Class AdvisoryIncludes

  • public class AdvisoryIncludes
    extends Object
    • Field Detail

      • counties

        public List<String> counties
        List of US counties in the XXC### format, where XX is the state abbreivation and ### is the 3 digit county fips number
      • fips

        public List<String> fips
        List of US counties in the XXZZZ format, where XX is the state two digit fips number and ### is the 3 digit county fips number
      • wxzones

        public List<String> wxzones
        List of US public weather zones in the NOAA XXZ### format, where XX is the state abbreivation and ### is the 3 digit public zone id.
      • zipcodes

        public List<Integer> zipcodes
        List of US zip codes that are affected by the advisory.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AdvisoryIncludes

        public AdvisoryIncludes()