Class TimeStamp

  • public class TimeStamp
    extends Object
    • Field Detail

      • issued

        public Number issued
        UNIX timestamp when the advisory was initially issued
      • issuedISO

        public String issuedISO
        ISO 8601 date of the time when the advisory was initially issued
      • updated

        public Number updated
        UNIX timestamp when the advisory was updated
      • updatedISO

        public String updatedISO
        ISO 8601 date of the time when the advisory was updated
      • begins

        public Number begins
        UNIX timestamp when the advisory goes into effect
      • beginsISO

        public String beginsISO
        ISO 8601 date of the time when the advisory goes into effect
      • expires

        public Number expires
        UNIX timestamp when the advisory expires
      • expiresISO

        public String expiresISO
        ISO 8601 date of the time when the advisory expires
      • added

        public Number added
        UNIX timestamp when the advisory was stored
      • addedISO

        public String addedISO
        ISO 8601 date of the time when the advisory was stored
      • created

        public Number created
        UNIX timestamp when the advisory was initially created and stored in the database
      • createdISO

        public String createdISO
        ISO 8601 date of the time when the advisory was initially created and stored in the database
    • Constructor Detail

      • TimeStamp

        public TimeStamp()