March 3, 2024
- hail/archive - new hail/archive endpoint
- general - allow mapsgl usage with flex accounts
- general - weather phrase / icon for rare thundersnow occurrence
- conditions - conditions bug where crossing over a local day returns less than expected periods
- other - minor bug fixes and improvements
February 3, 2024
- conditions - performance improvements to archive requests
- conditions/summary - performance improvements to archive requests
- batch - performance improvements to batch requests
- other - minor bug fixes and improvements
December 4, 2024
- conditions/summary - improve handling of summaries for last day of dst
- tropicalcyclones/archive - fix incorrect track line for some storms crossing international dateline
- other - minor bug fixes and improvements
November 20, 2024
- hail/threats - new endpoint offering current and forecast hail threats over the next 90 minutes
- impacts - new endpoint providing risks factors for a variety of activities affected by weather conditions
- other - minor bug fixes and improvements
November 6, 2024
- tropicalcyclones - improved dateline handling with format=geojson
- conditions - filter=1min requests for 24 hours, sometimes only returning 384 intervals vs 1440
- conditions - improved handling of from/to parameter using a timestamp in seconds.
- conditions/summary - filter=#hr improvements
- forecasts - improvements for partly cloud with precip icons for international forecasts.
- tides/stations - API error incorrectly returned for some international requests
- other - minor bug fixes and improvements
October 14, 2024
- conditions - improve handling of dst transitions days
- lightning/analytics - utilize correct value for minor ellipse
- conditions/summary - using filter=24hr would return no data
- general - various bug fixes and improvements
September 23, 2024
- alerts - add government issued alerts for Brazil, India, Mexico, South Africa, and South Korea
- conditions - add support for requesting up to one month of hourly conditions vs one day
- conditions - add support for requesting up to one day of minutely conditions vs one hour
- conditions/summary - add support for requesting up to one month of summaries vs one day
- stats - multiple improvements related to stats
- general - remove :auto location functionality
- general - batch & route requests now include proper cost headers
- general - various bug fixes and improvements
July 16, 2024
- general - upgrade internal components
- general - various bug fixes and improvements
June 17, 2024
- fix - headers - X-RateLimit-Reset-Period header incorrectly a month ahead in some instances
- general - various bug fixes and improvements
May 29, 2024
- lightning - new lightning/analytics endpoint offering damage potential and error ellipsis
- lightning - archive requests now support polygon within queries
- airquality - new airquality/archive endpoint offering archive AQI and pollutant information in hourly intervals
- maritime - new martime/archive endpoint offering archive maritime information in hourly intervals
- alerts - Australian alerts from AUS-BOM now available
- places - profile.rankScore attribute available
- general - various bug fixes and improvements
April 22, 2024
- general - new X-Cost-Endpoint, X-Cost-Tokens, and X-Cost-Multiplier headers, providing client-facing query cost information
- threats - initial global expansion of endpoint
- lightning - recTimestamp/recDateTimeISO incorrect with some filter parameter combinations
- general - various bug fixes and improvements
March 27, 2024
- general - various bug fixes and improvements
February 28, 2024
- rivers - utilize new ingest system
- general - various bug fixes and improvements
February 7, 2024
- lightning - new timestampMS attribute, providing the lightning timestamp in milliseconds
- lightning - new dateTimeISOMS attribute, providing the lightning ISO 8601 date with milliseconds
- lightning/archive - new timestampMS attribute, providing the lightning timestamp in milliseconds
- lightning/archive - new dateTimeISOMS attribute, providing the lightning ISO 8601 date with milliseconds
- observations/archive - precipSinceLastMidnightMM/IN available
- observations/archive - precipSinceLastObMM/IN available
- forecasts - Celsius temps return 1 decimal precision by default
- airquality - improvements for regional calculations
- airquality/forecasts - improvements for regional calculations
- stats - Hourly stats within the client dashboard
- general - API error with large skip amounts
- general - various bug fixes and improvements
December 18, 2023
- conditions - fix dst transition bug when querying with unix timestamp
- roadweather/analytics - now available with developer trial subscriptions
- forecasts - updated solrad calc removed from beta, becomes default
- conditions - updated solrad calc removed from beta, becomes default
- general - minor bug fixes and improvements
November 20, 2023
- airquality - new Air Quality Health Index (AQHI)
- airquality/forecasts - new Air Quality Health Index (AQHI)
- lightning/archive - new lightning/archive add-on endpoint
- forecasts - model improvements
- alerts/summary - resolve occasional within action api error
- earthquakes - API error with long time range queries. Now limits to 1-year max time range per query.
