Class Place

  • public class Place
    extends Object
    • Field Detail

      • name

        public String name
        The name of the place or country. Returned by various Endpoint types.
      • continentFull

        public String continentFull
      • continent

        public String continent
        The continent abbreviation that the country primarily resides. Returned by COUNTRIES
      • stateFull

        public String stateFull
      • region

        public String region
      • regionFull

        public String regionFull
      • country

        public String country
      • countryFull

        public String countryFull
      • county

        public String county
      • iso

        public String iso
        The countries 2 letter ISO abbreviation. Returned by COUNTRIES
      • iso3

        public String iso3
        The countries 3 letter ISO abbreviation. Returned by COUNTRIES
      • isoNum

        public String isoNum
        The countries 3 digit ISO numeric id. Kept as string to preserve leading zeros. Returned by COUNTRIES
      • fips

        public String fips
        The FIPS abbreviation for the country. Returned by COUNTRIES
    • Constructor Detail

      • Place

        public Place()