Class BuildTileURL

  • public class BuildTileURL
    extends com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.UrlBuilder
    Builds a url to grab a tile from a specific time, code and section of a weather map.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BuildTileURL

        public BuildTileURL​(AerisTile code,
                            String time,
                            int x,
                            int y,
                            int zoom)
        Constructor for the Build tile.
        code - Aeris type to get a tile for
        time - the time to get the tile at
        x - tile column of the map
        y - tile row for the map
        zoom - zoom level for the tile (1-27)
      • BuildTileURL

        public BuildTileURL​(AerisTile code,
                            String time,
                            int x,
                            int y,
                            int x2,
                            int y2,
                            int zoom)
        Constructor for the Build tile w/ second x,y to do full tile at once for faster loading Context to use
        code - Aeris type to get a tile for
        time - the time to get the tile at
        x - tile column of the map for the upper left
        y - tile row for the map for the upper left
        x2 - tile column of the map for the bottom right
        y2 - tile row for the map for the bottom right
        zoom - zoom level for the tile (1-27)
    • Method Detail

      • build

        public String build()
        Builds the Url for the specific section of the tile.
        Specified by:
        build in class com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.UrlBuilder
        String Url for retrieving the tile
      • getTileCode

        public AerisTile getTileCode()