Class FiresReport

  • public class FiresReport
    extends Object
    • Field Detail

      • id

        public String id
        The ID of the fire
      • type

        public String type
        The type of fire observation: L = Confirmed Large fire as determined by the USFS M = Fire detection by the MODIS Satellite
      • timestamp

        public Number timestamp
        UNIX timestamp of the fire observation
      • dateTimeISO

        public String dateTimeISO
        ISO 8601 date of the observation, localized to the observation location
      • name

        public String name
        For Critical/Large fires a name may be given. NULL if no name.
      • location

        public String location
        Description of location of the fire.
      • startTimestamp

        public Integer startTimestamp
        UNIX timestamp of the start of the fire. Usually only given for Critical/Large fires, but not always. NULL if not available.
      • startDateISO

        public String startDateISO
        ISO 8601 date of the start date of the fire, localized to the observation location. Usually only given for Critical/Large fires, but not always. NULL if not available.
      • conf

        public Number conf
        The confidence of the fire. A percentage ranging from 0 - 100%
      • areaKM

        public Number areaKM
        The estimated coverage area of the fire in square kilometers. NOTE: Satellite based observation are rough estimates only, limited by resolution of detection method.
      • areaMI

        public Number areaMI
        The estimated coverage area of the fire in square miles. NOTE: Satellite based observation are rough estimates only, limited by resolution of detection method.
      • areaAC

        public Number areaAC
        The estimated coverage area of the fire in acres. NOTE: Satellite based observation are rough estimates only, limited by resolution of detection method.
      • perContained

        public Number perContained
        The percentage of the fire that is contained. Usually only given for Critical/Large fires, but not always. NULL if not available.
      • sat

        public Satellite sat
        Object available for Satellite detected observations. NULL for Critical/Large observations.
      • expContainedTimestamp

        public Number expContainedTimestamp
        UNIX timestamp of the expected date of containment. (null if unknown)
      • expContainedISO

        public String expContainedISO
        ISO 8601 date of the expected date of containment. (null if unknown)
      • cause

        public String cause
        Cause of the fire (null if unknown)
      • imtType

        public String imtType
        Incident team type: 0, 1 or 2. (null if unknown). Utilized with large fires, data provided by USFS
      • fuels

        public String fuels
        fuels for the fire (null if unknown)
      • terrain

        public String terrain
        information on the terrain (null if unknown)
    • Constructor Detail

      • FiresReport

        public FiresReport​(Report report)
        Used to construct the Firesreport from the general report.
        report - Report to construct from.