Class AerisCustomCommunicationTask

  • public class AerisCustomCommunicationTask
    extends CommunicationTask<String>
    Basic communication task for sending messages. Executes the AerisRequest in a background thread. This is intended for a custom endpoint. If not a custom endpoint, use AerisCommunicationTask. The result of the message is passed back to a this callback as JSON in string form.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AerisCustomCommunicationTask

        public AerisCustomCommunicationTask​(android.content.Context context,
                                            CustomCallback callback,
                                            AerisRequest request)
        Constructs the communication task with a context to use, a callback and a request
        context - Context to use to check with
        callback - The callback after the communication has been executed and returned.
        request - Request to use in the thread.
      • AerisCustomCommunicationTask

        public AerisCustomCommunicationTask​(android.content.Context context,
                                            AerisRequest request)
        Constructs the communication task with a context to use, and a request. This constructor is intended to be used with CommunicationTask.executeSyncTask() where the task is executed in a non-thread environment and the call will wait for the return object.
        context - Context to use to check with
        request - Request to use in the thread.