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addAdapter(AerisMarkerWindow) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisGoogleInfoAdapter
addGoogleMarker(GoogleMap, double, double, BitmapDescriptor, Object) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMarkerWindow
Default anchor position is (.5f,.5f).
addGoogleMarker(GoogleMap, double, double, BitmapDescriptor, String, String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMarkerWindow
Will create the default google info window with the marker from the info presented.
addGoogleMarker(GoogleMap, MarkerOptions, Object) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMarkerWindow
addLayer(AerisAmp) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Adds the Aeris AMP map layer.
addLayer(AerisPointData) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Loads the point data for the given point data type.
addLayer(AerisPolygonData) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Loads the polygon data to the points layer of aeris maps.
addLayer(AerisTile) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Sets the tiles of the weather overlays.
addLayer(AerisTile, int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Sets the tiles of the weather overlays.
addLayerModifier(AerisAmpLayer.Modifier) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer
addMarkerToList(List<AerisMarker>) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarker
Adds the marker to the list.
addWindowInfoAdapter(AerisMarkerWindow) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Add a window info adapter so that other Info Windows can be used on the map along with Aeris's own Info Adapters.
ADVISORIES - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
ADVISORIES_SV - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
AdvisoriesHandler - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers
Response handler for handling Advisory query responses from the Aeris servers and passing the warning polygon data to the AerisMapView.
AdvisoriesHandler(AerisMapView) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.AdvisoriesHandler
Constructor that passes the mapview to the super class and point data type warnings.
AerisAmp - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
Created by sshie on 1/6/2017.
AerisAmp() - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Constructor Create AerisAmp class with default refreshPermissions to false
AerisAmp(String, String) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Constructor Create AerisAmp class with default refreshPermissions to false
AerisAmp(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Constructor Create AerisAmp class allowing permissions to be refreshed if needed
AerisAmp(String, String, float, float, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Constructor Create AerisAmp class passing in user defined values for lat, lon, zoom etc.
AerisAmp(String, String, float, float, int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Constructor Create AerisAmp class passing in user defined values for lat, lon, zoom etc as well as allowing user to specify if permissions is refresh or not.
AerisAmp(String, String, int, int, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Constructor for creating an AMP layer from a bounding box
AerisAmpAnimationInfo - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
Animation info returned from animation load task
AerisAmpAnimationInfo(Bitmap, long) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpAnimationInfo
Creates an instance with the bitmap, tile info, and Aeris tile associated with the animation.
AerisAmpGetLayersTask - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
Async task to determine which amp layers we have access to and add them to the UI.
AerisAmpGetLayersTask(AerisAmpOnGetLayersTaskCompleted, AerisAmp) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpGetLayersTask
AerisAmpLayer - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
AerisAmpLayer Class Created by sshie on 1/23/2017.
AerisAmpLayer() - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer
Constructor Created a new AerisAmpLayer defaulted to Radar with an opacity of 80
AerisAmpLayer(String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer
AerisAmpLayer.Modifier - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
AerisAmpLayer.ModifierOption - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
AerisAmpLayerModifierView - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
Created by sshie on 2/3/2017.
AerisAmpLayerModifierView(Context, AerisPermissions) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayerModifierView
AerisAmpLayerProvider - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
AerisAmpLayerProvider(int, int) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayerProvider
AerisAmpLayerView - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
Created by sshie on 2/3/2017.
AerisAmpLayerView(Context, AerisAmpLayer, ArrayList<AerisAmpLayer>, AerisPermissions) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayerView
AerisAmpOnGetLayersTaskCompleted - Interface in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
Created by sshie on 1/31/2017.
AerisAmpResponse - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
Model representing the AMP layers.json file.
AerisAmpResponse() - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpResponse
AerisAmpResponse.Modifier - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
AerisAmpResponse.ModifierOptions - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
AerisAmpUrlTileProvider - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
AerisAmpUrlTileProvider(int, int) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpUrlTileProvider
AerisAnimateHandler - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
Animate handler designed to handle animating through a list of Bitmaps that were obtained through the LoadTileAnimationTask.
AerisAnimateHandler(List<AerisAmpAnimationInfo>, ImageView) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisAnimateHandler
Constructs the handler with the imageList to animate through and the ImageView to use.
AerisAnimationInfo - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
Animation info returned from animation load task
AerisAnimationInfo(Bitmap, TileTimeInfo, AerisTile) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAnimationInfo
Creates an instance with the bitmap, tile info, and Aeris tile associated with the animation.
AerisConstants - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
Holds references to server constants variables
AerisConstants() - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisConstants
AerisGoogleInfoAdapter - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
AerisGoogleInfoAdapter() - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisGoogleInfoAdapter
Adapter for grabbing the necessary tiles for up to date casts on the Map.
AerisMapContainerView - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
Created by sshie on 3/8/2017.
AerisMapContainerView(Context) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapContainerView
AerisMapContainerView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapContainerView
AerisMapContainerView(Context, AttributeSet, Bundle) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapContainerView
AerisMapContainerView(Context, AttributeSet, Bundle, AerisMapView.AerisMapType) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapContainerView
AerisMapOptions - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
AerisMapOptions Class for retrieving and saving map options to and from the device SharedPreferences.
AerisMapOptions() - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
AerisMapOptions(AerisAmp, AerisTile, AerisPointData, AerisPolygonData) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
AerisMapOptions(AerisAmp, AerisTile, AerisPointData, AerisPolygonData, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
Wrapper class for holding the point data options used to talk to the Aeris API such as from parameters, sort parameters, limit parameters ect.
AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters(Context) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters
Initialize with context to pull the resources from the default xml values.
AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters.SpecificPointParameters - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
Specific point parameter is a wrapper class that holds the parameter values needed to pass to a parameter builder.
AerisMapsEngine - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
This singleton engine allows for customization of the Maps default settings.
AerisMapsEngine() - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
AerisMapsEngine.CellInfo - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
Wrapper class that holds the customization info for a storm cell
AerisMapsEngine.ConvectiveOutlookInfo - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
Wrapper class to hold customization info for convective outlook polygons.
AerisMapsEngine.DroughtMonitorInfo - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
Wrapper class to hold customization info for drought monitor polygons.
AerisMapsEngine.FireOutlookInfo - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
Wrapper class to hold customization info for drought monitor polygons.
AerisMapsEngine.TropicalCycloneErrorConeInfo - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
AerisMapsEngine.WarningInfo - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
Wrapper class to hold customization info for warning polygons.
AerisMapView - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
Aeris map view that provides features to automatically query Aeris API for tiles, point data information on warnings, lightning, fires, and storms.
AerisMapView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Constructor for the AerisMapView.
AerisMapView(Context, AttributeSet, Bundle, AerisMapView.AerisMapType) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
AerisMapView.AerisMapType - Enum in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
Aeris map types to initialize as.
AerisMarker - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers
Marker class for displaying an Aeris marker on the map.
AerisMarker(AerisLocation, AerisMarkerType, AerisDataJSON) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarker
Constructor to initialize the AerisMarker with a location and an AerisMarkerType
AerisMarkerType - Enum in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers
Enum that breaks down the marker types and associated them with the drawable.
AerisMarkerWindow - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
AerisMarkerWindow() - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMarkerWindow
AerisOverlay - Interface in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
Interface defining the Aeris Overlays
AerisOverlayLocations - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers
AerisOverlayLocations(List<AerisLocation>) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisOverlayLocations
AerisPointData - Enum in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
Aeris point data enum that helps setup each loading with the proper aeris query, proper handler and proper legend.
AerisPointHandler - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers
Aeris abstract handler for helping handle the response from the AerisCallback, and then notifying the mapview to display the result.
AerisPointHandler(AerisMapView, AerisPointData) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.AerisPointHandler
Handler constructor.
AerisPointHelper - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
Helper class for loading aeris overlays.
AerisPointHelper() - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPointHelper
AerisPolygon - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers
AerisPolygon(double[][], int, int) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisPolygon
AerisPolygon(GeoPolygon, int, int) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisPolygon
AerisPolygon(String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisPolygon
Initialize the list with the string list of locations, fill color and stroke color.
AerisPolygon(ArrayList, int, int) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisPolygon
AerisPolygonData - Enum in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
Aeris polygon enum that helps setup each loading with the proper aeris query, proper handler and proper legend.
AerisPolyline - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers
AerisPolyline(List<CellLocation>, AerisLocation, int) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisPolyline
AerisTestCompass - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
AerisTestCompass(Context) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisTestCompass
AerisTestCompass(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisTestCompass
AerisTile - Enum in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
Legacy class for adding tile/overlay map layers to an AerisWeather map.
AerisTileDisplayDelegate - Interface in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.interfaces
Tile display delegate that can be set in the AerisMapView to handle displaying tile name and time when a tile layer is applied or animated through.
AerisTileProvider - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
Handles adding tiles layers using the Aeris API to grab tiles with the associated mapview.
AerisTileProvider(AerisTile, int) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTileProvider
Custom tile provider for the weather tiles.
AerisTileProvider(AerisTile, int, String) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTileProvider
Custom tile provider for the weather tiles.
AerisTileStepDelegate - Interface in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.interfaces
Delegate to handle showing which step the animation is on.
AIR_QUALITY - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPointData
airQualityFromStatusCode(String) - Static method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
AirQualityPointHandler - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers
Response handler for handling river query responses from the Aeris servers and passing the river point data to the AerisMapView.
AirQualityPointHandler(AerisMapView) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.AirQualityPointHandler
Create an instance for the AerisMapView to pass the rivers points to.
AnimationController - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
Controller that manages the animations for the AerisMapView.
AnimationController(AerisMapView) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationController
Initializes the controller with the mapview and will pull the default animation speed and opacity from the AerisMapsEngine.
AnimationController(AerisMapView, AerisMapOptions) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationController
Initializes the controller with the mapview and with map options.
AnimationControlView - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
AnimationControlView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationControlView
AnimationControlView.AnimationControlListener - Interface in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
AnimationStepView - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
AnimationStepView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationStepView
AnimationStepView.AnimationStepListener - Interface in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
AnimationView - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
Created by sshie on 3/8/2017.
AnimationView(Context) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationView
AnimationView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationView
AnimationView(Context, AttributeSet, Bundle) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationView
AnimationView(Context, AttributeSet, Bundle, AerisMapView.AerisMapType) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationView
AQI_GOOD - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
AQI_HAZARDOUS - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
AQI_MODERATE - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
AQI_UNHEALTHY - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
AQI_USG - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
AQI_VERY_UNHEALTHY - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
attachParametersToBuilder(ParameterBuilder) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters.SpecificPointParameters
Attached the parameters that are not null in this wrapper object to the builder object.