- energy/farm - correct issue with from/to using UTC vs local date
- places/airports - occasional 504 errors for some queries
- stats - Add-on multiplier stats now return properly.
- general - other minor fixes and improvements
October 16, 2023
- tropicalcyclones - occasional api error with the within action
- general - other various bug fixes and improvements
October 2, 2023
- airquality - Improved Air Quality Addon support
- airquality - new airquality/index support
- airquality - new support for EAQI, CAQI, German, UK, and CAI air quality calculations
- road weather - Improved RoadWeather addons
- general - expand rate limit headers.
- fires - improvements
- lightning archive - use of skip parameter may cause an invalid parameter error
- places - improved query speeds with the within action
- general - other various bug fixes and improvements
September 12, 2023
- Conditions and archive infrastructure improvements
- minor bug fixes and improvements
August 7, 2023
- air quality - support for new air quality calculations: UK, DE, EAQI, CAQI
- road weather - Analytics add-on now includes weather conditions
- conditions - Snowdepth is now available for current and future times.
- conditions/summary - Snowdepth now available for the current and future times
- general - wind Speeds and movement now include MPS (Meters Per Second)
- air quality - Initial support for upcoming AQ Add-on
- conditions - improved caching headers for archive conditions requests.
- air quality - mindist parameter bug
- air quality - filter=china using the incorrect O3 timeframe for AQI calculation
- air quality - improvements in AQI calculation biased by nearby observations
June 28, 2023
- roadweather - Vaisala Xweather Road Weather Forecasts
- energy/farm - Vaisala Xweather Renewable Power output endpoint
- general - Other general bug fixes and improvements
June 5, 2023
- threats - Lightning counts to the threats endpoint
- general - Update to latest global timezone data
- general - Other general bug fixes and improvements
May 10, 2023
- maritime - New maritime endpoint available to all flex subscribers
- airquality - Integrate new Vaisala Xweather high-resolution global Air Quality forecast model. Updated every 3 hours.
- indices - Improved global support, now utilizing conditions vs observation stations.
- conditions - Biasing not integrating nearby weather information in select cases.
- stormreports - comments not properly returning null if no comment
- stormreports - query:type not forcing upper case
- general - other general bug fixes and improvements
April 3, 2023
- lightning - New lightning/flash endpoint available to all Flex Subscriptions
- lightning - New regional-based Lightning Add-On available
- lightning - New regional-based Lightning Analytics Add-On available
- lightning/summary - Now available to all Flex Subscriptions
- mapsgl - Improved mapsgl integration support
- airquality - Ignoring QA value on observation station reporting inaccurate carbon monoxide
- alerts - Combining filters not working as expected
- forecasts - Improved handling of bad model data returning null sky conditions
- observations - MADIS observations returning partly cloudy vs. cloudy under unique conditions
- general - Other general bug fixes and improvements
January 9, 2023
- conditions - negative 0 returned in some cases
- forecasts - negative 0 returned in some cases
- places - large places/search queries based on pop are timing out
- stormreports - tropical filter not returning all storms in storm reports
- minor bug fixes and improvements
November 30, 2022
Lightning/threats - New lighting threats endpoint utilizing Vaisala Xweather's global lightning nowcast, providing access to forecast lightning threats for up to 60 minutes.*
conditions - solar radiation formula improvements, initially available when using filter=awsolradv2
forecasts - solar radiation formula improvements, initially available when using filter=awsolradv2
route actions - mindist=0 now supported for routes that may have mobile asset pause over time.
alerts - Improved support for 4-digit EU alert zone codes (Poland)
conditions - plimit not being honored in a specific to/from combination
places - improvements for lat/long-based queries
observations - Ice Pellets incorrectly returning code PL vs. the proper IP.
general - Other general bug fixes and improvements
*The new lightning/threats endpoint only applies to customers with an active Lightning Add-On subscription.
October 5, 2022
lightning - Expanded Vaisala Xweather Lightning integrations
general - closest action now support a new minradius parameter. When combined with the radius parameter allows donut-style queries.
lightning - Maximum requested radius increased from 40km to 100km*
lightning - Available time frame extended beyond the last 5 minutes. Now can request up to 24 hours per API request.*
lightning - Access to Vaisala Xweather lightning archive.*
forecasts - Forecast model improvements for Canada.
minor bug fixes and improvements
*Expanded lightning functionality (100km radius, beyond last 5min) only applies to customers with an active Lightning Add-On subscription.
