Maritime Archive
The maritime/archive endpoint delivers historical global marine weather data, including wave and swell heights, directions and periods, tidal and surge information, ocean currents, sea surface temperature, and significant wave height. This comprehensive data set is available hourly by default, with options for 3-hour, 6-hour, or other defined intervals. This endpoint will provide up to 24 hours of data in a single request.
The Maritime Archive endpoint provides access to a wide array of information, including the following:
Sea surface temperature (SST): Sea surface temperature refers to the temperature of the top layer of the ocean, typically measured up to a depth of a few meters. SST data is crucial in maritime shipping because it affects the local weather and ocean currents and can influence fog formation, hurricanes, and other weather phenomena. This data helps in route planning and scheduling, ensuring that ships avoid areas with extreme weather conditions that might compromise the safety of the vessel and the crew.
Sea current direction and speed: Ocean currents are the continuous, directed movement of seawater generated by various forces, including wind, temperature differences, and salinity. Knowledge of sea current direction and speed is essential in maritime shipping for efficient route planning and fuel consumption management. By taking advantage of favorable currents, ships can save fuel, time and reduce their environmental impact.
Significant wave height: The significant wave height takes into account wind wave and swell wave information and is defined as the average height of the highest one-third of waves in a given area, is critical in maritime shipping as it impacts a vessel's stability, maneuverability, and safety. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), approximately 15% of waves will equal or exceed the significant wave height, with the highest 10% of waves reaching 25-30% higher than this value. Additionally, about once per hour, a wave nearly twice the significant wave height can be expected. These higher waves can cause increased rolling and pitching, making ship navigation challenging and potentially leading to cargo damage or loss.
Primary wave direction and period: The primary wave direction refers to the direction from which the most considerable wave energy is coming, while the period is the time between successive waves. This information is useful for shipping because it enables mariners to understand how waves affect the ship's movement and stability. Knowing the primary wave direction and period helps in route planning and allows for better anticipation of adverse conditions.
Wind wave height, direction, and period: Wind waves are generated by the wind blowing over the ocean's surface. The wind wave height, direction, and period are essential for maritime shipping because they can significantly impact the vessel's stability, maneuverability, and safety. This information helps mariners adjust their course and speed to minimize the effects of wind waves on the ship and avoid potential hazards.
Primary swell wave height, direction, and period: Swell waves are long-wavelength waves originating from distant weather systems. The primary swell wave height, direction, and period are crucial in maritime shipping because they can cause significant rolling and pitching, making navigation challenging and potentially causing cargo damage. Understanding these factors can help mariners avoid areas with unfavorable swell conditions and plan safer routes.
Secondary swell wave height, direction, and period: Secondary swell waves are similar to primary swell waves but originate from a different weather system. Knowledge of secondary swell waves is essential because the interaction of multiple swell systems can create complex wave patterns that can significantly impact the ship's motion and stability. This information helps mariners in route planning and making necessary adjustments to ensure the ship's and its crew's safety.
Tertiary swell wave height, direction, and period: Tertiary swell waves are the third most significant swell system affecting an area. Although these waves may be less prominent than primary and secondary swell waves, they can still contribute to the overall wave conditions and impact a vessel's motion and stability. Understanding tertiary swell waves can help mariners take a comprehensive approach to route planning and decision-making, ensuring they account for all possible wave interactions that could impact the ship's journey.
Every request to the endpoint must include one of the supported actions in the url.{action}?client_id={client_id}&client_secret={client_secret}&{params}
Supported Actions
The following actions are supported with the /maritime/archive endpoint:
Action | Description |
:id | Type: stringTypically used for passing a geographical location name or identifier such as city name, lat/long, or even US and Canadian postal codes. Learn more. |
route | Type: stringAllows you to pass several coordinates along a custom route to return data points at each location. Learn more. |
The following is an example of what each object in the response will consist of. Depending on your requested action, the response may contain multiple instances of this object within an array.
loc (object)
The location of the record.