backPressed() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationController
Event of step being called so that the animation will step to the previous frame and stop.
BearingCompass - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
Compass listener for determining the direction to a lat/lon
BearingCompass(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.BearingCompass
BearingCompassListener - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
Listener for simple bearing compass.
BearingCompassListener(Compass, Context) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.BearingCompassListener
build() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivityBuilder
Builds the permissions needed to create a MapOptionsActivity with this showing.
build() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.BuildAnimationOverlayUrl
build() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.BuildTileTimeURL
Constructs the url.
build() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.BuildTileURL
Builds the Url for the specific section of the tile.
BUILD_TYPE - Static variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.BuildConfig
BuildAnimationOverlayUrl - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
BuildAnimationOverlayUrl(Context, AerisTile, String, VisibleRegion, int, int) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.BuildAnimationOverlayUrl
BuildConfig - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
BuildConfig() - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.BuildConfig
buildStaticMapUrl() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Create a static map URL to get a layer image from AMP using a center latlon and zoom
buildStaticMapUrlWithBoundingBox() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Create a static map URL to get a layer image from AMP using a bounding box
BuildTileTimeURL - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
Creates Time Url for a specific type code
BuildTileTimeURL(AerisTile) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.BuildTileTimeURL
Constructor for the URL.
buildTileUrl(int, int, int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
BuildTileURL - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
Builds a url to grab a tile from a specific time, code and section of a weather map.
BuildTileURL(AerisTile, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.BuildTileURL
Constructor for the Build tile.
BuildTileURL(AerisTile, String, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.BuildTileURL
Constructor for the Build tile w/ second x,y to do full tile at once for faster loading Context to use
bundle - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer
bundle - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpResponse


calcAzimuth(Location) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.BearingCompassListener
calcAzimuth(Location) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.TrueNorthListener
category - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer
category - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpResponse
cellFromValues(int, int, int) - Static method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Gets the cell marker type from the storm cell values.
CellInfo(boolean, boolean, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.CellInfo
Initialize with set values.
CellInfo(Context, String) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.CellInfo
Initialize with context to pull the cell info from the xml values.
clearPreferences(Context) - Static method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
Remove all map preferences from local storage
com.aerisweather.aeris.maps - package com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers - package com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers
com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.interfaces - package com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.interfaces
com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers - package com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers
com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles - package com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
Compass - Interface in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
coneFillColor - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.CellInfo
coneLineColor - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.CellInfo
CONVECTIVE_OUTLOOK - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPolygonData
ConvectiveOutlookHandler - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers
Response handler for handling Convective Outlook query responses from the Aeris servers and passing the polygon data to the AerisMapView.
ConvectiveOutlookHandler(AerisMapView) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.ConvectiveOutlookHandler
ConvectiveOutlookInfo(Context, String) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.ConvectiveOutlookInfo
Initialize with values from xml
convertFromString(String) - Static method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.TimeCodeResponse
Converts the string response to a TimeCodeResponse.
createNewLayer(String, String, int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
CURRENT_CHLOROPHYL - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
CURRENT_DEWPOINT - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
CURRENT_HEATINDEX - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
CURRENT_HUMIDITY - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
CURRENT_SEA_SURFACE_TEMPS - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
CURRENT_TEMP - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
CURRENT_WINDCHILL - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
CURRENT_WINDS - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile


Day - Enum in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
Day constant for the day codes.
DEBUG - Static variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.BuildConfig
description - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer
description - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpResponse
destLocation - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.BearingCompassListener
displayAnimationStep(int, int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
displayAnimationStep(int, int) - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.interfaces.AerisTileStepDelegate
Callback to show which step the animation is on.
displayMapWithOptions(AerisMapOptions) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Use the specific addLayer methods to add the needed layers. This method only added the old Tile layer, which makes the naming confusing. Changes the map to use the new options.
displayMarkers(List<AerisMarker>) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Display the list of AerisMarkers on the map
displayMarkers(List<AerisMarker>, List<AerisPolygon>) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Display the list of AerisMarkers on the map.
displayPointsPolygon(AerisPolygon) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
displayPointsPolygon(List<AerisPolygon>) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
displayPointsPolyline(List<AerisMarker>) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
displayPolygon(List<AerisPolygon>) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Displays a list of polygons to the map.
doInBackground(Void...) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpGetLayersTask
doInBackground(Void...) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.LoadTileAnimationTask
drawLine(String, AerisMarker, AerisMarker) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
DROUGHT_MONITOR - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPolygonData
DroughtMonitorHandler - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers
Response handler for handling Convective Outlook query responses from the Aeris servers and passing the polygon data to the AerisMapView.
DroughtMonitorHandler(AerisMapView) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.DroughtMonitorHandler
DroughtMonitorInfo(Context, String) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.DroughtMonitorInfo
Initialize with values from xml


