Class CellMovement

  • public class CellMovement
    extends Object
    Information about the cell movement.
    • Field Detail

      • dirDEG

        public Number dirDEG
        The direction the storm is moving in degrees
      • dir

        public String dir
        The cardinal direction the storm is moving
      • dirToDEG

        public Number dirToDEG
        The direction the storm is moving relative to the reported radar site in degrees
      • dirTo

        public String dirTo
        The cardinal direction the storm is moving relative to the reported radar site
      • speedKTS

        public Number speedKTS
        Speed storm is moving in knots
      • speedMPH

        public Number speedMPH
        Speed storm is moving in miles per hour
      • speedKMH

        public Number speedKMH
        Speed storm is moving in kilometers per hour
    • Constructor Detail

      • CellMovement

        public CellMovement()