August 29, 2022
- forecasts - DST issue in Chile when using filter=mdnt2mdnt
- minor bug fixes and improvements
August 22, 2022
- general - increase max batch size from 25 to 31 to allow monthly queries
- fires - update default range from 24 hours to one week, allowing fires that do not update daily to be returned
- observations - observation weather code FC weather code now properly returns funnel cloud or tornado
- minor bug fixes and improvements
June 14, 2022
- general - performance improvements for places/postal codes queries
- alerts - query in Canada with no nearby city returning invalid_loc
- normals - fix to allow :id query without default filter
- general - improved error message for invalid coords in route requests
- minor bug fixes and improvements
May 2, 2022
- conditions - new enhanced solar radiation information
- forecasts - new enhanced solar radiation information for hourly requests
- batch - speed improvement for batch requests
- conditions/summary - now supports dates up to 15 days into the future.
- forecasts - DST bug with isDay incorrectly set to false with filter=daynight in unique circumstances
- lightning/summary - within request with an invalid polygon now returns invalid_coord error vs generic api_error
- stormreports/summary - within request with an invalid polygon now returns invalid_coord error vs generic api_error
- observations/summary - pagination bug returning different number of results with different limit and skip values
- general - other minor bug fixes and improvements
April 11, 2022
- alerts - heat filter for heat-related alerts
- conditions - improved error handling
- conditions - daily requests for March 29, 2016 - April 2, 2016, now return a warn_no_data versus an api_error. The team is working to backfill these dates.
- forecasts - correct weatherPrimary phrase when windy and a chance of Snow showers.
- lightning/summary - within action with a bad polygon now returns invalid_coord error versus an api_error
- general - other minor bug fixes and updates
February 23, 2022
- observations - new envca filter for observations from environment Canada
- alerts - new frostfreeze filter for limiting to frostfreeze advisories, watches, and warnings.
- conditions - sub-hourly improvements
- conditions - expand data sources in Canada and Australia
- conditions - the probability of precip (POP) added for now & forecast requests. Null for archive requests
- general - other minor bug fixes and improvements
January 25, 2022
- airquality - improved support for India air quality observations
- conditions - various data quality and accuracy improvements
- general - daily, monthly or yearly subscription overage errors will return a 429 error vs 200
- earthquakes - earthquakes with negative magnitudes missing category
- general - other minor bug fixes and improvements
December 13, 2021
- conditions - allow up to 4 decimals for precipIN and snowIN
- conditions - bias improvements
- conditions/summary - bias improvements
- alerts - marine filter returning EU thunderstorm alerts
- fires - api error for some within queries
- general - other minor bug fixes and improvements
- minor bug fixes and improvements
November 29, 2021
- alerts/summary - Add alert type hex color to types
- conditions - API error on some requests on the dates of Dec 31 and Jan 1
- conditions/summary - API error on some requests on the dates of Dec 31 and Jan 1
- general - Minor bug fixes and improvements
November 8, 2021
- fires - US fire perimeter support with filter=geo
- fires - new hasperimeter and hasnoperimeter filters
- fires - new Canadian fires locations
- alerts/summary - include priority with the alert types
- normals - updated to 1990-2020 climate normals
- normals - new dataSource attribute
- conditions - minutelyprecip now utilizes 4 decimal places
- conditions - snowRate in cm/hour and in/hour added
- conditions - sub-hourly requests snowCM/IN is now the estimated snowfall over the period.
- conditions - quality improvements for sub-hourly requests
- general - Other general bug fixes and improvements
September 21, 2021
- general - other minor bug fixes and improvements
September 15, 2021
- tropicalcyclones - added profile.maxStormName
- alerts - Canadia Special Weather Statements are now returned by default.
