Settings Provider

Settings Provider

A context provider for managing application-wide settings across your application.


The SettingsProvider must wrap any components that need access to unit settings or color scales. This includes:

  • MapsGLLayersProvider and its children
  • MapsGLLayersControl
  • Components using layer control hooks (useLayersControl, useLayerControl, useLayerGroupControl)
  • Components that display units (e.g., built-in data views/cards like ConditionsCard)
import { SettingsProvider } from '@xweather/map-ui-sdk/providers/SettingsProvider';
import { MapsGLLayersProvider } from '@xweather/map-ui-sdk/mapsgl/MapsGLLayersProvider';
import { MapsGLLayersControl } from '@xweather/map-ui-sdk/mapsgl/MapsGLLayersControl';
const { temperature, speed } = UNITS;
const initialSettings = {
    unitSystem: 'metric',
    units: {
        temperature: temperature.C,
        speed: speed.kmh
export default function App() {
    return (
        <SettingsProvider initialSettings={initialSettings}>
                <MapsGLLayersControl />
                {/* Other components that need access to settings */}

The provider manages:

  • Unit system (metric/imperial) and individual unit settings
  • Color scales for layer styling
  • Other application-wide settings

Initial Settings

You can configure the initial settings through the initialSettings prop:

interface InitialSettings {
    unitSystem?: 'metric' | 'imperial' | null;
    units?: Partial<Record<MeasurementType, Unit>>;
    colorScales?: Record<string, ColorScaleOptions>;
    // Additional custom settings
    [key: string]: any;

If no unit system is specified, it defaults to imperial units.

API reference


The main provider component that wraps your application to provide settings functionality.

childrenType: ReactNode (required)The child components that will have access to the settings context.
initialSettingsType: InitialSettings (optional)The initial settings for the application.


A custom hook to access the settings context within child components.

Returns an object with the following properties:

unitsRecord<MeasurementType, Unit>The current units for different measurement types.
unitSystemUnitSystem | 'custom'The current unit system.
colorScalesRecord<string, ColorScaleOptions> | undefinedThe color scales for the application.
[key: string]string | number | Record<string, unknown> | Record<string, ColorScaleOptions> | undefined | nullAny additional custom settings.



The structure for initial settings.

type InitialSettings = Omit<Partial<SettingsContextProps>, 'units'> & {
  unitSystem?: UnitSystem | null,
  units?: Partial<Record<MeasurementType, Unit>>;
  colorScales?: Record<string, ColorScaleOptions>


The possible unit systems.

type UnitSystem = 'imperial' | 'metric';


The types of measurements available.

type MeasurementType = 'temperature' | 'speed' | 'pressure' | 'height' | 'distance' | 'precipitation' | 'snowfall' | 'direction' | 'time' | 'rate' | 'concentration' | 'ratio';