Class Moon

  • public class Moon
    extends Object
    Moon information from the request.
    • Field Detail

      • rise

        public Number rise
        UNIX timestamp of the moon rise. null if no moon rise
      • riseISO

        public String riseISO
        ISO 8601 date of the moon rise. null if no moon rise
      • set

        public Number set
        UNIX timestamp of the moon set. null if no moon set
      • setISO

        public String setISO
        ISO 8601 date of the moon set. null if no moon set
      • transit

        public Number transit
        UNIX timestamp of the point the moon is "overhead". Null if no transit.
      • transitISO

        public String transitISO
        ISO 8601 date of the point the moon is "overhead". Null if no transit.
      • underfoot

        public Number underfoot
        UNIX timestamp of the point the moon is "underfoot". Null if no transit.
      • underfootISO

        public String underfootISO
        ISO 8601 date of the point the moon is "underfoot". Null if no transit.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Moon

        public Moon()