EARTHQUAKES - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPointData
EarthquakesPointHandler - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers
Response handler for handling Earthquake query responses from the Aeris servers and passing the Earthquake point data to the AerisMapView.
EarthquakesPointHandler(AerisMapView) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.EarthquakesPointHandler
Create an instance for the AerisMapView to pass the Earthquake points to.
earthquakeWindowPressed(EarthquakesResponse, AerisMarker) - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.interfaces.OnAerisMarkerInfoWindowClickListener
A earthquake marker press event.


files - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.TimeCodeResponse
fillColor - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.ConvectiveOutlookInfo
fillColor - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.DroughtMonitorInfo
fillColor - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.FireOutlookInfo
fillColor - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.TropicalCycloneErrorConeInfo
fillColor - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.WarningInfo
fillView(View, Marker) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMarkerWindow
Be able to take the view created in AerisMarkerWindow getView() and fill it with the data from the marker.
FIRE - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Wildfire reporting.
Drawable to override - marker_wildfire
FIRE - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPointData
FIRE_OUTLOOK - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPolygonData
FireOutlookHandler - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers
Response handler for handling Convective Outlook query responses from the Aeris servers and passing the polygon data to the AerisMapView.
FireOutlookHandler(AerisMapView) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.FireOutlookHandler
FireOutlookInfo(Context, String) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.FireOutlookInfo
Initialize with values from xml
FiresPointHandler - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers
Response handler for handling fires query responses from the Aeris servers and passing the fire point data to the AerisMapView.
FiresPointHandler(AerisMapView) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.FiresPointHandler
Create an instance for the AerisMapView to pass the fires points to.
FOURTEEN_DAY - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.Day
from - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters.SpecificPointParameters
fromLatLng(LatLng, int) - Static method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Converts the latlng to a map tile coordinate


