Package-level declarations


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interface MapLayer<DataType : TileData, RenderContext : LayerRenderContext<Any>> : MapEventObserver, EventSource


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interface MapLayerInternalMixin : MapLayerInternal, MapLayer<TileData, LayerRenderContext<Any>>
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class RasterTileLayer(var id: String, config: TileLayerConfig, authenticator: XweatherAuthenticator, zoomOffset: Int) : TileLayer


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data class RenderContext<RenderableType>(var paintStyle: PaintStyle, var elapsedTime: Duration = Duration.ZERO, var renderables: List<RenderableType> = listOf(), var zoomLevel: Double = 0.0) : LayerRenderContext<RenderableType>
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open class TileLayer(var id: String, var source: TileSource<TileData>, var paint: PaintStyle, var tileLayerRenderer: TileLayerRenderer<TileData, LayerRenderContext<Any>>, zoomOffset: Int) : MapLayer<TileData, LayerRenderContext<Any>>

Represents a layer that renders data from a tile-based data source. This is the base class for all tile-based layers and is not intended to be used directly.

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interface TileLayerConfig


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val MapLayer<*, *>.viewport: Viewport?