Tile Layer
open class TileLayer(var id: String, var source: TileSource<TileData>, var paint: PaintStyle, var tileLayerRenderer: TileLayerRenderer<TileData, LayerRenderContext<Any>>, zoomOffset: Int) : MapLayer<TileData, LayerRenderContext<Any>>
Represents a layer that renders data from a tile-based data source. This is the base class for all tile-based layers and is not intended to be used directly.
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constructor(id: String, source: TileSource<TileData>, paint: PaintStyle, tileLayerRenderer: TileLayerRenderer<TileData, LayerRenderContext<Any>>, zoomOffset: Int)
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open override fun getVisibleTileCoords(latLonBounds: LatLonBounds, tileBounds: TileBounds, zoom: Double, fromGetRenderables: Boolean): List<TileCoord>
Recieves LatLonBounds and zoom level
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suspend fun requestVisibleTiles(bounds: LatLonBounds, force: Boolean = false, reload: Boolean = false)
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