Class AnimationController

    • Constructor Detail

      • AnimationController

        public AnimationController​(AerisMapView mapView,
                                   AerisMapOptions options)
        Initializes the controller with the mapview and with map options. This will cause the animation controller to base its range of animation speed and opacity based on the aeris map options.
        mapView - Aeris mapview to use for animations.
        options - AerisMapOptions to use for opacity and animation speed settings.
      • AnimationController

        public AnimationController​(AerisMapView mapView)
        Initializes the controller with the mapview and will pull the default animation speed and opacity from the AerisMapsEngine. These values can also be set passing a AerisMapOptions to updateOptions(AerisMapOptions).
        mapView - MapView to initialize with
    • Method Detail

      • setProgressListener

        public void setProgressListener​(LoadTileAnimationTask.LoadTileProgressBar bar)
        Sets the progress listener for this controller. The controller will now pass loading tile information to its listener.
        bar - progress listener to pass information back to
      • updateOptions

        public void updateOptions​(AerisMapOptions options)
        Updates the options to use for opacity and animation speed.
        options - options to use.
      • setTileDisplayDelegate

        public void setTileDisplayDelegate​(AerisTileDisplayDelegate delegate)
        Sets the tile display delegate. This allows the controller to pass tile name and date info to a delegate as new frames are animated.
        delegate - delegate to pass info to.
      • setTileStepDelegate

        public void setTileStepDelegate​(AerisTileStepDelegate stepDelegate)
        Sets the tile step delegate. This allows the controller to pass which animation step the animation is on and allow the delegate to display which step it is.
        stepDelegate - delegate to pass step information to
      • setMapMoved

        public void setMapMoved​( latlng,
                                int zoom)
        Call this method to notify that the map has moved. This is done by the AerisMapView automatically on camera moved so that the animations will be stopped.
      • hideAnimation

        public void hideAnimation()
        Hides the animation
      • nextPressed

        public void nextPressed()
        Event of step being called so that the animation will step to the next frame and stop.
      • backPressed

        public void backPressed()
        Event of step being called so that the animation will step to the previous frame and stop.
      • moveToIndex

        public void moveToIndex​(int index)
        Moves the animation to the specified index and stops.
        index - index to move to.
      • playAnimations

        public void playAnimations()
        Plays the animations
      • pauseAnimations

        public void pauseAnimations()
        Pauses the animation