Class AerisBatchRequest

    • Field Detail

      • endpoints

        protected Endpoint[] endpoints
    • Constructor Detail

      • AerisBatchRequest

        protected AerisBatchRequest()
      • AerisBatchRequest

        protected AerisBatchRequest​(String id,
                                    Parameter... params)
      • AerisBatchRequest

        protected AerisBatchRequest​(Action action,
                                    Parameter... params)
      • AerisBatchRequest

        protected AerisBatchRequest​(Parameter... params)
    • Method Detail

      • setEndpoints

        public void setEndpoints​(Endpoint... points)
        Sets the different Endpoints to get responses for. These each count as a different request toward the API.
        points - Array of Endpoint calls to use in the request
      • build

        public String build()
        Builds the request
        build in class AerisRequest
        the String url for the request.
      • getRequests

        public String getRequests()
        Constructs the requests into the proper format.
        String of requests to add to the batch