Class EarthquakeReport

    • Field Detail

      • id

        public String id
        The USGS earthquake ID
      • timestamp

        public Number timestamp
        UNIX timestamp when the event took place
      • dateTimeISO

        public String dateTimeISO
        ISO 8601 date of the date/time of the event
      • mag

        public Number mag
        The magnitude of the earthquake
      • type

        public String type
        The earthquake category: Mini: 0 - 2.9 minor: 3 - 3.9 light: 4 - 4.9 moderate: 5 - 5.9 strong: 6 - 6.9 mjor: 7 - 7.9 great: 8.0+
      • depthKM

        public Number depthKM
        The depth of the earthquake in kilometers
      • depthMI

        public Number depthMI
        The depth of the earthquake in miles
      • region

        public String region
        The USGS region that the event occurred
      • location

        public String location
        he brief description of the location, usually contains the location or relative distance from a city
    • Constructor Detail

      • EarthquakeReport

        public EarthquakeReport​(Report report)