Class ConditionsSummarySimple

  • public class ConditionsSummarySimple
    extends Object
    Base temperature model
    • Field Detail

      • max

        public Number max
        The maximum percentage
      • min

        public Number min
        The minimum percentage
      • avg

        public Number avg
        The average percentage
      • maxTimestamp

        public Number maxTimestamp
        The unix timestamp of when the maximum percentage occurred
      • maxDateTimeISO

        public String maxDateTimeISO
        The ISO date time of when the maximum percentage occurred
      • minTimestamp

        public Number minTimestamp
        The unix timestamp of when the minimum percentage occurred
      • minDateTimeISO

        public String minDateTimeISO
        The unix timestamp of when the minimum percentage occurred
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConditionsSummarySimple

        public ConditionsSummarySimple()