- fires - add dataSource attribute
- conditions - minutely precip improvements
- places - can query places using Québec or Quebec (with or without accent)
- forecasts - Improved handling of thunderstorms within forecasts
- fires - startDate always null
- earthquakes - Allow querying by earthquake ID via search action, without specifying a date
- general - other minor bug fixes and improvements
August 18, 2021
- alerts - dataSource attribute now included
- conditions - precipRateIN / precipRateMM added to conditions / minutelyprecip requests
- airquality - general improvements for calculated airquality, especially near fires
- conditions - several improvements for daily requests
- places - Improved handling of place name capitalization
- conditions - minutely queries (filter=1m) not returning the proper solradWM2 value
- alerts - Extreme Rain incorrectly included in flood filter
- observations/summary - improved handling of Fog/Mist with other weather types
- within - improved error message if bad polygon provided to within action
- general - invalid or disabled apps now return HTTP code 401 vs 200
- general - other minor bug fixes and improvements
July 12, 2021
- alerts - support for the enhanced MeteoAlarm European alerts
- airquality - improvements for European AirQuality
- conditions - relative humidity improvements
- forecasts - relative humidity improvements
- general - improved speed for client sub and app modifications
- alerts - some fire weather warnings missing title
- earthquakes - sort param not working with search action
- general - update icon usage for VL:RS code
- general - correct issue with solar radiation when sky coverage = 1
- general - api_error returned with bad lat / long using within
- general - minor bug fixes and improvements
June 8, 2021
- earthquakes - updatedAt parameter for /earthquakes
- places - improved ranking system for locations sorting
- alerts - update a few Italian translations for severe wx
- observations - Return nearby ob when querying by lat/lon even if no nearby city
- airquality - from parameter not being applied to queries
- normals - bug causing the incorrect date to be returned
- general - minor bug fixes and improvements
May 5, 2021
- observations - Improved sky/wx support for PWS & MADIS stations in Canada and Australia
- conditions - Minutely precip improvements.
- general - minor bug fixes and improvements
April 28, 2021
- conditions - Next hour of minutely precip (filter=minutelyprecip)
- conditions - sub hourly intervals (1min, 5min, 15min, etc.) for up to 1 hour
- routes - significant route action speed improvements
- conditions - improved decimal precision
- conditions/summary - improved decimal precision
- alerts/summary - :id and closest action not honoring filter
- conditions - profile.elevFT/M always
- conditions - improved sanity checks for calculated values
- conditions/summary - some date formats in from/to being misinterpreted
- conditions - resolve potential api_error that could occur under specific conditions.
- conditions - improved pskip support
- places - improved caching when using POI filters
- general - minor bug fixes and improvements
March 31, 2021
- webhooks - support for fires, storm cells, tropical cyclones, and storm reports
- alerts - German translations for alerts
- alerts/summary - update supported filters to match alerts
- conditions - improve formulas for calculated weather attributes
- places - profile.code added, defining the place type.
- conditions - locations with a tz offset > +12hours returning isDay=false all day
- observations - locations with a tz offset > +12hours returning isDay=false all day
- forecasts - intermittent caching bug causing some unexpected
February 22, 2021
- conditions - Conditions now available for any lat/long globally from today through 2011. Note: Historical add-on may be required.
- conditions/summary - Conditions now available for any lat/long globally from today through 2011. Note: Historical add-on may be required.
- conditions - Improved global satellite integration for current conditions.
- alerts - UK alerts now from the UK Met Office, as no longer available from MeteoAlarm
- normals - hastemp filter by default now. Ensures normals with temperature information are returned
- places - Several bug fixes and improvements related to the recent implementation upgrade
- airquality/forecasts - plimit parameter not working properly
- conditions - Improved handling of false radar echoes (i.e., spikes) when interpreting current weather.
- forecasts - First interval of hourly precip/weather unavailable for some global locations.
- forecasts - When querying past forecasts (up to last 24 hours), forecast snow values are now correctly returned.
- forecasts - Apparent / feels like temperature improvements within Canada.
- general - Other minor bug fixes and improvements
January 27, 2021
- alerts - Support for US offshore alerts from NOAA
- places - European Zones now a supported place format
- places - query by lat/lon now verifies if within city polygon vs closest city only.
- places - place db upgrades
- precip/summary - deprecated. Now duplicates conditions/summary. Please migrate to conditions/summary
- observations - filter=hfmetar failing in some instances
- alerts - updated time occasionally being incorrectly set
- general - other minor bug fixes and improvements
December 9, 2020
- conditions - error with some historical conditions requests
December 9, 2020
- alerts - Italian support, lang=it
- alerts - new offshore / nooffshore filters
- airquality - now returns results offshore
- forecasts - precipitation and POP improvements
- forecasts - snowfall being incorrectly rounded to whole value in centimeters
- forecasts - improvements for australian highs/lows
- forecasts - improved error message for forecast requests out of allowed range
- observations/archive - PWS precip calculation improvements
- observations/summary - ensure stations have summaries for each day of requested period
- other minor bug fixes and improvements
November 11, 2020
- observations/summary - add min/max/avg altimeter values
- conditions - improvements with biasing from local observations
- forecasts - phrasing improvements for weather, weatherPrimary
- earthquakes - Default to last 24 hours if no from parameter
- general - Oct 2020 US & Canadian Postal codes
- alerts - corrected Hurricane Local Statement color / category support
- earthquakes - api error if no magnitude available
- observations - occasional api error for PWS missing location information
- general - update to the latest time zone changes
- general - other minor updates and improvements.
