Class AerisResponse

    • Field Detail

      • success

        public boolean success
        Success status of the request.
      • error

        public AerisError error
        AerisError returned from the response.The error property will always be null if the request was successful, results were returned and there were no errors or warnings.
      • responses

        public List<AerisDataJSON> responses
        List of AerisData returned from the response
    • Constructor Detail

      • AerisResponse

        public AerisResponse()
    • Method Detail

      • fromJSON

        public static AerisResponse fromJSON​(org.json.JSONObject jsonObject)
        Static construction of an AerisResponse from a JSON object. This constructor is needed to properly pull the JSON as the JSON response field can be an array or just a single object, so this
        jsonObject - Json object to use to construct the AerisResponse
        AerisResponse made from the JSON object, or null if it fails to build it.
      • createWithError

        public static String createWithError​(String code,
                                             String description)
        Creates a JSON String for an AerisResponse with a specific Error code and description.
        code - Code of the error
        description - description of the error
        String JSON object of an AerisResponse with the code and description
      • createObjectWithError

        public static AerisResponse createObjectWithError​(String code,
                                                          String description)
        Creates a JSON String for an AerisResponse with a specific Error code and description.
        code - Code of the error
        description - description of the error
        String JSON object of an AerisResponse with the code and description
      • getNumberOfResponses

        public int getNumberOfResponses()
        Returns the number of responses for this AerisResponse.
        Number of responses
      • getResponse

        public AerisDataJSON getResponse​(int index)
        Gets the data for the given index. Pass into a AerisFriendlyResponse
        index - index to get the response at.
        AerisData at that index.
      • getFirstResponse

        public AerisDataJSON getFirstResponse()
        Gets the first index in the list of the AerisDataJSON responses.
        data for the first response.
      • getListOfResponse

        public List<AerisDataJSON> getListOfResponse()
        Gets the list of data responses
        The list of data responses.
      • isSuccessfulWithResponses

        public boolean isSuccessfulWithResponses()
        Gets the success of the response along with checking that there was no warning, and that the list of responses is not null.
        true if the response was successful with responses
      • isSuccessful

        public boolean isSuccessful()
        Gets the success of the response. Returns true if the response was sucessful or had a warning.
        true if the response was successful.
      • getError

        public AerisError getError()
        Gets the error from the response, if there is one.
        the error