loc.long (number)
The place or nearest place to the record. (number)
The latitude coordinate of the record.
interval (string)
The interval of the forecast period.
periods (array)
The forecast periods.
periods.#.timestamp (number)
The UNIX timestamp of the valid time of the forecast period
periods.#.dateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time of the forecast period valid time
periods.#.seaSurfaceTemperatureC (number)
The sea surface temperature in Celsius. Available out 7 days. Null if unavailable.
periods.#.seaSurfaceTemperatureF (number)
The sea surface temperature in Fahrenheit. Available out 7 days. Null if unavailable.
periods.#.seaCurrentSpeedKTS (number)
The sea current speed in knots. Null if unavailable.
periods.#.seaCurrentSpeedKPH (number)
The sea current speed in kilometers per hour. Null if unavailable.
periods.#.seaCurrentSpeedMPS (number)
The sea current speed in meters per second. Null if unavailable.
periods.#.seaCurrentSpeedMPH (number)
The sea current speed in miles per hour. Null if unavailable.
periods.#.seaCurrentDir (string)
The sea current cardinal direction. Null if unavailable. Possible values: N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, ESE, SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW, NW, NNW.
periods.#.seaCurrentDirDEG (number)
The sea current direction in degrees. Null if unavailable. 0 - 359, where 0 is North.
periods.#.significantWaveHeightM (number)
The significant wave height in meters. Null if unavailable.
periods.#.significantWaveHeightFT (number)
The significant wave height in feet. Null if unavailable.
periods.#.primaryWaveDir (string)
The primary wave cardinal direction. Null if unavailable. Possible values: N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, ESE, SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW, NW, NNW.
periods.#.primaryWaveDirDEG (number)
The primary wave direction in degrees. Null if unavailable. 0 - 359, where 0 is North.
periods.#.primaryWavePeriod (number)
The primary wave period in seconds. Null if unavailable.
periods.#.primarySwellHeightM (number)
The primary swell height in meters. Null if unavailable.
periods.#.primarySwellHeightFT (number)
The primary swell height in feet. Null if unavailable.
periods.#.primarySwellDir (string)
The primary swell cardinal direction. Null if unavailable. Possible values: N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, ESE, SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW, NW, NNW.
periods.#.primarySwellDirDEG (number)
The primary swell direction in degrees. Null if unavailable. 0 - 359, where 0 is North.
periods.#.primarySwellPeriod (number)
The primary swell period in seconds. Null if unavailable.
periods.#.secondarySwellHeightM (number)
The secondary swell height in meters. Null if unavailable.
periods.#.secondarySwellHeightFT (number)
The secondary swell height in feet. Null if unavailable.
periods.#.secondarySwellDir (string)
The secondary swell cardinal direction. Null if unavailable. Possible values: N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, ESE, SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW, NW, NNW.
periods.#.secondarySwellDirDEG (number)
The secondary swell direction in degrees. Null if unavailable. 0 - 359, where 0 is North.
periods.#.secondarySwellPeriod (number)
The secondary swell period in seconds. Null if unavailable.
periods.#.tertiarySwellHeightM (number)
The tertiary swell height in meters. Null if unavailable.
periods.#.tertiarySwellHeightFT (number)
The tertiary swell height in feet. Null if unavailable.
periods.#.tertiarySwellDir (string)
The tertiary swell cardinal direction. Null if unavailable. Possible values: N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, ESE, SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW, NW, NNW.
periods.#.tertiarySwellDirDEG (number)
The tertiary swell direction in degrees. Null if unavailable. 0 - 359, where 0 is North.
periods.#.tertiarySwellPeriod (number)
The tertiary swell period in seconds. Null if unavailable.
periods.#.tidesM (number)
The tide height in meters. Null if unavailable.
periods.#.tidesFT (number)
The tide height in feet. Null if unavailable.
periods.#.surgeM (number)
The storm surge height in meters. Storm surge is the amount of abnormal rise of water over and above the predicted astronomical tides due to storm activity. (Not inland storm surge). Null if unavailable.
