Class AerisPointHandler

    • Constructor Detail

      • AerisPointHandler

        public AerisPointHandler​(AerisMapView mapView,
                                 AerisPointData pointData)
        Handler constructor. Requires an instance of the AerisMapView to populate with Markers on handling a response.
        mapView - MapView to populate on finish.
        pointData - point data type to populate.
    • Method Detail

      • onResult

        public void onResult​(com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.EndpointType endpoint,
                             com.aerisweather.aeris.model.AerisResponse response)
        Specified by:
        onResult in interface com.aerisweather.aeris.communication.AerisCallback
      • handleResponse

        public void handleResponse​(com.aerisweather.aeris.model.AerisResponse response)
        Handles the response from the server.
        response - response object