Class Details

  • public class Details
    extends Object
    • Field Detail

      • type

        public String type
        The valid-time event code (VTEC) code for the advisory.
      • name

        public String name
        The type name for the advisory
      • loc

        public String loc
        The weather zone for the advisory
      • body

        public String body
        he shortened and formatted version of the advisory body text
      • bodyFull

        public String bodyFull
        The complete, unmodified version of the advisory body text, including headers
      • product

        public String product
        The product type.
      • category

        public String category
        The outlook category type
      • day

        public Number day
        Valid coverage day. Value from 1-8
      • range

        public Range range
        Object of the valid coverage period information
      • issuedTimestamp

        public Number issuedTimestamp
        Unix timestamp of the issue date/time for the outlook
      • issuedDateTimeISO

        public String issuedDateTimeISO
        ISO 8601 date of the issue date/time for the outlook
      • risk

        public Risk risk
        Object of the risk associated with the outlook. NULL if no associated risk
      • emergency

        public Boolean emergency
        Boolean fla denoting if the NWS has marked the alert as an emergency. Only for alerts within the USA
      • cat

        public String cat
        String defining the primary category for the alert.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Details

        public Details()