Data Viewer

Data Viewer

The DataViewer uses the compound component pattern and consists of several subcomponents for building flexible data viewing interfaces.


  • Integrated Data Fetching: Built-in integration with the Weather API through WeatherApiDataFetcher
  • Loading States: Automatic handling of loading and error states
  • Flexible Layout: Compound components for header, banner, and scrollable body sections
  • Card System: Pre-built card components with consistent styling and data validation
  • Built-in Views: Ready-to-use view components for common weather data displays


The WeatherApiDataFetcher component wraps the DataProvider and the useWeatherApi hook which integrates with the Xweather Weather API.

endpointType: string (required)Xweather Weather API endpoints (opens in a new tab)
actionType: string ()Xweather Weather API actions (opens in a new tab)
paramsType: object ()Additional paramaters such as limit, radius, fields etc. You can find a full list of available parameters by clicking on the endpoints in the above endpoints documentation and selecting the paramaters tab under Requests.
requestsType: array ()A list of request objects with the that each include the endpoint and optional action/params properties.
childrenType: ReactNode (required)Component children.

Once data is returned from the useWeatherApi hook it is passed to the DataProvider which makes the data accessible to components further down the component hierarchy. In the above example the WeatherApiDataFetcher is being used directly to wrap the WeatherApiDataFetcher as the card styles are not needed. The rest of the card components inside <DataViewerBody are wrapping the WeatherApiDataFetcher, <DataViewerCard and a view component i.e. ImpactsView. This makes it very simple to add built-in views with a consistent card styling to the DataViewer but if you want to customize the design you can easily build your own views with the helper components.

Built-in View components

A series of data viewer cards are already setup and configured for you for basic weather information, like conditions, forecasts and threats etc. The following views can be used within your own data viewer configurations:

AlertsViewDisplays the currently active weather alerts for the location.
ConditionsViewDisplays the latest condition information for the location.
ForecastDailyViewDisplays either an daily forecast for the location.
ForecastHourlyViewDisplays either an hourly forecast for the location.
ForecastViewDisplays a combination of the daily and hourly forecast for the location
ImpactsViewDisplays a series of weather hazard and their impacts for the location.
ThreatsViewDisplays the current weather threats for the location.

The prebuilt views cover some of the most common weather data representations allowing you to quickly integrate comprehensive weather information into your application. By leveraging the WeatherApiDataFetcher and DataViewerCard components, which encapsulate the data fetching logic, you can greatly simplify the process of creating your own tailored data representations relevant to your use case.


Integration with LocationProvider

The DataViewer is typically used with a LocationProvider to automatically fetch and display location-specific weather data:

      <DataViewer.Title>Local Weather</DataViewer.Title>
      <DataViewer.CloseButton />
          p: coordinatesString
        <PlacesView />
      <AlertsCard />
      <ThreatsCard />
      <ImpactsCard />
      <ConditionsCard />
      <ForecastCard />

Custom Card Component

You can create reusable card components following the same pattern as the built-in cards:

interface CustomWeatherCardProps {
    className?: string;
    params?: Record<string, string>;
    title?: string;
    children?: ReactNode;
    dataValidator?: (data: any) => boolean;
export const CustomWeatherCard = ({
    title = 'Custom Weather Data',
    params = {},
    children = <CustomWeatherView />,
    dataValidator = (data: any) => !isEmpty(data)
}: CustomWeatherCardProps) => {
    const { coordinatesString } = useLocationContext();
    return (
                p: coordinatesString,
                fields: 'tempF,tempC,humidity,windSpeedMPH,windSpeedKPH',
                <DataViewer.CardDivider />
                {title && <DataViewer.CardTitle>{title}</DataViewer.CardTitle>}

Custom View Component

Create a view component that consumes the data from the DataContext:

const CustomWeatherView = () => {
  const { data } = useDataContext();
  return (
      <p>Temperature: {data.tempF}°F ({data.tempC}°C)</p>
      <p>Humidity: {data.humidity}%</p>
      <p>Wind Speed: {data.windSpeedMPH} mph ({data.windSpeedKPH} kph)</p>

This pattern allows you to:

  • Create reusable card components with consistent styling
  • Handle loading states automatically through DataViewer.Card
  • Validate data before rendering
  • Customize the view while maintaining the card structure

API Reference

DataViewer (Root)

The base wrapper component that provides the modal functionality.

childrenType: ReactNode (required)The content of the data viewer
classNameType: string ()Additional classes to apply to the root element


Header section of the data viewer.

childrenType: ReactNode (required)The header content
classNameType: string ()Additional classes to apply to the header


A container that can be used for displaying fixed content above the main body.

childrenType: ReactNode (required)The banner content
classNameType: string ()Additional classes to apply to the banner


The main content area of the data viewer with support for scrolling.

childrenType: ReactNode (required)The body content
classNameType: string ()Additional classes to apply to the body


A card container for displaying data sections with built-in loading states and data validation.

childrenType: ReactNode (required)Content to render inside the card
classNameType: string ()Additional classes to apply to the card'mb-2 bg-white p-4'
dataValidatorType: (data: unknown) => boolean ()Function to validate data before rendering
loadingFallbackType: ReactElement ()Component to show while loading


Container for card content.

childrenType: ReactNode (required)The card body content
classNameType: string ()Additional classes to apply'text-black pb-2'


Styled heading for cards.

childrenType: ReactNode (required)The title content
classNameType: string ()Additional classes to apply'text-base text-black font-semibold'
levelType: number ()Heading level (1-6)3


Utility component for handling data loading states.

childrenType: ReactNode (required)Content to render when data is valid
dataValidatorType: (data: unknown) => boolean ()Function to validate data before rendering
loadingFallbackType: ReactElement ()Component to show while loading<>