AdvisoriesResponse |
Object to make the
advisories endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the
AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
AerisFriendlyResponse |
Abstract class that helps allow access to the AerisDataJSON to determine what
information is accessible to the AerisResponse.
AirQualityResponse |
AlertsResponse |
ConditionsResponse |
Object to make the
endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the AerisDataJSON
have come back in the response.
ConditionsSummaryResponse |
Object to make the
endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the AerisDataJSON
have come back in the response.
ConvectiveOutlookResponse |
Object to make the Convective Outlook response more friendly to determine what parts of the AerisDataJSON
have come back in the response.
CountriesResponse |
Object to make the
countries endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the
AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
DroughtsMonitorResponse |
Object to make the Droughts/Monitor endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the
AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
EarthquakesResponse |
Object to make the
earthquakes endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the
AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
FiresOutlookResponse |
Object to make the FiresOutlook endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the
AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
FiresResponse |
Object to make the
fires endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the
AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
ForecastsResponse |
Object to make the
endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the AerisDataJSON
have come back in the response.
IndicesResponse |
Object to make the Indice endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the
AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
LightningResponse |
MoonphasesResponse |
Object to make the
sunmoon/moonphases endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts
of the AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
NormalsResponse |
Object to make the
endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the AerisDataJSON
have come back in the response.
NormStationsResponse |
Object to make the
endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the AerisDataJSON
have come back in the response.
ObArchiveResponse |
Object to make the
observations/archive endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of
the AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
ObservationResponse |
Object to make the
observations endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the
AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
ObSummaryResponse |
Object to make the
observations/summary endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts
of the AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
PeriodsResponse<T extends AbstractPeriod> |
Helper class that handles accessing period information from specific
PhrasesResponse |
Object to make the Phrases endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the
AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
PlacesAirportsResponse |
Object to make the
places/airports endpoint response more friendly to determine what
parts of the AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
PlacesResponse |
Object to make the
endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the AerisDataJSON
have come back in the response.
PostalcodesResponse |
Object to make the
places/postalcodes endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts
of the AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
RecordsResponse |
Object to make the
endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the AerisDataJSON
have come back in the response.
RiversGaugesResponse |
Object to make the Rivers Gauges endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts
of the AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
RiversResponse |
Object to make the rivers endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts
of the AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
StormCellResponse |
Object to make the
stormcells endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the
AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
StormcellsSummaryResponse |
Object to make the StormcellsSummary endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the
AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
StormReportsResponse |
Object to make the
stormreports endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the
AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
StormReportsSummaryResponse |
SunmoonResponse |
Object to make the
endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the AerisDataJSON
have come back in the response.
ThreatsResponse |
Object to make the Threats endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of the
AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
TidesResponse |
Object to make the
tides endpoint
response more friendly to determine what parts of the AerisDataJSON have come
back in the response.
TideStationsResponse |
Object to make the
tides/stations endpoint response more friendly to determine what parts of
the AerisDataJSON have come back in the response.
TropicalCyclonesResponse |