periods.#.surgeFT (number)
The storm surge height in feet. Storm surge is the amount of abnormal rise of water over and above the predicted astronomical tides due to storm activity. (Not inland storm surge). Null if unavailable.
profile (object)
Object containing information about the location or event. (string)
Timezone name of the location, such as America/New_York
profile.elevFT (number)
The elevation of the location in feet.
profile.elevM (number)
The elevation of the location in meters.
periods.#.windWaveDirDEG (number)
Wind generated wave direction in degrees.
periods.#.windWaveDir (string)
Wind generated wave in cardinal direction. Null if unavailable. Possible values: N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, ESE, SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW, NW, NNW.
periods.#.windWavePeriod (number)
The duration of time passed between the peaks of two neighboring wind generated waves.
"loc": {
"long": -80.194,
"lat": 25.774
"interval": "1hr",
"periods": [
"timestamp": 1717992000,
"dateTimeISO": "2024-06-10T00:00:00-04:00",
"seaSurfaceTemperatureC": 30.04,
"seaSurfaceTemperatureF": 86.072,
"seaCurrentSpeedKTS": 0.8173,
"seaCurrentSpeedKPH": 1.5137,
"seaCurrentSpeedMPS": 0.4205,
"seaCurrentSpeedMPH": 0.9406,
"seaCurrentDir": "N",
"seaCurrentDirDEG": 3,
"significantWaveHeightM": 0.22,
"significantWaveHeightFT": 0.7218,
"primaryWaveDir": "S",
"primaryWaveDirDEG": 174,
"primaryWavePeriod": 2,
"primarySwellHeightM": 0.05,
"primarySwellHeightFT": 0.164,
"primarySwellDir": "NNE",
"primarySwellDirDEG": 20,
"primarySwellPeriod": 7.31,
"secondarySwellHeightM": 0,
"secondarySwellHeightFT": 0,
"secondarySwellDir": "N",
"secondarySwellDirDEG": 0,
"secondarySwellPeriod": 0,
"tertiarySwellHeightM": 0,
"tertiarySwellHeightFT": 0,
"tertiarySwellDir": "N",
"tertiarySwellDirDEG": 0,
"tertiarySwellPeriod": 0,
"tidesM": 0.34,
"tidesFT": 1.1155,
"surgeM": 0,
"surgeFT": 0,
"windWaveDirDEG": 176,
"windWaveDir": "S",
"windWavePeriod": 2
"timestamp": 1717995600,
"dateTimeISO": "2024-06-10T01:00:00-04:00",
"seaSurfaceTemperatureC": 29.94,
"seaSurfaceTemperatureF": 85.892,
"seaCurrentSpeedKTS": 0.8392,
"seaCurrentSpeedKPH": 1.5543,
"seaCurrentSpeedMPS": 0.4317,
"seaCurrentSpeedMPH": 0.9658,
"seaCurrentDir": "NNE",
"seaCurrentDirDEG": 13,
"significantWaveHeightM": 0.24,
"significantWaveHeightFT": 0.7874,
"primaryWaveDir": "S",
"primaryWaveDirDEG": 176,
"primaryWavePeriod": 2,
"primarySwellHeightM": 0.05,
"primarySwellHeightFT": 0.164,
"primarySwellDir": "NNE",
"primarySwellDirDEG": 16,
"primarySwellPeriod": 7.75,
