Class ForecastPeriod

  • public class ForecastPeriod
    extends AbstractPeriod
    Period of a forecast data from the request with endpoint Forecasts
    • Field Detail

      • timestamp

        public Number timestamp
        UNIX timestamp of the forecast valid time
      • validTime

        public String validTime
        Localized valid time of the forecast (Depreciated. Use dateTimeISO)
      • dateTimeISO

        public String dateTimeISO
        ISO 8601 of the valid time of the forecast
      • maxTempC

        public Number maxTempC
        Max expected temperature in Celsius - Provided with filter=day (Default) and for the day time periods with filter=daynight
      • maxTempF

        public Number maxTempF
        Max expected temperature in Fahrenheit. - Provided with filter=day (Default) and for the day time periods with filter=daynight
      • minTempC

        public Number minTempC
        Minimum expected temperature in Celsius - Provided with filter=day (Default) and for the night time periods with filter=daynight
      • minTempF

        public Number minTempF
        `Minimum expected temperature in Fahrenheit - Provided with filter=day (Default) and for the night time periods with filter=daynight
      • avgTempC

        public Number avgTempC
        Average temperature in Celsius
      • avgTempF

        public Number avgTempF
        Average temperature in Fahrenheit
      • tempC

        public Number tempC
        Temperature in Celsius - Will be null when using filter=day or filter=daynight
      • tempF

        public Number tempF
        Temperature in fahrenheit - Will be null when using filter=day or filter=daynight
      • pop

        public Number pop
        Probability of precipitation. A percentage from 0 - 100.
      • precipMM

        public Number precipMM
        Precipitation expected in millimeters. The total liquid equivalent of all precipitation.
      • precipIN

        public Number precipIN
        Precipitation expected in inches. The total liquid equivalent of all precipitation.
      • humidity

        public Number humidity
        Humidity percentage
      • minHumidity

        public Number minHumidity
        Minimum Humidity percentage
      • maxHumidity

        public Number maxHumidity
        Maximum Humidity percentage
      • pressureMB

        public Number pressureMB
        Barometric pressure in millibars
      • pressureIN

        public Number pressureIN
        Barometric pressure in inches mercury
      • sky

        public Number sky
        Sky cover percentage
      • snowCM

        public Number snowCM
        Snowfall amount in centimeters
      • snowIN

        public Number snowIN
        Snowfall amount in inches
      • feelslikeC

        public Number feelslikeC
        The apparent temperature in Celsius
      • feelslikeF

        public Number feelslikeF
        The apparent temperature in Fahrenheit
      • minFeelslikeC

        public Number minFeelslikeC
        The minimum apparent temperature in Celsius
      • minFeelslikeF

        public Number minFeelslikeF
        The minumum apparent temperature in Fahrenheit
      • maxFeelslikeC

        public Number maxFeelslikeC
        The maximum apparent temperature in Celsius
      • maxFeelslikeF

        public Number maxFeelslikeF
        The maxumum apparent temperature in Fahrenheit
      • avgFeelslikeC

        public Number avgFeelslikeC
        The average apparent temperature in Celsius
      • avgFeelslikeF

        public Number avgFeelslikeF
        The average apparent temperature in Fahrenheit
      • dewpointC

        public Number dewpointC
        The dew point temperature in Celsius
      • dewpointF

        public Number dewpointF
        The dew point temperature in Fahrenheit
      • minDewpointC

        public Number minDewpointC
        The minimum dew point temperature in Celsius
      • minDewpointF

        public Number minDewpointF
        The minimum dew point temperature in Fahrenheit
      • maxDewpointC

        public Number maxDewpointC
        The maximum dew point temperature in Celsius
      • maxDewpointF

        public Number maxDewpointF
        The maximum dew point temperature in Fahrenheit
      • avgDewpointC

        public Number avgDewpointC
        The average dew point temperature in Celsius
      • avgDewpointF

        public Number avgDewpointF
        The average dew point temperature in Fahrenheit
      • windDirDEG

        public Number windDirDEG
        The wind direction in degrees
      • windDir

        public String windDir
        Wind direction in cardinal coordinates
      • windDirMaxDEG

        public Number windDirMaxDEG
        The wind direction in degrees (0=North) at the time of maximum wind speed windSpeedMaxMPH
      • windDirMax

        public String windDirMax
        Wind direction in cardinal coordinates at the time of maximum wind speed windSpeedMaxMPH
      • windDirMinDEG

        public Number windDirMinDEG
        The wind direction in degrees (0=North) at the time of minimum wind speed windSpeedMinMPH
      • windDirMin

        public String windDirMin
        Wind direction in cardinal coordinates at the time of minimum wind speed windSpeedMinMPH
      • windGustKTS

        public Number windGustKTS
        Wind gust in knots
      • windGustKPH

        public Number windGustKPH
        Wind gust in kilometers per hour
      • windGustMPH

        public Number windGustMPH
        Wind gust in miles per hour
      • windSpeedKTS

        public Number windSpeedKTS
        Wind speed in knots
      • windSpeedKPH

        public Number windSpeedKPH
        Wind speed in kilometers per hour
      • windSpeedMPH

        public Number windSpeedMPH
        Wind speed in miles per hour
      • windSpeedMaxKTS

        public Number windSpeedMaxKTS
        The max wind speed in knots
      • windSpeedMaxKPH

        public Number windSpeedMaxKPH
        The max wind speed in kilometers per hour
      • windSpeedMaxMPH

        public Number windSpeedMaxMPH
        The max wind speed in miles per hour
      • windSpeedMinKTS

