Class ConditionsSummaryWinds

  • public class ConditionsSummaryWinds
    extends Object
    Speed info
    • Field Detail

      • maxKTS

        public double maxKTS
        The maximum speed in knots
      • maxKPH

        public double maxKPH
        The maximum speed in km/h
      • maxMPH

        public double maxMPH
        The maximum speed in miles per hour
      • minKTS

        public double minKTS
        The minimum speed in knots
      • minKPH

        public double minKPH
        The minimum speed in km/h
      • minMPH

        public double minMPH
        The minimum speed in miles per hour
      • avgKTS

        public double avgKTS
        The average speed in knots
      • avgKPH

        public double avgKPH
        The average speed in km/h
      • avgMPH

        public double avgMPH
        The average speed in miles per hour
      • maxDirDEG

        public Integer maxDirDEG
        The wind direction at the time of the maximum wind speed in degrees. 0 = north
      • maxDir

        public String maxDir
        The wind direction at the time of the maximum wind speed in cardinal letters
      • minDirDeg

        public Integer minDirDeg
        The wind direction at the time of the minium wind speed in degrees. 0 = north
      • minDir

        public String minDir
        The wind direction at the time of the minimum wind speed in cardinal letters
      • maxTimestamp

        public Number maxTimestamp
        The unix timestamp of when the maximum occurred
      • maxDateTimeISO

        public String maxDateTimeISO
        The ISO date time of when the maximum occurred
      • minTimestamp

        public Number minTimestamp
        The unix timestamp of when the minimum occurred
      • minDateTimeISO

        public String minDateTimeISO
        The unix timestamp of when the minimum occurred
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConditionsSummaryWinds

        public ConditionsSummaryWinds()