Class FiresOutlookResponse

  • public class FiresOutlookResponse
    extends AerisResponse
    Object to make the FiresOutlook endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FiresOutlookResponse

        public FiresOutlookResponse()
    • Method Detail

      • createWithError

        public static String createWithError​(String code,
                                             String description)
        Creates a JSON String for an FiresOutlookResponse with a specific Error code and description.
        code - Code of the error
        description - description of the error
        String JSON object of an AerisResponse with the code and description
      • createObjectWithError

        public static FiresOutlookResponse createObjectWithError​(String code,
                                                                 String description)
        Creates a JSON String for an FiresOutlookResponse with a specific Error code and description.
        code - Code of the error
        description - description of the error
        String JSON object of an AerisResponse with the code and description