Class NormalPeriod

  • public class NormalPeriod
    extends AbstractPeriod
    Period of a normal data from the request with endpoint Normals
    • Field Detail

      • type

        public String type
        Type of normal: daily, monthly or annual
      • mon

        public int mon
        The number of the month the normal is for, from 1 - 12. Will be null for an annual summaryPeriod (filter=annual)
      • day

        public int day
        The numeric day of the month, from 1 - 31. Will be null for both a monthly and annual summaryPeriod (filter=monthly or filter=annual)
      • hdd

        public Number hdd
        The normal heating degree days
      • cdd

        public Number cdd
        The normal cooling degree days
    • Constructor Detail

      • NormalPeriod

        public NormalPeriod()