Class AerisError

  • public class AerisError
    extends Object
    The error property will always be null if the request was successful, results were returned and there were no errors or warnings.
    If there was an error, including no results found, then the error property will be an object containing the error code and a short description of the error. Additionally, the response property will always be an empty array. It is recommended for applications to display appropriate error messages when an error occurs based on the error codes described below.
    If a warning is issued, such as invalid use of a parameter, then the error property will be an object containing the warning code and a short description of the warning. With a warning, the API will continue, the successtrue, meaning the request will be successful and results will be returned.
    • Field Detail

      • code

        public String code
        Error code of the Aeris error. For more information on error codes, scroll to the bottom.
      • description

        public String description
        Error description of the Aeris Error.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AerisError

        public AerisError()