October 22, 2020
- forecasts - DST bug with filter=daynight and filter=mdnt2mdnt
September 30, 2020
- conditions - Expanded global archive support.
- conditions - Improved radar integration for current weather.
- conditions - Expanded observation sources
- conditions - General speed improvements
- conditions/summary - Now supports beyond the last 24 hours
- conditions/summary - General speed improvements
- general - improved weather code handling with FW clouds
- general - within polygon queries now return ad invalid_coordinate error for a bad polygon vs. an api_error.
- alerts - alert filters now support Europe alerts
- batch - weather zone, county info missing from places requests within a batch query
- conditions - occasional negative wind speed/gust values corrected
- conditions - improved weather coding, correcting random wx/intensity in the incorrect order
- conditions/summary - for parameters being ignored
- observations/archive - improved handling of request dates outside of available timeframes
- stormreports - occasional api_error when querying by 24 character id
- sunmoon - api_error when querying by PWS station with bad lat/long
- general - other minor general bug fixes and improvements
September 24, 2020
- forecasts - DST bug with daily forecasts
August 19, 2020
- forecasts - Improved Australian forecast model coverage
- forecasts - Improved POP (probability of precip) resolution within the US
- general - other general improvements and bug fixes
August 5, 2020
- conditions - support for new for parameter to request conditions for a specific date/time
- places - European locations will now include a profile.wxzone value, matching the zone used for alerts
- places - improvements for profile.wxzone to be available when querying by PWS station ID or latitude/longitude.
- alerts - ensure active = false for expired alerts vs just canceled ones
- conditions - improvements for winds and feels like temperatures
- forecasts - improvements for forecast temperatures
- stormreports - sort parameter being ignored
- convective/outlook - fixes occasional api error when using the contains action
- general - other general improvements and bug fixes
July 22, 2020
- alerts - route action will return an array for all locations vs object if only 1
- alerts - filter=county not working within the US
- conditions - default radius for interpolated historical
- conditions - warn_no_data warning not being generated properly
- conditions - historical sometimes returning more than 24 intervals
- indices - occasional API error for road conditions index
- observations/archive - empty periods returned without plimit parameter when using filter=calcprecip
- general - other general improvements and bug fixes
July 8, 2020
- conditions/summary - initial public beta
- conditions - initial historical support
- earthquakes - Archive expanded back to 1945
- stormreports - general updates and improvements
- earthquakes - Can now query by location, earthquakes/san diego,ca
- conditions - psort parameter returned API error
- conditions - relative from/to parameter values using UTC vs local timezone
- conditions - plimit/pskip being ignored
- alerts - Canada Special Statements should not be returned by default
- alerts - filter=geo&format=geojson was returning the polygon twice, doubling the bandwidth
- alerts - Improved expiration of Canadian alerts.
- forecasts - Occasionally returning 1 less than expected hourly results (23 vs 24)
- forecasts - general extended forecast improvements
- general - other general improvements and bug fixes
June 9, 2020
- alerts - European alerts
- alerts - Polygon support with filter=geo
- forecasts - Improved European forecast model coverage
- alerts - Improved support for querying by latitude/longitude
- alerts - Query alerts by weather station ID (ICAOs, PWS, etc)
- general - other minor bug fixes and improvements
May 20, 2020
- forecasts - various bug fixes and improvements
- general - other minor bug fixes and improvements
May 13, 2020
- conditions - new conditions endpoint in a public beta
- forecasts - filter=#min for intervals by the minute for up to 2 hours. Example filter=5min&limit=12 will return the next hour forecast in 5-minute intervals
- forecasts - forecast visibility using the periods.#.visibilityKM and periods.#.visibilityMI attributes
- forecasts - general forecast improvements
- general - other minor bug fixes and improvements
April 13, 2020
- alerts - route action support
- places - api error for some PWS stations with incorrect lat/lon (i.e. in ocean)
- observations/summary - potential API error if archive summary has bad visibility info
- stormcells - potential API error for within requests with incorrect bounding box request
- general - other minor bug fixes and improvements
April 6, 2020
- observations - add dataSource attribute
- places - lower cache time from 1 day to 1 hour
- observations/summary - correct api_error for queries to far into past or future
- observations/archive - correct api_error for queries to far into past or future
- precip/summary - correct api_error when using sort=dt:-1
- precip/summary - use local relative time for from=midnight
- general - other minor bug fixes and improvements
March 29, 2020
- stormcells - correct api_error response for some search action queries
- stormcells - improvements for the forecast cone polygons
- general - Other minor bug fixes and updates
March 25, 2020
- stormcells - general improvements, including metric values for and ob.hit
- general - Other minor bug fixes and updates
March 11, 2020
- point data - new level of detail feature. For observations and most other point data endpoints, can now pass new lod parameter (level of detail) corresponding to map zoom level or mindist to help ensure data separation when displaying on a map.