get(int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.TimeCodeResponse
Gets the index from the file list.
getActiveAmpLayers() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
Returns the list of currently selected AerisAmpLayer objects
getActiveLayer(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Returns a specific AerisAmpLayer.
getActiveLayerFromId(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Returns a specific AerisAmpLayer.
getActiveLayerFromName(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Returns a specific AerisAmpLayer.
getActiveMapLayers() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Returns a list of AerisAmpLayer currently selected/active.
getAerisAMP() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
getAerisMapOptionsPermissions() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Call to get the permissions for map options activity.
getAerisMapView() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapContainerView
getAirQualityParameters() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters
getAllPossibleLayers() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Returns a list of all AMP layers available to the user.
getAmpLayersChanged() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
getAnimationInterval() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
Return the number of seconds between the animation images.
getAnimationIntervalMax() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivity
getAnimationSpeed() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
Returns an int value indicating the animation speed specified in the saved preferences
getAnimationSpeedMax() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivity
getAnimationStartOffset() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
Returns the number of seconds prior to the current time, to start the animation.
getAnimationStopOffset() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
Returns the number of seconds after the current time, to stop the animation.
getAnimationTileFormat() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisConstants
getAnimationTilesToLoad() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the number of animation tiles to load.
getAnimationView() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapContainerView
getAnimationView() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Gets the animation view from the AerisMapView.
getBaseTileSecureUrl() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisConstants
getBaseTileUrl() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisConstants
getBaseTileUrlWithSecureServer(int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisConstants
getBaseTileUrlWithServer(int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisConstants
getBitmap() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpAnimationInfo
Gets the bitmap
getBitmap() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAnimationInfo
Gets the bitmap
getBitmapDescriptor(Context) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarker
getBitmapFromAMP(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Get the map bitmap from AMP.
getCameraChangeMillis() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the amount of time to wait after moving the camera before pulling for new point and polygon data.
getClientId() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
getClientSecret() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
getCode() - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
Gets the code of the AerisTile.
getCode() - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.Day
getColor(String, boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.TropicalCycloneErrorConeHandler
getConvectiveOutlookEnhanced() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the convective outlook customization info relating to the enhanced risk category
getConvectiveOutlookGeneral() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the convective outlook customization info relating to the general risk category
getConvectiveOutlookHigh() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the convective outlook customization info relating to the high risk category
getConvectiveOutlookMarginal() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the convective outlook customization info relating to the marginal risk category
getConvectiveOutlookModerate() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the convective outlook customization info relating to the moderate risk category
getConvectiveOutlookSlight() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the convective outlook customization info relating to the slight risk category
getData(Marker) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMarkerWindow
getDataFromMarker() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarker
Gets the data associated with the marker.
getDefaultAnimationSpeed() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the default animation speed.
getDefaultPointParameters() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the default parameters.
getDefaultTileOpacity() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Get the default tile opacity.
getDrawableForMarker(AerisMarkerType) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
getDroughtMonitorAbnormal() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the drought monitor customization info relating to the abnormally dry category
getDroughtMonitorExceptional() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the drought monitor customization info relating to the exceptional category
getDroughtMonitorExtreme() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the drought monitor customization info relating to the extreme category
getDroughtMonitorModerate() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the drought monitor customization info relating to the moderate category
getDroughtMonitorSevere() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the drought monitor customization info relating to the severe category
getEarthquakesParameters() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters
Gets the earthquakes parameters
getEnabled() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer.ModifierOption
getEndFrameTimeMillis() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the wait time in milliseconds for how long the animation should wait extra on the last frame of the animations.
getFillColor(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.TropicalCycloneErrorConeHandler
getFireOutlookCritical() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the fire outlook customization info relating to the critical category
getFireOutlookElevated() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the fire outlook customization info relating to the elevated category
getFireOutlookExtreme() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the fire outlook customization info relating to the extreme category
getFiresParameters() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters
Gets the fire parameters
getFirst() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.TimeCodeResponse
Get the first item from the list of images.
getFloodWarningInfo() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the warnings customization info relating to floods.
getForecastMarkerFromData(TropicalCycloneForecast, AerisLocation) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.TropicalPointHandler
getFullTileFormat() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisConstants
getFutureLayerId(AerisAmpLayer) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
getFutureLayerId(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
getGeneralInfo() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the general storm cell customization info relating to showCone, showLine, stroke,fill and line color.
getGooglePolygon() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisPolygon
getGooglePolyline() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisPolyline
getHailInfo() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the hail storm cell customization info relating to showCone, showLine, stroke,fill and line color.
getHandler() - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.interfaces.AerisTileDisplayDelegate
Gets the handler so that this can be written to from a separate thread.
getHandler(AerisMapView) - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisOverlay
Gets the proper handler for the AerisRequest being made by the overlay.
getHandler(AerisMapView) - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPointData
getHandler(AerisMapView) - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPolygonData
getHandler(AerisMapView) - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
Not implemented in this overlay.
getIcon() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarker
Gets the icon of the AerisMarker.
getIcon() - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Gets the icon drawable associated with this AerisMarkerType.
getInfoContents(Marker) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisGoogleInfoAdapter
getInfoWindow(Marker) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisGoogleInfoAdapter
getInstance() - Static method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisConstants
getInstance(Context) - Static method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets an instance of the engine.
getLabel() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer.Modifier
getLatLng() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
getLayerFromId(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Returns a specific AerisAmpLayer.
getLayerFromName(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Returns a specific AerisAmpLayer.
getLayerId() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer
getLayerLegend() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer
getLayerModifier(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer
Returns the requested Modifier object, or null if no match is found.
getLayerModifiers() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer
Returns an ArrayList of the layer's modifier objects
getLayerModifiersFromId(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Returns the available modifiers for a specific layer.
getLayerModifiersFromName(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Returns the available modifiers for a specific layer.
getLayerName() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer
getLayerOpacity() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer
GetLayersTaskCallback() - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivity.GetLayersTaskCallback
getLegend() - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisOverlay
Gets the integer drawable of the overlay's map legend.
getLegend() - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPointData
getLegend() - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPolygonData
getLegend() - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
Get the drawable legend associated with the AerisTile.
getLightningParameters() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters
Get the lightning parameters
getListOfLocation() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisOverlayLocations
getLocation() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarker
Get the location of the marker.
getLocationAsLatLng() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarker
Get the location as a Google friendly LatLng object.
getLocations() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisOverlayLocations
getMap() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Gets the google map.
getMapBoundaries() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Gets the map boundaries of the current AerisMapview
getMapPreferences(Context) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
Parse the device's SharedPreferences storage for AerisWeather map keys.
getMapType() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
Returns an int value indicating the GoogleMapType specified in the saved preferences.
getMapView() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
getMarkerFromData(AerisDataJSON) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.TropicalCycloneErrorConeHandler
getMarkerFromData(AerisDataJSON) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.TropicalPointHandler
getMarkerFromData(AerisDataJSON, TropicalCycloneTrack) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.TropicalPointHandler
getMarkerType() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarker
Gets the marker type of the AerisMarker.
getMaxAnimationSpeed() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the max animation speed in milliseconds.
getMinAnimationSpeed() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the min animation speed in milliseconds.
getModifierOptions() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer.Modifier
getName() - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisOverlay
Gets the display friendly name of the overlay
getName() - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPointData
getName() - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPolygonData
getName() - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
Gets the name of the tile.
getOpacity() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
Returns an int value indicating the opacity specified in the saved preferences
getPermissibleLayers() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Returns a list of all AMP layers available to the user.
getPermissibleLayers(boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Overload used to manually force a refresh of the array.
getPermissions(Boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Return an AerisPermissions object with the current Aeris API permissions.
getPointData() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
Returns the AerisPointData object specified in the saved preferences
getPointDataFromName(String) - Static method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPointData
Gets the enum from the string name of it.
getPointDataType() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarker
getPointList(AerisPermissions) - Static method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivity
getPointsPolygon() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarker
getPointsPolyline() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarker
getPolygon() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
Use getPolygonData() instead Returns the AerisPolygonData object specified in the saved preferences
getPolygonData() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
Returns the AerisPolygonData object specified in the saved preferences
getPolygonDataFromName(String) - Static method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPolygonData
Gets the enum from the string name of it.
getPolyList(AerisPermissions) - Static method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivity
getPreference(Context) - Static method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
getPreference(Context, boolean) - Static method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
See getMapPreferences()
getRecordsParameters() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters
Gets the Records parameters
getRequest(double, double, double, double, AerisOverlay, Context) - Static method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPointHelper
Get the the request for this AerisPointData from the lat long bounds.
getRequest(Action, ParameterBuilder, Context) - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisOverlay
Gets the request needed to load the data for the overlay.
getRequest(Action, ParameterBuilder, Context) - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPointData
getRequest(Action, ParameterBuilder, Context) - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPolygonData
getRequest(Action, ParameterBuilder, Context) - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
Not implemented in this overlay, Will return null.
getRequest(Action, ParameterBuilder, Context, Boolean) - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisOverlay
Gets the request needed to load the data for the overlay.
getRequest(Action, ParameterBuilder, Context, Boolean) - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPointData
getRequest(Action, ParameterBuilder, Context, Boolean) - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPolygonData
getRequest(Action, ParameterBuilder, Context, Boolean) - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
Not implemented in this overlay.
getRequest(PlaceParameter, Action, LimitParameter, FromParameter, SortParameter) - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisOverlay
Gets the request needed to load the data for the overlay.
getRequest(PlaceParameter, Action, LimitParameter, FromParameter, SortParameter) - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPointData
getRequest(PlaceParameter, Action, LimitParameter, FromParameter, SortParameter) - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPolygonData
getRequest(PlaceParameter, Action, LimitParameter, FromParameter, SortParameter) - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
Not implemented in this overlay.
getRequest(AerisMapView, AerisOverlay) - Static method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPointHelper
Get the the request for this AerisPointData from the mapviews visible region.
getRotatingInfo() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the rotating storm cell customization info relating to showCone, showLine, stroke,fill and line color.
getSeekBar() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationStepView
getSelected() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer.ModifierOption
getSnippet() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarker
getSnippet(String, String, String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.AerisPointHandler
getStaticMapImage() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Get the map bitmap from AMP.
getStaticMapUrl() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Returns the last static map url created.
getStormCellParameters() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters
Get the storm cell parameters
getStormReportsParameters() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters
Gets the storm reports parameters
getStringList(Context) - Static method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPointData
Gets a list of the String for displaying in lists.
getStringList(Context) - Static method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPolygonData
Gets a list of the String for displaying in lists.
getStrokeColor(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.TropicalCycloneErrorConeHandler
getStrokeWidth(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.TropicalCycloneErrorConeHandler
getSvrThunderstormWarningInfo() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the warnings customization info relating to severe thunderstorms.
getTile() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
Returns the AerisTile object specified in the saved preferences
getTile() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Gets the Aeris Tile that is being displayed.
getTile() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAnimationInfo
Gets the tile type of this animation.
getTile(int, int, int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpUrlTileProvider
getTile(int, int, int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTileProvider
getTile(int, int, int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.RadarAnimationTileProvider
getTileCode() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.BuildTileURL
getTileFormat() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisConstants
getTileFromName(String) - Static method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
Gets the tile from the name
getTileInfo() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAnimationInfo
Gets the tile info of time.
getTileOverlay() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Gets the tile overlay that is being used if one.
getTileRect(int, int, int) - Static method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Gets the bounds for a specific tile.
getTileUrl(int, int, int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayerProvider
getTileUrl(int, int, int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpUrlTileProvider
getTileValidTime() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
getTimeFormat() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisConstants
getTimeStamp() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpAnimationInfo
Gets the time stamp of the image.
getTitle() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarker
getTornadicInfo() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the tornadic storm cell customization info relating to showCone, showLine, stroke,fill and line color.
getTornadoWarningInfo() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Gets the warnings customization info relating to tornado
getTropicalArchiveParameters() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters
getTropicalCycloneErrorConeGeneral() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
getTropicalParameters() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters
Gets the Tropical parameters
getType() - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Get the type of this AerisMarkerType.
getValidTime() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpUrlTileProvider
getView() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMarkerWindow
Get the view that this view should populate.
getWarningParameters() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters
Get the warning parameters
getWithAppendedDay(Day) - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
Appends the day code to the TileCode.
getZoom() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
getZoomForTiles() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Gets the zoom level for the tiles
GOOGLE - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView.AerisMapType
Google map type.


