Customize Tropical Cyclone Markers
Customize a tropical-cyclones
point layer provided by the Tropical module. The custom style will result in displaying storm category symbols and valid dates/times along the forecast track instead of basic points.
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<title>Xweather JavaScript SDK - Tropical Systems w/Custom Styles</title>
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html, body {
height: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
width: 100%;
#map {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
<div id="map"></div>
window.onload = () => {
const aeris = new AerisWeather('CLIENT_ID', 'CLIENT_SECRET');
const utils = aeris.utils;
aeris.views().then(views => {
const map = new views.InteractiveMap(document.getElementById('map'), {
center: {
lat: 39.0,
lon: -95.5
zoom: 4,
layers: 'alerts,radar-est'
map.on('ready', () => {
aeris.modules().then((modules) => {
modules.tropical.utils().then((tropUtils) => {
// utility functions for styling
const getMarkerDate = (data) => {
let tzName = utils.get(data, '', 'UTC');
let dt = luxon.DateTime.fromISO(utils.get(data,'dateTimeISO')).setZone(tzName);
return dt.toFormat('h a ccc ZZZZ');
const getStormMarkerConfig = (data) => {
const {lat} = utils.get(data, 'loc');
const type = utils.get(data, 'details.stormCat');
const isCurrent = data.isCurrent;
const isForecast = data.isForecast;
const flipped = lat < 0 && tropUtils.flipForSouthernLat(type);
if (isCurrent || isForecast) {
const catTextStyle = {
value: (type === 'STY') ? 'S': type.replace(/[^\d]/g, ''),
anchor: 'start',
position: 'center',
translate: {
y: -2
size: 14,
color: '#ffffff',
autosize: false
const nameTextStyle = {
value: getMarkerDate(data),
anchor: 'start',
translate: {
y: 22
size: 11,
color: '#222222',
stroke: {
color: '#ffffff',
width: 2
autosize: false
let styles = {
className: 'marker-tropicalcyclone',
svg: {
image: {
url: (flipped && type === 'TD') ? tropUtils.icon(`${type}-flipped`): tropUtils.icon(type),
size: [25, 25],
transform: (flipped && type !== 'TD') ? 'scale(-1, 1) translate(-80, 0)': ''
text: [catTextStyle, nameTextStyle]
size: [80, 60],
zIndex: 50
if (isCurrent) {
styles = utils.extend({}, styles, {
svg: {
image: {
size: [34, 34]
text: [
utils.extend({}, catTextStyle, {
translate: {
y: -3
size: 20
utils.extend({}, catTextStyle, {
value: utils.get(data, 'details.stormShortName'),
size: 16,
color: '#222222',
translate: {
y: 22
stroke: {
color: '#ffffff',
width: 3
size: [80, 80]
return styles;
return {
className: 'marker-tropicalcyclone',
svg: {
shape: {
type: 'circle',
fill: {
color: tropUtils.color(type)
stroke: {
color: '#ffffff',
width: 2
size: [14, 14]
text: data.label ? {
value: utils.get(data, 'details.stormShortName'),
anchor: 'start',
translate: {
y: 12
autosize: false
}: null
size: data.label ? [60, 40]: [14, 14],
zIndex: data.label ? 50: null
map.addModule(modules.tropical.Systems, {
style: {
marker: (data) => getStormMarkerConfig(data, aeris.utils),
polyline: {
stroke: {
color: '#4685D0',
width: 3,
dashArray: '10 7 10 7'
polygon: {
fill: {
color: '#ffffff',
opacity: 0
stroke: {
color: '#666666',
width: 2,
opacity: 0.7
<script src=""></script>