"secondarySwellHeightM": 0,
"secondarySwellHeightFT": 0,
"secondarySwellDir": "N",
"secondarySwellDirDEG": 0,
"secondarySwellPeriod": 0,
"tertiarySwellHeightM": 0,
"tertiarySwellHeightFT": 0,
"tertiarySwellDir": "N",
"tertiarySwellDirDEG": 0,
"tertiarySwellPeriod": 0,
"tidesM": 0.26,
"tidesFT": 0.853,
"surgeM": 0,
"surgeFT": 0,
"windWaveDirDEG": 180,
"windWaveDir": "S",
"windWavePeriod": 2
"timestamp": 1717999200,
"dateTimeISO": "2024-06-10T02:00:00-04:00",
"seaSurfaceTemperatureC": 29.86,
"seaSurfaceTemperatureF": 85.748,
"seaCurrentSpeedKTS": 0.8392,
"seaCurrentSpeedKPH": 1.5543,
"seaCurrentSpeedMPS": 0.4317,
"seaCurrentSpeedMPH": 0.9658,
"seaCurrentDir": "NNE",
"seaCurrentDirDEG": 13,
"significantWaveHeightM": 0.28,
"significantWaveHeightFT": 0.9186,
"primaryWaveDir": "S",
"primaryWaveDirDEG": 177,
"primaryWavePeriod": 2,
"primarySwellHeightM": 0.05,
"primarySwellHeightFT": 0.164,
"primarySwellDir": "NNE",
"primarySwellDirDEG": 15,
"primarySwellPeriod": 7.75,
"secondarySwellHeightM": 0,
"secondarySwellHeightFT": 0,
"secondarySwellDir": "N",
"secondarySwellDirDEG": 0,
"secondarySwellPeriod": 0,
"tertiarySwellHeightM": 0,
"tertiarySwellHeightFT": 0,
"tertiarySwellDir": "N",
"tertiarySwellDirDEG": 0,
"tertiarySwellPeriod": 0,
"tidesM": 0.12,
"tidesFT": 0.3937,
"surgeM": 0,
"surgeFT": 0,
"windWaveDirDEG": 181,
"windWaveDir": "S",
"windWavePeriod": 2
"timestamp": 1718002800,
"dateTimeISO": "2024-06-10T03:00:00-04:00",
"seaSurfaceTemperatureC": 29.84,
"seaSurfaceTemperatureF": 85.712,
"seaCurrentSpeedKTS": 0.6517,
"seaCurrentSpeedKPH": 1.2069,
"seaCurrentSpeedMPS": 0.3353,
"seaCurrentSpeedMPH": 0.75,
"seaCurrentDir": "NNE",
"seaCurrentDirDEG": 17,
"significantWaveHeightM": 0.36,
"significantWaveHeightFT": 1.1811,
"primaryWaveDir": "SSE",
"primaryWaveDirDEG": 168,
"primaryWavePeriod": 3,
"primarySwellHeightM": 0.05,
"primarySwellHeightFT": 0.164,
"primarySwellDir": "NNE",
"primarySwellDirDEG": 15,
"primarySwellPeriod": 7.75,
"secondarySwellHeightM": 0,
"secondarySwellHeightFT": 0,
"secondarySwellDir": "N",
"secondarySwellDirDEG": 0,
"secondarySwellPeriod": 0,
"tertiarySwellHeightM": 0,
"tertiarySwellHeightFT": 0,
"tertiarySwellDir": "N",
"tertiarySwellDirDEG": 0,
"tertiarySwellPeriod": 0,
"tidesM": -0.01,
"tidesFT": -0.0328,
"surgeM": 0,
"surgeFT": 0,
"windWaveDirDEG": 175,
"windWaveDir": "S",
"windWavePeriod": 3
"timestamp": 1718006400,
"dateTimeISO": "2024-06-10T04:00:00-04:00",
"seaSurfaceTemperatureC": 29.76,
"seaSurfaceTemperatureF": 85.568,
"seaCurrentSpeedKTS": 0.6517,
"seaCurrentSpeedKPH": 1.2069,
"seaCurrentSpeedMPS": 0.3353,