handleImages(List<AerisAmpAnimationInfo>) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationController
handleImages(List<AerisAmpAnimationInfo>) - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.LoadTileAnimationTask.LoadAmpTileCallback
Callback method when the tiles have been loading.
handleImages(List<AerisAnimationInfo>) - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.LoadTileAnimationTask.LoadTileCallback
Callback method when the tiles have been loading.
handleMessage(Message) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisAnimateHandler
handleResponse(AerisResponse) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.AdvisoriesHandler
handleResponse(AerisResponse) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.AerisPointHandler
Handles the response from the server.
handleResponse(AerisResponse) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.ConvectiveOutlookHandler
handleResponse(AerisResponse) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.DroughtMonitorHandler
handleResponse(AerisResponse) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.FireOutlookHandler
handleResponse(AerisResponse) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.StormCellPointHandler
handleResponse(AerisResponse) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.TropicalCycloneErrorConeHandler
handleResponse(AerisResponse) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.TropicalPointHandler
hideAnimation() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationController
Hides the animation
hideAnimationButton() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Hides the animation play button view so that it is not visible.
hideAnimationTitleAndText() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
hideAnimProgress() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationControlView
hideAnimProgress() - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.LoadTileAnimationTask.LoadTileProgressBar
Shows that the animation has stopped.
hidePointLayer() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Hides the point layer.
hidePolygonLayer() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Hides the polygon layer.
hideProgress() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
hideTileLayer() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Hides the tile overlay layer.
hideTitleAndTimeControls() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationControlView


id - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer
id - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer.ModifierOption
id - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpResponse
infoAdapterClicked(Marker) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisGoogleInfoAdapter
init() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayerView
init(GoogleMap) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Must be called to setup the AerisMapView.
initCompass(View.OnClickListener) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.BearingCompass
Initializes the compass with the needed listeners
initCompass(View.OnClickListener) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.RotatingCompass
Setups up the compass and needed listeners for the magnetic location
initConfig(Context) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Initializes by default context items.
initialized - Static variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
initMarkerDrawable(AerisMarkerType, int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Override the marker drawable programmatically for a AerisMarkerType.
isChecked() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationControlView
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters
Checks whether or not debug is enabled.
isForecastConeShown() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Whether to display the wide forecast cone for each storm cell on the map.
isForecastLineShown() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Whether to display the forecast line for each storm cell on the map.
isMarkerAnnotationShown() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
Whether to display the annotation containing the storm cells ID when the marker is selected.
isSuccessful() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpResponse


LIBRARY_PACKAGE_NAME - Static variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.BuildConfig
LIGHTNING_0_TO_15 - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Lightning strike in the past 15 minutes
Drawable to override - marker_lightning_white
LIGHTNING_15_TO_30 - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Lightning strike that happened 15 to 30 minutes ago.
Drawable to override - marker_lightning_yellow
LIGHTNING_30_TO_45 - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Lightning strike that happened 30 to 45 minutes ago.
Drawable to override - marker_lightning_red
LIGHTNING_45_TO_60 - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Lightning strike that happened 45 to 60 minutes ago.
Drawable to override - marker_lightning_orange
LIGHTNING_60_PLUS - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Lightning strike that happened more than 60 minutes ago.
Drawable to override - marker_lightning_blue
LIGHTNING_STRIKE_DENSITY - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
LIGHTNING_STRIKES - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPointData
lightningFromTime(long) - Static method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Gets the lighting AerisMarkerType from the code.
LightningPointHandler - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers
Response handler for handling lightning query responses from the Aeris servers and passing the lightning point data to the AerisMapView.
LightningPointHandler(AerisMapView) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.LightningPointHandler
Create an instance for the AerisMapView to pass the Lighting points to.
limit - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters.SpecificPointParameters
lineColor - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.CellInfo
lineColor - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.ConvectiveOutlookInfo
lineColor - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.DroughtMonitorInfo
lineColor - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.FireOutlookInfo
lineColor - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.TropicalCycloneErrorConeInfo
lineColor - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.WarningInfo
LoadTileAnimationTask - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
Task to load the animation tiles for the current maps Latitude and longitude bounds.
LoadTileAnimationTask(AerisAmp, AerisMapOptions, AerisMapView, LoadTileAnimationTask.LoadAmpTileCallback, LatLng, int) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.LoadTileAnimationTask
LoadTileAnimationTask(AerisTile, AerisMapView, LoadTileAnimationTask.LoadTileCallback) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.LoadTileAnimationTask
Create an instance of the task with the current tile, AerisMapView for latitude/longitude bounds, and a callback listener to pass the loaded tiles to.
LoadTileAnimationTask.LoadAmpTileCallback - Interface in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
LoadTileAnimationTask.LoadTileCallback - Interface in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
Interface for handling the callback of the tile loading.
LoadTileAnimationTask.LoadTileProgressBar - Interface in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
locations - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisOverlayLocations


m_validTime - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpUrlTileProvider
MapOptionsActivity - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
MapOptionsActivity() - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivity
MapOptionsActivity.GetLayersTaskCallback - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
MapOptionsActivityBuilder - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
Helper class for limiting the options that MapOptionsActivity can show. Pass this into AerisMapOptionsActivity (android.content.Context, MapOptionsActivityBuilder) to limit what options are being shown on the options activity. Below are some code examples.
 Construct a builder to show all polygons, only radar tile, and earthquake and fire point options. 
 MapOptionsActivityBuilder builder = new MapOptionsActivityBuilder()
 					// show only fire and earthquakes options in points
 					.withPoints(AerisPointData.EARTHQUAKES, AerisPointData.FIRE)
 					// shows only radar tiles
  					// order is (advisories, currents, radar, satellite)
 					.withTiles(false, false, true, false);
 			mapView.startAerisMapOptionsActivity(getActivity(), builder);
 Construct a builder to show no polygons, only radar,currents tiles, and stormcells point options
 MapOptionsActivityBuilder builder = new MapOptionsActivityBuilder()
 					// show only stormcells
 					// shows only radar/current
 					// order is (advisories, currents, radar, satellite)
 					.withTiles(false, true, true, false);
 					// call to launch map options activity
 mapView.startAerisMapOptionsActivity(getActivity(), builder);
MapOptionsActivityBuilder() - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivityBuilder
Initializes the builder
mapView - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.AerisPointHandler
mapView - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapViewActivity
mapView - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapViewFragment
mapView - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapViewListActivity
MapViewActivity - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
MapViewActivity() - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapViewActivity
MapViewFragment - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
MapViewFragment() - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapViewFragment
MapViewListActivity - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
MapViewListActivity() - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapViewListActivity
Modifier() - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpResponse.Modifier
Modifier(String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer.Modifier
ModifierOption() - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer.ModifierOption
ModifierOptions() - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpResponse.ModifierOptions
modifiers - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer
modifiers - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpResponse
moveToBounds(int, LatLng...) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Moves the mapview to the appropriate bounds with a padding of including both points.
moveToBounds(int, List<LatLng>) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Moves the mapview to the appropriate bounds with a padding of including both points.
moveToIndex(int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationController
Moves the animation to the specified index and stops.
moveToLocation(Location) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Animates the camera to the given Location
moveToLocation(Location, float) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Animates the camera to the given Location
moveToLocation(LatLng) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Animates the camera to the given Latlng without changing zoom level.
moveToLocation(LatLng, float) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Animates the camera to the given Latlnb


name - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer
name - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpResponse
nextPressed() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationController
Event of step being called so that the animation will step to the next frame and stop.
NONE - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPointData
NONE - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPolygonData
NONE - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
normalizedMercatorCoords(PointF) - Static method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Normalizes a Mercator point.