- observations/archive - new periods.precipSinceMidnight and precipSinceLastOb for observations stations that provide the data.
- observations - new precise filter will return attributes with increased decimal precision.
- observations/archive - new precise filter will return attributes with increased decimal precision.
- observations/summary - new precise filter will return attributes with increased decimal precision.
- general - NOT query element (!) now works with both string and numeric attributes. Previously, worked with strings only.
- within queries - Improved support for within rectangular queries that cover large global areas across the dateline.
- storm reports - correct inconsistencies with hail reports. If no size included in the report, then set hailIN and hailMM to null.
- observations - PWS stations with no weather or sky information, occasionally defaulting to fair / mostly sunny or mostly clear.
- observations - api_error returned for rare instances when a new observation may not yet have an associated place attribute.
- general - Other minor bug fixes and updates
February 12, 2020
- observations - New strict filter will limit results to observations passing QA that include temps, dewpt, humidity, pressure, winds and sky/weather information.
- observations/summary - New strict filter will limit results to observation passing QA that include temps, dewpt, humidity, pressure, winds and sky/weather information.
- alerts - windchill advisories, watches, and alerts moved to winter category vs winds
- observations - hasprecip filter now limits to stations that are known to report precip and pass QA.
- observations - improvements for the handling of IN (intermittent), DU (Dust), S (Sand) and PO METAR weather codes
- observations - Ensure ob.uvi attribute is included in the output, even for stations that do not report (null is the default)
- observations - passing query parameter would override default observation trust factor verification.
- general - Other minor bug fixes and updates
January 29, 2020
- observations - Implementation of new xWeather Platform for Observations
- observations - Addition of new observations from Australia Bureau of Meteorology
- observations - Addition of new observations from Environment Canada
- observations - trustFactor attribute - from 0 - 100, combination of individual observation QC * station confidence.
- observations/summary - trustFactor attribute - Provides the minimum, maximum and average trust factor received from the observations
- observations - new ausbom filter option, to limit to observations from the Australia Bureau of meteorology
- observations/summary - new ausbom filter option, to limit to observations from the Australia Bureau of meteorology
- observations/summary - Requesting summaries over a date range, now limits results to stations that reported on every day within the requested date range.
- general - Other minor bug fixes and updates
October 23, 2019
- places - elevation values displaying when querying by airport id
- stormreports - error when querying by storm report id
- fires - error when querying by fire report id
- forecasts - improved precipitation forecast for mid and long-range forecasts
- general - Other minor bug fixes and updates
October 7, 2019
- forecasts - new periods.solradWM2 provides estimated solar radiation, normally used with filter=1hr
- forecasts - new periods.solradMinWM2 and periods.solradMaxWM2 provide the min / max hourly values across a forecast interval
- observations - filter=interp returns interpolated observation if an actual observation is not nearby. (Currently beta)
- tropicalcyclones - distanceNM missing for wind radii
- forecasts - For some Canadian locations, the day 1 pressure returned as station pressure vs the documented MSLP
- general - Other minor bug fixes and updates
September 24, 2019
- tropicalcyclones - support for wind radii for active storms
- tropicalcyclones - current position and forecast wind field polygons
- pws - Add support for new PWS Contributors Access
- observations - added recTimestamp and recDateTimeISO, denoting when an observation was received
- observations - new adt query mapping, allowing to query or sort based on received/added time of an observation
- observations - add tzname and tzoffset (in seconds) to the profile object
- places - Sept 2019 US zip code update
- places - Sept 2019 CA postal code update
- stormreports - hail size not properly rounded to a max of 2 decimals
- observations - API returning no error in rare instances of an observation pressure received as NaN
- general - Other minor bug fixes and updates
September 2, 2019
- general - Other minor bug fixes and updates
July 29, 2019
- alerts - Support for Environment Canada Squall Warnings/Watches
- general - Other minor bug fixes and updates
July 23, 2019
- tropicalcyclones - support for invest test storms
- tropicalcyclones/archive - Active invests are available using the filter=invests. Archive invests are not available at this time.
