Interface AerisOverlay

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      AerisPointHandler getHandler​(AerisMapView mapView)
      Gets the proper handler for the AerisRequest being made by the overlay.
      int getLegend()
      Gets the integer drawable of the overlay's map legend.
      String getName()
      Gets the display friendly name of the overlay
      com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.AerisRequest getRequest​(com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.Action action, com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.parameter.ParameterBuilder builder, android.content.Context context)
      Gets the request needed to load the data for the overlay.
      com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.AerisRequest getRequest​(com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.Action action, com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.parameter.ParameterBuilder builder, android.content.Context context, Boolean useDefaultParams)
      Gets the request needed to load the data for the overlay.
      com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.AerisRequest getRequest​(com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.parameter.PlaceParameter place, com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.Action action, com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.parameter.LimitParameter limit, com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.parameter.FromParameter from, com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.parameter.SortParameter sort)
      Gets the request needed to load the data for the overlay.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        String getName()
        Gets the display friendly name of the overlay
        String representation of the overlay
      • getLegend

        int getLegend()
        Gets the integer drawable of the overlay's map legend. Will be 0 if there is not a legend.
        The legend of the overlay
      • getRequest

        com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.AerisRequest getRequest​(com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.parameter.PlaceParameter place,
                                                                     com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.Action action,
                                                                     com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.parameter.LimitParameter limit,
                                                                     com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.parameter.FromParameter from,
                                                                     com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.parameter.SortParameter sort)
        Gets the request needed to load the data for the overlay.
        place - place parameter to use
        action - action type to use
        limit - limit parameter to use
        from - default from parameter to use
        sort - default sort parameter to use
        The Aeris Request to load the overlay
      • getHandler

        AerisPointHandler getHandler​(AerisMapView mapView)
        Gets the proper handler for the AerisRequest being made by the overlay.
        mapView - The mapview Obj to pass the handler results too
        The handler to the request made for loading the overlay.
      • getRequest

        com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.AerisRequest getRequest​(com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.Action action,
                                                                     com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.parameter.ParameterBuilder builder,
                                                                     android.content.Context context)
        Gets the request needed to load the data for the overlay.
        action - action type to use
        builder - parameters to use
        context - context to use to retrieve default option values
        The request object.
      • getRequest

        com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.AerisRequest getRequest​(com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.Action action,
                                                                     com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.parameter.ParameterBuilder builder,
                                                                     android.content.Context context,
                                                                     Boolean useDefaultParams)
        Gets the request needed to load the data for the overlay.
        action - action type to use
        builder - parameters to use
        context - context to use to retrieve default option values, if needed
        useDefaultParams - flag to determine whether or not to use default parameters
        The request object