Class Observation

  • public class Observation
    extends Object
    Wrapper object for the observation JSON returned from Aeris for endpoint OBSERVATIONS
    • Field Detail

      • timestamp

        public Number timestamp
        UNIX timestamp of the observation
      • dateTimeISO

        public String dateTimeISO
        ISO 8601 date of the observation
      • recTimestamp

        public Number recTimestamp
        UNIX timestamp of the observation was received
      • recDateTimeISO

        public String recDateTimeISO
        ISO 8601 date of the observation was received
      • tempC

        public Number tempC
        Temperature in Celsius. Null if not available.
      • tempF

        public Number tempF
        Temperature in Fahrenheit. Null if not available.
      • dewpointC

        public Number dewpointC
        Dew point temperature in Celsius. Null if not available.
      • dewpointF

        public Number dewpointF
        Dew point temperature in Fahrenheit. Null if not available.
      • humidity

        public Number humidity
        Relative humidity. Null if not available.
      • pressureMB

        public Number pressureMB
        Barometric pressure in millibars. Null if not available.
      • pressureIN

        public Number pressureIN
        Barometric pressure in inches of mercury. Null if not available.
      • windSpeedKTS

        public Number windSpeedKTS
        Wind speed in knots. Null if not available.
      • windSpeedKPH

        public Number windSpeedKPH
        Wind speed in kilometers her hour. Null if not available.
      • windSpeedMPH

        public Number windSpeedMPH
        Wind speed in miles per hour. Null if not available.
      • windDirDEG

        public Number windDirDEG
        Wind direction in degrees. Null if not available.
      • windDir

        public String windDir
        Wind direction in cardinal coordinates. Null if not available.
      • windGustKTS

        public Number windGustKTS
        Wind gust speed in knots. Null if no wind gusts.. Null if not available.
      • windGustKPH

        public Number windGustKPH
        Wind gust speed in kilometers her hour Null if no wind gusts.. Null if not available.
      • windGustMPH

        public Number windGustMPH
        Wind gust speed in miles per hour Null if no wind gusts.. Null if not available.
      • flightRule

        public String flightRule
        Flight rule indicator, based on weather conditions only. Potential values are: "LIFR", "IFR", "MVFR", "VFR". Null if not available.
      • visibilityKM

        public Number visibilityKM
        Visibility in kilometers. Null if not available.
      • visibilityMI

        public Number visibilityMI
        Visibility in miles. Null if not available.
      • weather

        public String weather
        A string of the weather often including cloud coverage along with any prominent weather.
      • weatherShort

        public String weatherShort
        A shortened weather string.
      • weatherCoded

        public String weatherCoded
        The coded weather. TODO: Link to codedweather enum
      • weatherPrimary

        public String weatherPrimary
        A string of the primary weather.
      • weatherPrimaryCoded

        public String weatherPrimaryCoded
        The primary coded weather. TODO: Link to codedweather enum
      • cloudsCoded

        public String cloudsCoded
        The coded cloud coverage. TODO: Link to codedweather enum
      • icon

        public String icon
        Weather icon representing the observed weather from the default Aeris icon set. For more custom implementations, icons can be determined by the weatherCoded and weatherPrimaryCoded properties.
      • heatindexC

        public Number heatindexC
        Heat index temperature in Celsius. Null if not available.
      • heatindexF

        public Number heatindexF
        Heat index temperature in Fahrenheit. Null if not available.
      • windchillC

        public Number windchillC
        Wind chill temperature in Celsius. Null if not available.
      • windchillF

        public Number windchillF
        Wind chill temperature in Fahrenheit. Null if not available.
      • feelslikeC

        public Number feelslikeC
        Apparent temperature in Celsius. Null if not available.
      • feelslikeF

        public Number feelslikeF
        Apparent temperature in Fahrenheit. Null if not available.
      • isDay

        public boolean isDay
        Signifies if the observation occurred during daily hours. True if between sunrise and sunset, false otherwise.
      • sunrise

        public Number sunrise
        Time stamp of sunset for the observation location.
      • sunriseISO

        public String sunriseISO
        ISO 8601 date of the sunset for the observation location.
      • sunset

        public Number sunset
        Time stamp of sunset for the observation location.
      • sunsetISO

        public String sunsetISO
        ISO 8601 date of the sunset for the observation location.
      • snowDepthCM

        public Number snowDepthCM
        The estimated snow depth in centimeters at the observation location. Null if not available
      • snowDepthIN

        public Number snowDepthIN
        The estimated snow depth in inches at the observation location. Null if not available
      • spressureMB

        public Number spressureMB
        Station pressure in millibars. The pressure Null if not available. This is the pressure that is observed at a specific elevation and is the true barometric pressure of a location.
      • spressureIN

        public Number spressureIN
        Station pressure in inches of mercury. Null if not available. This is the pressure that is observed at a specific elevation and is the true barometric pressure of a location.
      • altimeterMB

        public Number altimeterMB
        Altimeter in millibars. Null if not available.
      • altimeterIN

        public Number altimeterIN
        Altimeter in inches of mercury. Null if not available.
      • sky

        public Number sky
        Estimated percentage of sky coverage. 0 = clear, 100 = overcast. Null if not available.
      • precipMM

        public Number precipMM
        The hourly precipitation, in millimeters, as provided by station. Null if not available. NOTE: Some stations may report this value differently.
      • precipIN

        public Number precipIN
        The hourly precipitation, in inches, as provided by station. Null if not available. NOTE: Some stations may report this value differently.
      • solradWM2

        public Number solradWM2
        The solar radiation as provided by the station. Null if not available.
      • light

        public Number light
        The estimated light rate as a percentage based on solradWM2 when available, otherwise calculated. Null if not available.
      • QC

        public String QC
        The Quality of the observations - deprecated
      • QCcode

        public Number QCcode
        Quality Control Code is the numerical version of QC (quality control): 0 = failed QC 1 = caution (some observation attributes may be invalid) 3 = probation (a station will be on probation if it's new, changed location, or having significant data issues) 7 = Questioned. While the observation passes QC, some elements may be out of characteristic for the station 10 = OK, passed QC null if unavailable
      • trustFactor

        public Number trustFactor
        The trust factor of the observation. This value combines both the individual observation QC value and the overall confidence in the station. Will be a value from 0 -100 and is equivalent to the QCcode * Station Confidence. null if unavailable
      • tempMax6hrC

        public Number tempMax6hrC
      • tempMax6hrF

        public Number tempMax6hrF
      • tempMin6hrC

        public Number tempMin6hrC
      • tempMin6hrF

        public Number tempMin6hrF