



Weather data for telecommunications

Optimize data storage, signal transmission, and field safety for telecom operations with global situational weather awareness.

Use cases




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Developer resources

Weather confidence where you need it

Get the weather data and tools you need to monitor and optimize network quality and uptime — from custom integrations to ready-built software platforms.

Outage management

Identify where weather-triggered outages are possible to instate traffic redirects, keep clients in the know, and provide accurate timelines for service restoration.

Strategic infrastructure planning

Build with confidence. Our historical and predictive weather data guides your infrastructure planning from site selection to design while enhancing remote cable network monitoring.

Fleet management

Plan around weather impacts for break scheduling and safety and enable weather alerting and real-time notifications to monitor and adjust arrival windows and ETAs on the go.

Drone operations

Confidently deploy drone monitors to remote towers when weather risks are clear to assess damage and inform both routine and emergency maintenance requirements.

Data center management

Account for temperature fluctuations and other weather events to adjust heating and cooling strategies for peak performance with powerful remote monitoring capabilities and real-time alerting.

Dynamic network optimization

Equip your network with the power to adapt to weather instantly, providing consistent, reliable service and high-quality signal transmission in the face of rain fade or wind interference.

Improve safety and uptime with pushed data alerting

Find your competitive edge: Leverage real-time weather alerting with
 webhooks, our pushed data delivery option, to optimize safety, security, and network stability in the face of lightning, heavy winds, and intense temperature swings.

Data solutions

Build custom weather integrations using our suite of developer-friendly weather API and mapping toolsets.

Software solutions

Get started fast with Xweather Insight, our weather-aware plug-and-play software solution.

How Satcom Global optimized maritime communications with weather data

Real-time weather data enables crews to optimize communications on the seas and eliminate uncertainty about hardware malfunctions being the culprit of outages.

Bring weather resilience to your telecom operations

Start building weather confidence into your telecommunications operations with our suite of data integrations and software solutions. Talk to an expert to get a plan tailored to your unique application.

Developer resources

API endpoints
