Class FiresPerimeter

  • public class FiresPerimeter
    extends Object
    • Field Detail

      • startTimestamp

        public Integer startTimestamp
        Unix timestamp of the initial start date that the fire perimeter was created
      • startDateISO

        public String startDateISO
        ISO 8601 date of the initial start date that the fire perimeter was created
      • modifiedTimestamp

        public Integer modifiedTimestamp
        Unix timestamp of the date/time the perimeter polygon was last updated
      • modifiedDateISO

        public String modifiedDateISO
        ISO 8601 date of the date/time the perimeter polygon was last updated
      • areaKM

        public Number areaKM
        The area of the perimeter in square kilometers
      • areaMI

        public Number areaMI
        The area of the perimeter in square miles
      • areaAC

        public Number areaAC
        The area of the perimeter in square acres
      • polygon

        public GeoPolygon polygon
        GeoPolygon of the fire perimeter. Will either be a polygon or Multipolygon
    • Constructor Detail

      • FiresPerimeter

        public FiresPerimeter​(Perimeter perimeter)
        Used to construct the FiresPerimeter from the general report.
        perimeter - Report to construct from.