        public Number windSpeedMinKTS
        The minimum wind speed in knots
      • windSpeedMinKPH

        public Number windSpeedMinKPH
        The minimum wind speed in kilometers per hour
      • windSpeedMinMPH

        public Number windSpeedMinMPH
        The minimum wind speed in miles per hour
      • weather

        public String weather
        Full weather phrase that combines the weather from all periods as needed
      • weatherCoded

        public List<WeatherCoded> weatherCoded
        Array of periods containing different weather types; can be used to determine when a particular type of weather is expected to begin/end. Refer to the Coded Weather documentation for additional information on the types of weather codes.
      • weatherPrimary

        public String weatherPrimary
        Primary weather across all periods
      • weatherPrimaryCoded

        public String weatherPrimaryCoded
        Primary weather coded. Refer to the Coded Weather documentation for additional information on the types of weather codes.
      • cloudsCoded

        public String cloudsCoded
        Code for the cloud type. Refer to the Coded Weather documentation for additional information on the types of cloud codes.
      • icon

        public String icon
        Weather icon representing the expected weather from the default Aeris icon set. For more custom implementations, icons can be determined by the weatherCoded and weatherPrimaryCoded properties.
      • isDay

        public boolean isDay
        True if the period is during the day, otherwise false
      • sunrise

        public Number sunrise
        Sunrise time as a UNIX timestamp
      • sunriseISO

        public String sunriseISO
        ISO 8601 date of the sunrise for the observation location.
      • sunset

        public Number sunset
        Sunset time as a UNIX timestamp
      • sunsetISO

        public String sunsetISO
        ISO 8601 date of the sunsetbfor the observation location.
      • uvi

        public Number uvi
        Ultraviolet Radiation reading
      • iceaccum

        public Number iceaccum
        The amount of ice accumulated.
      • windDir80mDEG

        public Number windDir80mDEG
        Wind direction in cardinal coordinates at a height of 80 meters.
      • windDir80m

        public String windDir80m
        Wind direction in cardinal coordinates at a height of 80 meters.
      • windDirMax80mDEG

        public Number windDirMax80mDEG
        The wind direction in degrees (0=North) at the time of maximum wind speed at a height of 80 meters.
      • windDirMax80m

        public String windDirMax80m
        Wind direction in cardinal coordinates at the time of maximum wind speed at a height of 80 meters.
      • windDirMin80mDEG

        public Number windDirMin80mDEG
        The wind direction in degrees (0=North) at the time of minimum wind speed at a height of 80 meters.
      • windDirMin80m

        public String windDirMin80m
        Wind direction in cardinal coordinates at the time of minimum wind speed at a height of 80 meters.
      • windGust80mKTS

        public Number windGust80mKTS
        Wind gust in knots at a height of 80 meters.
      • windGust80mKPH

        public Number windGust80mKPH
        Wind gust in kilometers per hour at a height of 80 meters.
      • windGust80mMPH

        public Number windGust80mMPH
        Wind gust in miles per hour at a height of 80 meters.
      • windSpeed80mKTS

        public Number windSpeed80mKTS
        Wind speed in knots at a height of 80 meters.
      • windSpeed80mKPH

        public Number windSpeed80mKPH
        Wind speed in kilometers per hour at a height of 80 meters.
      • windSpeed80mMPH

        public Number windSpeed80mMPH
        Wind speed in miles per hour at a height of 80 meters.
      • windSpeedMax80mKTS

        public Number windSpeedMax80mKTS
        The maximum wind speed in knots at a height of 80 meters.
      • windSpeedMax80mKPH

        public Number windSpeedMax80mKPH
        The maximum wind speed in kilometers at a height of 80 meters.
      • windSpeedMax80mMPH

        public Number windSpeedMax80mMPH
        The maximum wind speed in miles per hour at a height of 80 meters.
      • windSpeedMin80mKTS

        public Number windSpeedMin80mKTS
        The minimum wind speed in knots at a height of 80 meters.
      • windSpeedMin80mKPH

        public Number windSpeedMin80mKPH
        The minimum wind speed in kilometers at a height of 80 meters.
      • windSpeedMin80mMPH

        public Number windSpeedMin80mMPH
        The minimum wind speed in miles per hour at a height of 80 meters.
      • visibilityKM

        public Number visibilityKM
        The forecast visibility in kilometers at the start of the forecast period. Null if unavailable.
      • visibilityMI

        public Number visibilityMI
        The forecast visibility in miles at the start of the forecast period. Null if unavailable.
      • solradWM2

        public Number solradWM2
        The estimated forecast solar radiation. Normally used with filter=1hr. If interval greater than 1 hour will be the accumulated hourly solar radiation values over the interval.
      • solradMinWM2

        public Number solradMinWM2
        The minimum estimated forecast solar radiation over a forecast interval.
      • solradMaxWM2

        public Number solradMaxWM2
        The maximum estimated forecast solar radiation over a forecast interval.
      • index

        public int index
      • indexENG

        public String indexENG
      • solrad

        public Solrad solrad
      • spressureMB

        public Number spressureMB
        MSLP Barometric pressure in millibars
      • spressureIN

        public Number spressureIN
        MSLP Barometric pressure in inches mercury
      • altimeterMB

        public Number altimeterMB
        MSLP Barometric pressure in millibars
      • altimeterIN

        public Number altimeterIN
        MSLP Barometric pressure in inches mercury
    • Constructor Detail

      • ForecastPeriod

        public ForecastPeriod()