Class AerisBasics

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class AerisBasics
    extends Object
    The basic response from the Aeris API. Generally all responses from Aeris will have a success boolean, than error string or an object attached to it.
    • Field Detail

      • success

        public boolean success
        Success status of the request.
      • error

        public AerisError error
        AerisError returned from the response.The error property will always be null if the request was successful, results were returned and there were no errors or warnings.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AerisBasics

        public AerisBasics()
    • Method Detail

      • fromJSON

        public void fromJSON​(String json)
        Construction from a JSON object. This constructor is needed to properly pull the JSON as the JSON response field can be an array or just a single object, so this helps fix that.
        json - Json object to use to construct the AerisResponse
      • isSuccessful

        public boolean isSuccessful()
        Gets the success of the response. Returns true if the response was sucessful or had a warning.
        true if the response was successful.
      • getError

        public AerisError getError()
        Gets the error from the response, if there is one.
        the error