Location Provider
A context provider for managing location data and formatting across your application.
API reference
The main provider component that wraps your application to provide location functionality.
Option | Description | Default |
children | Type: ReactNode (required)The child components that will have access to the location context. |
coordinates | Type: Coordinates (optional)Initial coordinates to set. |
formatter | Type: CoordinatesFormatter (optional)Custom formatter function for coordinates. |
A custom hook to access the location context within child components.
Returns an object with the following properties:
Name | Type | Description |
coordinates | Coordinates | undefined | The current coordinates. |
formattedCoordinates | FormattedCoordinates | null | The formatted coordinates. |
coordinatesString | string | null | The coordinates as a formatted string. |
setCoordinates | (newCoordinates: Coordinates) => void | Function to update the coordinates. |
The structure of the coordinates object.
interface Coordinates {
lat: number;
lon: number;
The structure of the formatted coordinates object.
interface FormattedCoordinates {
lat: string;
lon: string;
The type for the custom formatter function.
type CoordinatesFormatter = (coordinates: Coordinates) => FormattedCoordinates;