- places - July 2019 US zip codes update
- places - July 2019 CA postal codes update
- observations - wxsnow filter no longer returns observations with hail for international locations
- general - Other minor bug fixes and updates
July 16, 2019
- general - Improved logical OR support for filters. i.e. for stormreport, can now use filter=hail;wind to return storm reports that are either hail or wind reports.
- observations - API not properly handling when GS utilized for hail vs. snow pellets in METAR observations.
- stormreports - corrected within query when bounding box crossed the international dateline AND had a positive east and west longitudes.
- general - Other minor bug fixes and updates
June 19, 2019
- lightning - adt sorting parameter allows sorting based on the time the lightning strike was received and added
- lightning - adt filter to allow forcing the from/to parameters to filter on the recTime (added time) vs. the lightning observation time.
- tropicalcyclones - lower cache / expires headers from 10 minutes to 1 minute
- tropicalcyclones/archive - lower cache / expires headers from 10 minutes to 1 minute
- alerts/summary - corrected issued with occasional empty document vs. warn_no_data when no alerts
- stormreports/summary - corrected issued with returning invalid_request vs. warn_no_data when no stormreports within the request
- general - Other minor bug fixes and updates
June 11, 2019
- Infrastructure / Stack upgrades, improving API performance and latencies.
- places - May 2019 US zip codes and CA postal codes
March 13, 2019
- forecasts - Update the maximum limit from 360 to 384 for hourly forecasts
- places - March 2019 US zip codes and CA postal codes
- precip/summary - Correct a DST bug returning incorrect daily results for dates prior to DST.
- general - Other minor bug fixes and updates
February 20, 2019
- forecasts - General Improvements
- places - Feb 2019 US zip codes and CA postal codes
- general - Other minor bug fixes and updates
January 22, 2019
- forecasts - Improvements for mid term forecasts (days 3-7)
- general - Other minor bug fixes and updates.
January 16, 2019
- places - Jan 2019 US zip codes and CA postal codes
- phrases/summary - improvements with multiple precipitation types and period placement
- CA alerts missing for some Canadian Location codes (CLCs)
- general - Other minor bug fixes and updates.
December 12, 2018
- alerts - french support for Canadian alerts with a new lang=fr parameter. For Canadian alerts, returns the title and body in French vs English.
- observations - Improved support for UP precipitation type.
- observations - Variable winds were being returned with a direction of 0 degrees / N (North). Now properly returns -1 / VRB
- forecasts - Route action not utilizing the from/to parameters within the POST body.
- places/postalcodes - Correct id/zip/postalcodes query mappings and allow mixed case values to be provided for Canadian postal codes
- general - Other minor bug fixes and updates.
October 31, 2018
- tides - Ensure tides type are returned in lower case per the docs
- observations/summary - improved handling of DST for locations that change at midnight vs a later hour.
- general - minor bug fixes and improvements
October 23, 2018
- lightning - add route action support for lightning endpoint
- alerts - support for the new NWS Snow Squall Warning
- tides - Update to include latest 2018, 2019 and 2020 tide predictions
- route - skip empty locations i.e. p=24060;30301;;10001 vs returning an error
- route - resolve API error with some route GET queries
- general - minor bug fixes and improvements
October 17, 2018
- general - Ability to enable/disable applications/namespaces from the member area
- Tropicalcyclones - Default Sort by cyclone ID if no sort provided
- Tropicalcyclones - Support for NHC special updates that can occur between normal updates
- Various - For endpoints that support GeoJSON, if requesting in GeoJSON and providing fields=xxx without including the location field name, it will automatically be added by the API
- places - Oct 2018 US zip codes and CA postal codes
- rivers - Update river gauges with the latest crest and impact information as of Oct 10, 2018
- places/airports - Improve type query mapping. Now allows any casing for value.
- observations/summary - summary date off by an hour with NZ and AU DST timezone changes
- minor bug fixes and improvements
September 19, 2018
- tropicalcyclones - new currentbasin query element to query against the basin an active storm is within.
- general - new filter=centroid option to force using a US zip code polygon centroid latitude/longitude vs the corresponding city latitude/longitude
- phrases/summary - new filter=noob option for no observations. Forces the phrasing to use the short-term forecast only.