"seaCurrentSpeedMPH": 0.75,
"seaCurrentDir": "NNE",
"seaCurrentDirDEG": 17,
"significantWaveHeightM": 0.38,
"significantWaveHeightFT": 1.2467,
"primaryWaveDir": "SSE",
"primaryWaveDirDEG": 162,
"primaryWavePeriod": 3,
"primarySwellHeightM": 0.05,
"primarySwellHeightFT": 0.164,
"primarySwellDir": "NNE",
"primarySwellDirDEG": 16,
"primarySwellPeriod": 7.75,
"secondarySwellHeightM": 0,
"secondarySwellHeightFT": 0,
"secondarySwellDir": "N",
"secondarySwellDirDEG": 0,
"secondarySwellPeriod": 0,
"tertiarySwellHeightM": 0,
"tertiarySwellHeightFT": 0,
"tertiarySwellDir": "N",
"tertiarySwellDirDEG": 0,
"tertiarySwellPeriod": 0,
"tidesM": -0.14,
"tidesFT": -0.4593,
"surgeM": 0,
"surgeFT": 0,
"windWaveDirDEG": 172,
"windWaveDir": "S",
"windWavePeriod": 3
"timestamp": 1718010000,
"dateTimeISO": "2024-06-10T05:00:00-04:00",
"seaSurfaceTemperatureC": 29.76,
"seaSurfaceTemperatureF": 85.568,
"seaCurrentSpeedKTS": 0.6517,
"seaCurrentSpeedKPH": 1.2069,
"seaCurrentSpeedMPS": 0.3353,
"seaCurrentSpeedMPH": 0.75,
"seaCurrentDir": "NNE",
"seaCurrentDirDEG": 17,
"significantWaveHeightM": 0.38,
"significantWaveHeightFT": 1.2467,
"primaryWaveDir": "SSE",
"primaryWaveDirDEG": 156,
"primaryWavePeriod": 3,
"primarySwellHeightM": 0.05,
"primarySwellHeightFT": 0.164,
"primarySwellDir": "NNE",
"primarySwellDirDEG": 15,
"primarySwellPeriod": 7.75,
"secondarySwellHeightM": 0,
"secondarySwellHeightFT": 0,
"secondarySwellDir": "N",
"secondarySwellDirDEG": 0,
"secondarySwellPeriod": 0,
"tertiarySwellHeightM": 0,
"tertiarySwellHeightFT": 0,
"tertiarySwellDir": "N",
"tertiarySwellDirDEG": 0,
"tertiarySwellPeriod": 0,
"tidesM": -0.24,
"tidesFT": -0.7874,
"surgeM": 0,
"surgeFT": 0,
"windWaveDirDEG": 167,
"windWaveDir": "SSE",
"windWavePeriod": 3
"timestamp": 1718013600,
"dateTimeISO": "2024-06-10T06:00:00-04:00",
"seaSurfaceTemperatureC": 29.66,
"seaSurfaceTemperatureF": 85.388,
"seaCurrentSpeedKTS": 0.6232,
"seaCurrentSpeedKPH": 1.1542,
"seaCurrentSpeedMPS": 0.3206,
"seaCurrentSpeedMPH": 0.7172,
"seaCurrentDir": "N",
"seaCurrentDirDEG": 4,
"significantWaveHeightM": 0.39,
"significantWaveHeightFT": 1.2795,
"primaryWaveDir": "SSE",
"primaryWaveDirDEG": 152,
"primaryWavePeriod": 3,
"primarySwellHeightM": 0.16,
"primarySwellHeightFT": 0.5249,
"primarySwellDir": "ENE",
"primarySwellDirDEG": 67,
"primarySwellPeriod": 6.05,
"secondarySwellHeightM": 0.04,
"secondarySwellHeightFT": 0.1312,
"secondarySwellDir": "NNE",
"secondarySwellDirDEG": 13,
"secondarySwellPeriod": 6.91,
"tertiarySwellHeightM": 0,
"tertiarySwellHeightFT": 0,
"tertiarySwellDir": "N",
"tertiarySwellDirDEG": 0,
"tertiarySwellPeriod": 0,