onAerisAmpGetLayersTaskCompleted(ArrayList<AerisAmpLayer>, AerisPermissions) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivity.GetLayersTaskCallback
onAerisAmpGetLayersTaskCompleted(ArrayList<AerisAmpLayer>, AerisPermissions) - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpOnGetLayersTaskCompleted
OnAerisMapLongClickListener - Interface in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.interfaces
Listener interface for listening for long click events on the map.
OnAerisMarkerInfoWindowClickListener - Interface in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.interfaces
onBackPressed() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivity
onCameraMove() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton, boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivity
Handles the checkbox events for the AMP layers
onCheckedChanged(RadioGroup, int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivity
Handles checkbox events for the Point and Polygon layer radio groups
onClick(View) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
onClick(View) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationControlView
onClick(View) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationStepView
onClick(View) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivity
onDestroy() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapViewActivity
onDestroy() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapViewFragment
onDestroy() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapViewListActivity
onDraw(Canvas) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisTestCompass
ONE_DAY - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.Day
ONE_HOUR_PRECIP - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
onInfoWindowClick(Marker) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
onInfoWindowPressed(Marker) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMarkerWindow
onItemSelected(AdapterView<?>, View, int, long) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivity
onLowMemory() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapViewActivity
onLowMemory() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapViewFragment
onLowMemory() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapViewListActivity
onMapLongClick(double, double) - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.interfaces.OnAerisMapLongClickListener
Called when the user makes a long-press gesture on the map, but only if none of the overlays of the map handled the gesture.
onMapLongClick(LatLng) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
onMarkerClick(Marker) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
onNextPressed() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
onNextPressed() - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationStepView.AnimationStepListener
onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?>) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivity
onPause() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapViewActivity
onPause() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapViewFragment
onPause() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapViewListActivity
onPausePressed() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
onPausePressed() - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationControlView.AnimationControlListener
onPlayPressed() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
onPlayPressed() - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationControlView.AnimationControlListener
onPostExecute(Void) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpGetLayersTask
onPostExecute(Void) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.LoadTileAnimationTask
onPreExecute() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.LoadTileAnimationTask
onPrevPressed() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
onPrevPressed() - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationStepView.AnimationStepListener
onProgressChanged(SeekBar, int, boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationStepView
onProgressChanged(SeekBar, int, boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivity
onProgressChanged(SeekBar, int, boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayerView
onProgressUpdate(Integer...) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.LoadTileAnimationTask
onResult(EndpointType, AerisResponse) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.AerisPointHandler
onResult(EndpointType, AerisResponse) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.TropicalCycloneErrorConeHandler
onResult(EndpointType, AerisResponse) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.TropicalPointHandler
onResume() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapViewActivity
onResume() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapViewFragment
onResume() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapViewListActivity
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapViewActivity
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapViewFragment
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapViewListActivity
onSeekBarChanged(int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
onSeekBarChanged(int) - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationStepView.AnimationStepListener
onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationStepView
onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivity
onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayerView
onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationStepView
onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivity
onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayerView
onWindowVisibilityChanged(int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView


pauseAnimations() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationController
Pauses the animation
playAnimations() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationController
Plays the animations
pointData - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.AerisPointHandler


QUAKE_GREAT - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Earthquakes with a magnitude of 8.0 or greater
Drawable to override - marker_quake_major
QUAKE_LIGHT - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Earthquakes with a magnitude between 5.0 and 5.9
Drawable to override - marker_quake_light
QUAKE_MAJOR - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Earthquakes with a magnitude of 8.0 or greater
Drawable to override - marker_quake_major
QUAKE_MINI - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Earthquakes with a magnitude of less than 3.0
Drawable to override - marker_quake_mini
QUAKE_MINOR - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Earthquakes with a magnitude between 3.0 and 3.9
Drawable to override - marker_quake_minor
QUAKE_MODERATE - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Earthquakes with a magnitude between 6.0 and 6.9
Drawable to override - marker_quake_moderate
QUAKE_STRONG - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Earthquakes with a magnitude between 7.0 and 7.9
Drawable to override - marker_quake_strong
quakeFromCode(String) - Static method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Gets the earthquake marker type from code.
query - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters.SpecificPointParameters


RADALERTS - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
RADAR - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
RADAR_GLOBAL - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
RadarAnimationTileProvider - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
RadarAnimationTileProvider(Bitmap, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.RadarAnimationTileProvider
RADSAT - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
recordFromType(String) - Static method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Gets the daily record AerisMarkerType from the code.
RECORDS - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPointData
RECORDS_HIGHMIN - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Minimum high temperature record.
RECORDS_HIGHTEMP - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Max temperature record.
RECORDS_LOWMAX - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Maximum low temperature record.
RECORDS_LOWTEMP - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
s Low temperature record.
RECORDS_RAIN - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Rain record.
RECORDS_SNOW - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Snow record.
RecordsPointHandler - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers
Response handler for handling records query responses from the Aeris servers and passing the point data to the AerisMapView.
RecordsPointHandler(AerisMapView) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.RecordsPointHandler
Create an instance for the AerisMapView to pass the records points to.
recordsWindowPressed(RecordsResponse, AerisMarker) - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.interfaces.OnAerisMarkerInfoWindowClickListener
A records marker press event.
recycle() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisAnimateHandler
Recycle the handler, and all bitmaps associated so they are not kept in memory.
regions - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer
regions - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpResponse
removeAdapter(AerisMarkerWindow) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisGoogleInfoAdapter
removeAmpLayer(AerisAmpLayer) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
Remove a specific AMP layer from the map options object
removeLayer(AerisAmpLayer) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
removeLayer() Remove a layer from the AMP layer array.
removeLayer(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
removeLayer() Remove a layer from the AMP layer array using the layer ID.
removeMarker(Marker) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMarkerWindow
removeMarkerData(Marker) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMarkerWindow
removePointsLayer() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Clears all point data markers from the map
removePointsPolygonLayer() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Clears all polygons related to points
removePointsPolylineLayer() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Clears all polygons related to points
removePolygonLayer() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Clears old polygon data markers from the map
removePolyline(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
removeTileLayer() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Remove the tile overlay from the AerisMapView
REPORT_AVALANCHE - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Avalanche report.
REPORT_FOG - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Fog report.
REPORT_HAIL - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Hail report.
REPORT_HIGHWIND - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Highwind report.
REPORT_ICE - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Ice report.
REPORT_LIGHTNING - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Lightning report.
REPORT_RAIN_FLOOD - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Rain or flooding report.
REPORT_SNOW - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Snow report.
REPORT_SURF - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Surf report.
REPORT_TORNADO - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Tornado report.
reportFromCode(String) - Static method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Gets the storm report AerisMarkerType from the code.
RIVER_BELOW_THRESH - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
RIVER_MAJOR_FLOOD - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
RIVER_MINOR_FLOOD - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
RIVER_MODERATE_FLOOD - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
RIVER_NEAR_FLOOD - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
RIVER_NO_FLOODING - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
RIVER_NOT_DEFINED - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
RIVER_OLD_DATA - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
RIVER_OUT_OF_SERVICE - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
riverFromStatusCode(String) - Static method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Gets the rivers AerisMarkerType from the code.
RIVERS - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPointData
RiversPointHandler - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers
Response handler for handling river query responses from the Aeris servers and passing the river point data to the AerisMapView.
RiversPointHandler(AerisMapView) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.RiversPointHandler
Create an instance for the AerisMapView to pass the rivers points to.
ROAD_CONDITIONS_INDEX - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
RotatingCompass - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
Compass listener for determining the direction to true north.
RotatingCompass(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.RotatingCompass


