Class AerisPolygon

    • Constructor Detail

      • AerisPolygon

        public AerisPolygon​(String polygon,
                            int fill,
                            int stroke)
        Initialize the list with the string list of locations, fill color and stroke color.
        polygon - string polygon to obtain locations from.
        fill - fill color to use.
        stroke - stroke color to use.
      • AerisPolygon

        public AerisPolygon​(com.aerisweather.aeris.model.GeoPolygon polygon,
                            int fill,
                            int stroke)
      • AerisPolygon

        public AerisPolygon​(ArrayList coordinateList,
                            int fill,
                            int stroke)
      • AerisPolygon

        public AerisPolygon​(double[][] cones,
                            int fill,
                            int stroke)
    • Method Detail

      • setStrokeWidth

        public void setStrokeWidth​(float width)
      • getGooglePolygon

        public getGooglePolygon()