"tidesM": -0.27,
"tidesFT": -0.8858,
"surgeM": 0,
"surgeFT": 0,
"windWaveDirDEG": 165,
"windWaveDir": "SSE",
"windWavePeriod": 3
"timestamp": 1718017200,
"dateTimeISO": "2024-06-10T07:00:00-04:00",
"seaSurfaceTemperatureC": 29.66,
"seaSurfaceTemperatureF": 85.388,
"seaCurrentSpeedKTS": 0.6232,
"seaCurrentSpeedKPH": 1.1542,
"seaCurrentSpeedMPS": 0.3206,
"seaCurrentSpeedMPH": 0.7172,
"seaCurrentDir": "N",
"seaCurrentDirDEG": 4,
"significantWaveHeightM": 0.39,
"significantWaveHeightFT": 1.2795,
"primaryWaveDir": "SSE",
"primaryWaveDirDEG": 150,
"primaryWavePeriod": 4,
"primarySwellHeightM": 0.3,
"primarySwellHeightFT": 0.9843,
"primarySwellDir": "ESE",
"primarySwellDirDEG": 123,
"primarySwellPeriod": 3.03,
"secondarySwellHeightM": 0.05,
"secondarySwellHeightFT": 0.164,
"secondarySwellDir": "NNE",
"secondarySwellDirDEG": 15,
"secondarySwellPeriod": 7.75,
"tertiarySwellHeightM": 0,
"tertiarySwellHeightFT": 0,
"tertiarySwellDir": "N",
"tertiarySwellDirDEG": 0,
"tertiarySwellPeriod": 0,
"tidesM": -0.22,
"tidesFT": -0.7218,
"surgeM": 0,
"surgeFT": 0,
"windWaveDirDEG": 207,
"windWaveDir": "SSW",
"windWavePeriod": 3
"timestamp": 1718020800,
"dateTimeISO": "2024-06-10T08:00:00-04:00",
"seaSurfaceTemperatureC": 29.64,
"seaSurfaceTemperatureF": 85.352,
"seaCurrentSpeedKTS": 0.622,
"seaCurrentSpeedKPH": 1.152,
"seaCurrentSpeedMPS": 0.32,
"seaCurrentSpeedMPH": 0.7158,
"seaCurrentDir": "N",
"seaCurrentDirDEG": 0,
"significantWaveHeightM": 0.39,
"significantWaveHeightFT": 1.2795,
"primaryWaveDir": "SSE",
"primaryWaveDirDEG": 149,
"primaryWavePeriod": 4,
"primarySwellHeightM": 0.3,
"primarySwellHeightFT": 0.9843,
"primarySwellDir": "ESE",
"primarySwellDirDEG": 120,
"primarySwellPeriod": 3.03,
"secondarySwellHeightM": 0.05,
"secondarySwellHeightFT": 0.164,
"secondarySwellDir": "NNE",
"secondarySwellDirDEG": 16,
"secondarySwellPeriod": 7.75,
"tertiarySwellHeightM": 0,
"tertiarySwellHeightFT": 0,
"tertiarySwellDir": "N",
"tertiarySwellDirDEG": 0,
"tertiarySwellPeriod": 0,
"tidesM": -0.09,
"tidesFT": -0.2953,
"surgeM": 0,
"surgeFT": 0,
"windWaveDirDEG": 211,
"windWaveDir": "SSW",
"windWavePeriod": 3
"timestamp": 1718024400,
"dateTimeISO": "2024-06-10T09:00:00-04:00",
"seaSurfaceTemperatureC": 29.64,
"seaSurfaceTemperatureF": 85.352,
"seaCurrentSpeedKTS": 0.5248,
"seaCurrentSpeedKPH": 0.972,
"seaCurrentSpeedMPS": 0.27,
"seaCurrentSpeedMPH": 0.604,
"seaCurrentDir": "N",
"seaCurrentDirDEG": 0,
"significantWaveHeightM": 0.33,
"significantWaveHeightFT": 1.0827,
"primaryWaveDir": "SSE",
"primaryWaveDirDEG": 148,
"primaryWavePeriod": 4,