SAT_GLOBAL_INFRARED - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
SAT_INFRARED - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
SAT_VISIBLE - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
saveMapPreferences(Context) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
Save the map option preferences to the device's SharedPreferences
setAerisAMP(AerisAmp) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
setAerisAMP(AerisAmp) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayerProvider
setAerisMapOptionsPermissions(AerisPermissions) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine
setAirQualityParameters(String, int, String, String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters
setAllGesturesEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Sets whether all gestures are enabled.
setAmpLayer(AerisAmpLayer) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
Add a specific AMP layer to the map options object
setAmpLayersChanged(boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
setAnimationContainer(View) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
setAnimationInterval(int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
Set the number of seconds between the animation images.
setAnimationIntervalMax(int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivity
setAnimationSpeed(float) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
setAnimationSpeedMax(int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivity
setAnimationStartOffset(int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
Set the number of seconds prior to the current time, to start the animation.
setAnimationStopOffset(int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
Set the number of seconds after the current time, to stop the animation.
setAnimationView(ImageView) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
setAnimationViewVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
setAnimProgress(int, int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationControlView
setAnimProgress(int, int) - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.LoadTileAnimationTask.LoadTileProgressBar
Sets the progress of the animation tile loading.
setBaseTileSecureUrl(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisConstants
setBaseTileUrl(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisConstants
setBaseTileUrlWithSecureServer(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisConstants
setBaseTileUrlWithServer(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisConstants
setBoundingBox(LatLngBounds) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Used when creating an AMP layer from a bounding box
setCheckbox() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayerView
setChecked(boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationControlView
setClientId(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Set the AerisEngine client id
setClientSecret(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Set the AerisEngine client secret
setCompassEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Sets that the compass enabled
setConvectiveOutlookParameters(ParameterBuilder) - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPolygonData
setCurrentIndex(int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisAnimateHandler
setCustomLayerLegend(int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer
Pass in the resource identifier of a legend image for the this AMP layer.
setDebugEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters
Set whether the debug is enabled.
setDefaultAmpLayers() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
Add the default AMP map layers (Flat, Admin, Radar) to the map options object
setDefaultLayers() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
setDefaultLayers() - Clears any layers that have been added previously, and adds the default layers of - Radar, opacity 80% - Flat, opacity 100% - Admin, opacity 100%
setDefaultMapPreferences(Context) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
setDestLocation(double[]) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.BearingCompass
Sets the destination location we are pointing too
setDestLocation(double, double) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.BearingCompass
Sets the destination location we are pointing too
setDestLocation(Location) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.BearingCompass
Sets the destination location we are pointing too
setDestLocation(Location) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.BearingCompassListener
Sets the destination location we are pointing too
setDroughtMonitorParameters(ParameterBuilder) - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPolygonData
setEarthquakesParameters(String, int, String, String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters
Set the earthquakes parameters programmatically.
setEast(double) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Set the eastern most (right) longitude coordinate of the bounding box, in degrees.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer.ModifierOption
setFireOutlookParameters(ParameterBuilder) - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPolygonData
setFiresParameters(String, int, String, String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters
Set the fires parameters programmatically.
setFromTime(int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.LoadTileAnimationTask
Set the start time of the animation, in seconds based on Unix Epoch on January 1st, 1970 at UTC
setGoogleMapView(MapView) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
setLatitude(float) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
setLatLng(LatLng) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
setLayer(AerisAmpLayer) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
addLayer() Add an existing layer to the AMP layer array.
setLayerFromId(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
addLayer() Add a layer to the AMP layer array, based on the layer id.
setLayerFromName(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
addLayer() Add a layer to the AMP layer array, based on the layer name.
setLayerId(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer
setLayerLegend(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer
Sets the legend resource id based on the AMP layer being created.
setLayerModifier(AerisAmpLayer.Modifier) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer
Sets the layer's modifier Example: -dk
setLayerModifierOption(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer
Sets or adds an option for a modifier Example: -dk
setLayerName(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer
setLayerOpacity(int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer
setLightningParameters(String, int, String, String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters
Set the Lightning parameters programmatically.
setLineWidth(float) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisPolyline
setListener(AnimationControlView.AnimationControlListener) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationControlView
setLongitude(float) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
setMapHeight(int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
setMapLegendsVisibility(int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
setMapMoved(LatLng, int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationController
Call this method to notify that the map has moved.
setMapType(int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
setMapWidth(int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
setModifierOption(AerisAmpLayer.ModifierOption, boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer.Modifier
setModifierOption(String, boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer.Modifier
setMyLocationButtonEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Set the my location button enabled
setMyLocationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Sets whether to display the users location on the map
setNorth(double) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Set the northern most (top) latitude coordinate of the bounding box, in degrees.
setOnAerisMapLongClickListener(OnAerisMapLongClickListener) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Sets the long click listener
setOnAerisWindowClickListener(OnAerisMarkerInfoWindowClickListener) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Sets the listener so that the event of clicking on an Aeris Marker's info window, the event will be passed to the listener, along with data relating to the market.
setOpacity(int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
setOpacity(int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
setOptions(AerisAmpLayer, String, ArrayList<AerisAmpLayer.ModifierOption>) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayerModifierView
setOptionsOff(Context) - Static method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
setPointAndPolyOverlayVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
setPointData(AerisPointData) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
setPointDataType(AerisPointData) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarker
setPointLayerVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
setPointsPolygon(AerisPolygon) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarker
setPointsPolyline(AerisPolyline) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarker
setPolygonData(AerisPolygonData) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
setPolygonLayerVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
setPreference(Context) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
See saveMapPreferences() Save the map preferences to the device's SharedPreferences
setProgressListener(LoadTileAnimationTask.LoadTileProgressBar) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationController
Sets the progress listener for this controller.
setRecordsParameters(String, int, String, String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters
Set the Records parameters programmatically.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer.ModifierOption
setSouth(double) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Set the southern most (bottom) latitude coordinate of the bounding box, in degrees.
setStepDelegate(AerisTileStepDelegate) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisAnimateHandler
setStepListener(AnimationStepView.AnimationStepListener) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationStepView
setStepViewVisibility(boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
setStormCellParameters(String, int, String, String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters
Set the StormCells parameters programmatically.
setStormReportsParameters(String, int, String, String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters
Set the Storm reports parameters programmatically.
setStrokeWidth(float) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisPolygon
setTile(AerisTile) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
setTileDisplayDelegate(AerisTileDisplayDelegate) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationController
Sets the tile display delegate.
setTileOverlayVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Sets the visible of the tile overlay.
setTileStepDelegate(AerisTileStepDelegate) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationController
Sets the tile step delegate.
setTileValidTime(long) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Use this method to set the overall valid time for the Amp layer.
setTimeOffset(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
setTitleAndSnippet(String, String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarker
setTitleAndTime(String, Date) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationControlView
setTitleAndTime(String, Date) - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.interfaces.AerisTileDisplayDelegate
Set the name and the date of the tile animation.
setTitleDisplayDelegate(AerisTileDisplayDelegate) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisAnimateHandler
Sets the display delegate.
setToTime(int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.LoadTileAnimationTask
Set the end (or "to") time of the animation, in seconds based on Unix Epoch on January 1st, 1970 at UTC
setTropicalArchiveParameters(String, int, String, String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters
setTropicalCycloneErrorConesParameters(ParameterBuilder) - Method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPolygonData
setTropicalParameters(String, int, String, String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters
Set the Tropical Cyclones parameters programmatically.
setUseMapOptions(boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Sets whether or not to use the map options for updating tile opacity, animation speed, setting tiles, settings points, and setting polygon data to the map.Default is false.
setValidTime(long) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayerProvider
Called from the AerisAmpUrlTileProvider class when a tile layer is being drawn.
setValidTime(long) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpUrlTileProvider
The setValidTime() method is implemented by the parent class, in this case AerisAmpLayerProvider, which then sets the layer's valid time in AerisAmp.
setWarningParameters(String, int, String, String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters
Set the warning parameters programmatically.
setWest(double) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
Set the western most (left) longitude coordinate of the bounding box, in degrees.
setZoom(float) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmp
setZoomControlsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Sets whether the zoom controls are enabled.
SEVEN_DAY_ - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.Day
showAnimationTitleAndText() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
showAnimProgress() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationControlView
showAnimProgress() - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.LoadTileAnimationTask.LoadTileProgressBar
Shows the start of the animation.
showCone - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.CellInfo
showLine - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.CellInfo
showPlay(boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
showPointLayer() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Shows the point layer, if one had been added already.
showPolygonLayer() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Show the polygon layer, if a polygon layer has been added already.
showProgress() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
showTileLayer() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Shows the tile overlay layer, if a tile layer has been added already.
showTitleAndTimeControls() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationControlView
SNOW_DEPTH - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
SNOW_DEPTH_GLOBAL - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
sort - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters.SpecificPointParameters
SpecificPointParameters(String, int, String, String) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsDefaultPointParameters.SpecificPointParameters
Initialize with values.
start(int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisAnimateHandler
Starts or queues another image to be posted at the next rate milliseconds.
START - Static variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisAnimateHandler
startAerisMapOptionsActivity(Context) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Start the AerisMapsOptions activity.
 This must be declared in your manifest under the application tag. Otherwise an ActivityNotFoundException
 will be thrown by Android.
 	android:name="MapOptionsActivity" >
startAerisMapOptionsActivity(Context, MapOptionsActivityBuilder) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Start the AerisMapsOptions activity.
 This must be declared in your manifest under the application tag. Otherwise an ActivityNotFoundException
 will be thrown by Android.
 	android:name="MapOptionsActivity" >
stepBackwards() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisAnimateHandler
Stops the animation and steps the animation one backward.
stepForward() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisAnimateHandler
Stops the animation and steps the animation one forward.
stop() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisAnimateHandler
Stops the animation
STOP - Static variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisAnimateHandler
STORM_CELLS - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPointData
STORM_REPORTS - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPointData
STORMCELL_GENERAL - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
General storm cell
Drawable to override - marker_stormcell_general
STORMCELL_HAIL - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Hail storm cell
Drawable to override - marker_stormcell_hail
STORMCELL_ROTATING - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Rotating storm cell
Drawable to override - marker_stormcell_rotating
STORMCELL_TORNADO - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Tornado storm cell
Drawable to override - marker_stormcell_tornado
StormCellPointHandler - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers
Response handler for handling storm cells query responses from the Aeris servers and passing the storm cells point data and polygon data to the AerisMapView.
StormCellPointHandler(AerisMapView) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.StormCellPointHandler
Create an instance for the AerisMapView to pass the Storm cell points to and the storm cell polygons too.
stormCellsWindowPressed(StormCellResponse, AerisMarker) - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.interfaces.OnAerisMarkerInfoWindowClickListener
A storm cell marker press event.
StormReportsPointHandler - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers
Response handler for storm reports query responses from the Aeris servers and passing the storm reports point data to the AerisMapView.
StormReportsPointHandler(AerisMapView) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.StormReportsPointHandler
Create an instance for the AerisMapView to pass the Storm reports points to.
stormReportsWindowPressed(StormReportsResponse, AerisMarker) - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.interfaces.OnAerisMarkerInfoWindowClickListener
A storm report marker press event.
strokeWidth - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.ConvectiveOutlookInfo
strokeWidth - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.DroughtMonitorInfo
strokeWidth - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.FireOutlookInfo
strokeWidth - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.TropicalCycloneErrorConeInfo
strokeWidth - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.WarningInfo


