Class Endpoint

  • public class Endpoint
    extends Object
    Endpoints refer to the types of data to request, such as a place, observation, forecast or advisory, and will be the basis for any request made to the API. The following endpoints are currently supported within Aeris. To query multiple endpoints with a single request view AerisBatchRequest
    • Constructor Detail

      • Endpoint

        public Endpoint​(EndpointType endpoint,
                        Action action)
        Endpoint construction to be used with the batch requests. Otherwise an action is not needed.
        endpoint - The type of endpoint to wrap into the request
        action - Action to use in the batch request
      • Endpoint

        public Endpoint​(EndpointType endpoint,
                        String id)
        Endpoint construction to be used with the batch requests. Otherwise an ID is not needed.
        endpoint - The type of endpoint to wrap into the request
        id - ID to use in the batch request
      • Endpoint

        public Endpoint​(EndpointType endpoint)
        Endpoint construction to be used with single api request or batch request without an action.
        endpoint - The type of endpoint to wrap into the request
      • Endpoint

        public Endpoint​(String custom)
        Endpoint construction to be used with single api request. Should only be used for a request that has been setup with Aeris. Should use the constructor with the EndpointType in most cases.
        custom - single api request
    • Method Detail

      • getCode

        public String getCode()
        Get the code for the endpoint
        Code portion for the endpoint.Differs if involved in a batch request and has an action attached to it
      • addParameters

        public Endpoint addParameters​(Parameter... parameters)
        Add the parameters for the specific endpoint's part of a batch request
        parameters - Array of parameters to add
        The endpoint after adding the parameters.
      • addAction

        public Endpoint addAction​(Action action)
        Ad an action to the request
        action - Action to use in the batch request
        The endpoint after adding the action to it.
      • hasNoAction

        public boolean hasNoAction()
        Check to see if there is an action attached to the request.
        Returns true if there is no action attached.
      • getEndpointType

        public EndpointType getEndpointType()
        Gets the endpoint type that was used.
        the Endpoint type this endpoint is set to
      • getCustomName

        public String getCustomName()
        Returns the custom endpoint name, Null otherwise.
        The string of the custom endpoint
      • setEndpointType

        public void setEndpointType​(EndpointType endpoint)
        Sets the endpoint type
        endpoint - endpoint type to set as.