"primarySwellHeightM": 0.26,
"primarySwellHeightFT": 0.853,
"primarySwellDir": "ESE",
"primarySwellDirDEG": 119,
"primarySwellPeriod": 3.03,
"secondarySwellHeightM": 0.05,
"secondarySwellHeightFT": 0.164,
"secondarySwellDir": "NNE",
"secondarySwellDirDEG": 15,
"secondarySwellPeriod": 7.75,
"tertiarySwellHeightM": 0,
"tertiarySwellHeightFT": 0,
"tertiarySwellDir": "N",
"tertiarySwellDirDEG": 0,
"tertiarySwellPeriod": 0,
"tidesM": 0.05,
"tidesFT": 0.164,
"surgeM": 0,
"surgeFT": 0,
"windWaveDirDEG": 223,
"windWaveDir": "SW",
"windWavePeriod": 2.7
"timestamp": 1718028000,
"dateTimeISO": "2024-06-10T10:00:00-04:00",
"seaSurfaceTemperatureC": 29.64,
"seaSurfaceTemperatureF": 85.352,
"seaCurrentSpeedKTS": 0.486,
"seaCurrentSpeedKPH": 0.9,
"seaCurrentSpeedMPS": 0.25,
"seaCurrentSpeedMPH": 0.5592,
"seaCurrentDir": "N",
"seaCurrentDirDEG": 0,
"significantWaveHeightM": 0.33,
"significantWaveHeightFT": 1.0827,
"primaryWaveDir": "SSE",
"primaryWaveDirDEG": 149,
"primaryWavePeriod": 4,
"primarySwellHeightM": 0.25,
"primarySwellHeightFT": 0.8202,
"primarySwellDir": "ESE",
"primarySwellDirDEG": 118,
"primarySwellPeriod": 3.03,
"secondarySwellHeightM": 0.05,
"secondarySwellHeightFT": 0.164,
"secondarySwellDir": "NNE",
"secondarySwellDirDEG": 15,
"secondarySwellPeriod": 7.75,
"tertiarySwellHeightM": 0,
"tertiarySwellHeightFT": 0,
"tertiarySwellDir": "N",
"tertiarySwellDirDEG": 0,
"tertiarySwellPeriod": 0,
"tidesM": 0.16,
"tidesFT": 0.5249,
"surgeM": 0,
"surgeFT": 0,
"windWaveDirDEG": 224,
"windWaveDir": "SW",
"windWavePeriod": 3
"timestamp": 1718031600,
"dateTimeISO": "2024-06-10T11:00:00-04:00",
"seaSurfaceTemperatureC": 29.66,
"seaSurfaceTemperatureF": 85.388,
"seaCurrentSpeedKTS": 0.5248,
"seaCurrentSpeedKPH": 0.972,
"seaCurrentSpeedMPS": 0.27,
"seaCurrentSpeedMPH": 0.604,
"seaCurrentDir": "N",
"seaCurrentDirDEG": 0,
"significantWaveHeightM": 0.32,
"significantWaveHeightFT": 1.0499,
"primaryWaveDir": "SSE",
"primaryWaveDirDEG": 149,
"primaryWavePeriod": 4,
"primarySwellHeightM": 0.25,
"primarySwellHeightFT": 0.8202,
"primarySwellDir": "ESE",
"primarySwellDirDEG": 117,
"primarySwellPeriod": 3.03,
"secondarySwellHeightM": 0.05,
"secondarySwellHeightFT": 0.164,
"secondarySwellDir": "NNE",
"secondarySwellDirDEG": 15,
"secondarySwellPeriod": 7.75,
"tertiarySwellHeightM": 0,
"tertiarySwellHeightFT": 0,
"tertiarySwellDir": "N",
"tertiarySwellDirDEG": 0,
"tertiarySwellPeriod": 0,
"tidesM": 0.24,
"tidesFT": 0.7874,
"surgeM": 0,
"surgeFT": 0,
"windWaveDirDEG": 220,
"windWaveDir": "SW",
"windWavePeriod": 3
"profile": {
"tz": "America/New_York",
"elevM": 2,
"elevFT": 7