


Aug 20, 2024

✨ Features

  • Initial support for Wind Particle Layer.
  • Added particle WindParticles layer.
  • Added Maritime and Air Quality layer categories as well as Snow Depth and Wind Gust layers.
  • In-app screen rotation.

🛠 Improvements

  • More efficient image download and caching.
  • Improved performance.
  • Colors now more accurate to the javascript version.

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Resolved issue where tile would not load until map movement when the map was initialized at a zoom level past the max data zoom.
  • Resolved issue where

⚠️ Known Issues

  • Particle trail rendering and size configuration are not yet supported.
  • Tile partials currently make use of ancestors, but not decendants.
  • Displays a maximum of 2 world copies. This can cause visual issues when zoomed out in landscape mode and three world copies should be visible.


Jul 1, 2024

  • Initial beta release, with support for raster and encoded weather layers using Mapbox GL.