatherUtil |
Helper methods for helping display some weather information from numbers to
Wind |
Wind data.
WindowListener |
Location Listener that windows at a window rate.
WordsCapitalizer |
Helper class for capitalization
Obtained from stack overflow
WordsCapitalizer.Behavior |
WordsCapitalizer.Delimiter |