THREE_DAY - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.Day
thumbSrc - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer
thumbSrc - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpResponse
TileTimeInfo - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
JSON wrapper for a file object received from Tile timestamp request
TileTimeInfo() - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.TileTimeInfo
time - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.TileTimeInfo
TimeCodeResponse - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles
JSON wrapper for the time code response
TimeCodeResponse() - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.TimeCodeResponse
timestamp - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.TileTimeInfo
toMercatorCoords(LatLng) - Static method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
Converts the latlng to mercator coordinates
TROPICAL_CAT1_HURRICANE - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
TROPICAL_CAT2_HURRICANE - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
TROPICAL_CAT3_HURRICANE - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
TROPICAL_CAT4_HURRICANE - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
TROPICAL_CAT5_HURRICANE - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
TROPICAL_CYCLONE_ERROR_CONES - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPolygonData
TROPICAL_CYCLONES - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPointData
TROPICAL_CYCLONES_ARCHIVE - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPointData
TROPICAL_INVEST - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
TROPICAL_SUPER_TYPHOON - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
TROPICAL_TROPICAL_DEPRESSION - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
TROPICAL_TROPICAL_STORM - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
TROPICAL_TYPHOON - com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
TropicalCycloneErrorConeHandler - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers
Response handler for handling the error cone polygon for a tropical cyclone response from the Aeris servers and passing the polygon data to the AerisMapView.
TropicalCycloneErrorConeHandler(AerisMapView) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.TropicalCycloneErrorConeHandler
TropicalCycloneErrorConeInfo(Context, String) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.TropicalCycloneErrorConeInfo
Initialize with values from xml
tropicalFromStatusCode(String) - Static method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Gets the tropical_cyclones AerisMarkerType from the code.
TropicalPointHandler - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers
Response handler for handling fires query responses from the Aeris servers and passing the fire point data to the AerisMapView.
TropicalPointHandler(AerisMapView) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.handlers.TropicalPointHandler
Create an instance for the AerisMapView to pass the tropical_cyclones points to.
TrueNorthListener - Class in com.aerisweather.aeris.maps
Compass listener for determining the direction to true north.
TrueNorthListener(Compass, Context) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.TrueNorthListener


updateData(float) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisTestCompass
updateData(float) - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.Compass
updateInterval - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpLayer
updateInterval - Variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisAmpResponse
updateOptions(AerisMapOptions) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AnimationController
Updates the options to use for opacity and animation speed.
URL_SEARCH - Static variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.BuildConfig


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView.AerisMapType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPointData
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPolygonData
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.Day
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView.AerisMapType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.markers.AerisMarkerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPointData
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPolygonData
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTile
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.Day
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VERSION_CODE - Static variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.BuildConfig
VERSION_NAME - Static variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.BuildConfig


WarningInfo(Context, String) - Constructor for class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapsEngine.WarningInfo
Initialize with values from xml
WARNINGS - com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisPolygonData
Weather warnings on the map within the past 24 hours.
wildfireWindowPressed(FiresResponse, AerisMarker) - Method in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.interfaces.OnAerisMarkerInfoWindowClickListener
A wildfire marker press event.
withAllPoints() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivityBuilder
Builds the map options activity with all the point options showing.
withAllPolygons() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivityBuilder
Builds the map options activity with all polygons options showing.
withAllTiles() - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivityBuilder
Builds the map options activity with all tile options showing.
withAnimationSpeed(float) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
withDelegate(AerisTileDisplayDelegate) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.AerisTileProvider
Adds a delegate to pass the tile name and date to when it is loaded.
withExtraFilter(String) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.BuildTileURL
withMapType(int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
Use setMapType instead
withOpacity(int) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
Use setOpacity instead
withPointData(AerisPointData) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
Use setPointData instead
withPoints(AerisPointData...) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivityBuilder
Builds the map options activity with some of the points options showing based on what is passed in.
withPolygon(AerisPolygonData) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
Use setPolygonData instead
withPolygons(AerisPolygonData...) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivityBuilder
Builds the map options activity with these polygon categories showing.
withProgress(LoadTileAnimationTask.LoadTileProgressBar) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.tiles.LoadTileAnimationTask
withTile(AerisTile) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapOptions
Use setTile instead
withTiles(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.MapOptionsActivityBuilder
Builds the map options activity with certain tile type options showing.


ZOOM_INTENT - Static variable in class com.aerisweather.aeris.maps.AerisMapView
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