Class QueryParameter

  • public class QueryParameter
    extends Parameter
    Used to filter results based on certain fields in the data set. See Advanced Queries for more details.
    • Constructor Detail

      • QueryParameter

        public QueryParameter​(String value)
        Construct a query parameter with the string value.
        value - value to use.
      • QueryParameter

        public QueryParameter​(CodedInterface value)
        Construct a query parameter with a coded value
        value - uses the CodedInterface to determine the value.
      • QueryParameter

        public QueryParameter​(CodedInterface code,
                              double value)
        For a more advanced CodedInterface value with a comparator.
        code - uses the CodedInterface to determine the type
        value - value to use as a comparator to the type
      • QueryParameter

        public QueryParameter​(String type,
                              String value)
        A more advanced query with a comparator.
        type - type to use, often a field name
        value - value to use as a comparator to the type