Class AerisPointHelper

  • public class AerisPointHelper
    extends Object
    Helper class for loading aeris overlays. Sets up the basic defaults for the aeris request.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AerisPointHelper

        public AerisPointHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • getRequest

        public static com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.AerisRequest getRequest​(AerisMapView mapView,
                                                                                   AerisOverlay overlay)
        Get the the request for this AerisPointData from the mapviews visible region.
        mapView - AerisMapView
        overlay - AerisOverlay
      • getRequest

        public static com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.AerisRequest getRequest​(double nLat,
                                                                                   double wLong,
                                                                                   double sLat,
                                                                                   double eLong,
                                                                                   AerisOverlay overlay,
                                                                                   android.content.Context context)
        Get the the request for this AerisPointData from the lat long bounds.
        nLat - Northern latitude point
        wLong - western longitude point
        sLat - souther latitude point.
        eLong - eastern longitude point
        overlay - AerisOverlay obj
        context - app context
        AerisRequest for this AerisPointData based on the bounds.