Class StormReport

  • public class StormReport
    extends Object
    Storm report information.
    • Field Detail

      • code

        public String code
        The report code as assigned by the NWS
      • type

        public String type
        The type of report
      • name

        public String name
        The brief description of the report, usually contains the location or relative distance from a city
      • reporter

        public String reporter
        The general organization who made the report
      • comments

        public String comments
        Additional details and comments describing the event
      • timestamp

        public Number timestamp
        UNIX timestamp when the event took place
      • dateTimeISO

        public String dateTimeISO
        ISO 8601 date of the date/time of the event
      • wfo

        public String wfo
        The weather forecast office reporting the event
    • Constructor Detail

      • StormReport

        public StormReport​(Report report)
        Used to construct the Storm report from the general report.
        report - Report to construct from.