AerisAmp |
Created by sshie on 1/6/2017.
AerisAmpAnimationInfo |
AerisAmpGetLayersTask |
Async task to determine which amp layers we have access to and add them to the UI.
AerisAmpLayer |
AerisAmpLayer Class
Created by sshie on 1/23/2017.
AerisAmpLayer.Modifier |
AerisAmpLayerModifierView |
Created by sshie on 2/3/2017.
AerisAmpLayerProvider |
AerisAmpLayerView |
Created by sshie on 2/3/2017.
AerisAmpResponse |
Model representing the AMP layers.json file.
AerisAmpUrlTileProvider |
AerisAnimationInfo |
AerisConstants |
Holds references to server constants variables
AerisPointHelper |
Helper class for loading aeris overlays.
AerisTileProvider |
Handles adding tiles layers using the Aeris API to grab tiles with the
associated mapview.
BuildAnimationOverlayUrl |
BuildTileTimeURL |
Creates Time Url for a specific type code
BuildTileURL |
Builds a url to grab a tile from a specific time, code and section of a
weather map.
LoadTileAnimationTask |
Task to load the animation tiles for the current maps Latitude and longitude
RadarAnimationTileProvider |
TileTimeInfo |
JSON wrapper for a file object received from Tile timestamp request
TimeCodeResponse |
JSON wrapper for the time code response