- places - Update US zip codes support to latest Sept 2018 data.
- places - Update CA postal code support to latest Sept 2018 data.
- places - Update GeoIP to City database with latest Sept 2018 data, used for the :auto functionality.
- tropicalcyclones - when filter=geo applied and user passing fields parameter, automatically add errorCone field if not set.
- sunmoon - adjust the illumination values used for determining the moon phase at midnight local time. Some locations display full moon for two days.
- threats - removed unused/undocumented lightning property from the API response
- tropicalcyclones - various archive data updates
- minor bug fixes and improvements
August 21, 2018
- precip/summary - public beta of new precip/summary endpoint
- tropicalcyclones - improved support when crossing the international dateline / 180 longitude
- tropicalcyclones - improved support for test storms, now using event numbers 80 -89
- general - improve the warn_no_data description
- forecasts - improve the mdnt2mdnt filter functionality for locations outside of the US
- forecasts - isDay would display false for some areas within longitude 176 - 180 longitude
- minor bug fixes and improvements
August 8, 2018
- wizard - New API Wizard: (opens in a new tab)
- tropicalcyclones - support for invests with the new filter=invests option. Invests are areas under investigation for potential future tropical development.
- tropicalcyclones and tropicalcyclones/archive - new profile.basins is an array of all basins the cyclone has tracked within
- tropicalcyclones and tropicalcyclones/archive - new origin query parameter option that queries the profile.basinOrigin
- tropicalcyclones - query storms that traveled within multiple basins with query=basin:ALL:ep:cp
- tropicalcyclones - new profile.basinCurrent attribute which defines the current basin the storm is within. Null for nonactive storms
- observations - new filter=qcok option. Can be combined when using the query parameter, and overriding the default of rejecting stations with failed QC
- observations/summary - new filter=qcok option, which will only return summaries for stations that all observations for the day passed QC.
- tropicalcyclones and tropicalcyclones/archive - update profile.basin to be profile.basinOrigin
- tropicalcyclones and tropicalcyclones/archive - update basin filters to query the profile.basins vs. profile.basinOrigin
- tropicalcyclones and tropicalcyclones/archive - querying basin no longer case sensitive
- observations/summary - hasprecip filter now limits results to stations known to provide precip AND have a passing precipitation QC.
- postalcodes - Update US zip codes to Aug 2018 data
- postalcodes - Update CA postal codes to Aug 2018 data
- observations/summary - summary.precip.QC would return incorrect code in some circumstances
- observations/summary - in some rare cases, a new observation station could return a summary without profile.hasprecip attribute
- minor bug fixes and improvements
July 25, 2018
- tropicalcyclones - Added for timezone support
- tropicalcyclones/archive - Added for timezone support.
- tropicalcyclones/archive - Added West Pacific, Southern Hemisphere and Indian Ocean archive, 1945 - 2018.
- tropicalcyclones/archive - Added East Pacific / Central Pacific archive, 1949 - 2018.
- tropicalcyclones/archive - Added Atlantic archive, 1851 - 2018.
- tropicalcyclones/archive - No longer requires a from/to when using query=year:####
- forecasts - Hourly forecasts isDay incorrectly set to false around sunrise/set for some locations.
- tropicalcyclones - Correct issue with Indian ocean and southern Pacific tropical cyclones
- observations - Observed visibility incorrectly returning null for some mesonet stations that are reporting visibility.
- Other minor updates and bug fixes.
July 18, 2018
- tropicalcyclones/archive - Access to archive tropical cyclones for all basins in public beta
- tropicalcyclones - querying test storm 2017-AL-16-TEST no longer requires filter=test
- tropicalcyclones - various bug fixes with the output.
- FIPS:##### queries not working properly
- other minor improvements and bug fixes
July 11, 2018
- new tropicalcyclones endpoint in public beta
- update to July 2018 US zip codes
- update to Jul 2018 CA postal codes
- QC improvements for Official observations
- NWS marine alerts incorrectly setting to null
- minor bug fixes and updates
June 20, 2018
- fires - allow :id style queries
- observations/summary - now limits search based on plimit if no to parameter
- convective/outlook - no longer require filter=geo when using format=geojson
- fires/outlook - no longer require filter=geo when using format=geojson
- droughts/monitor - no longer require filter=geo when using format=geojson
- minor bug fixes and updates
June 4, 2018
- lightning - new negative and positive filter to limit results to corresponding pulse polarity information
- lightning/summary - new negative and positive filter to limit results to corresponding pulse polarity information
- lightning/summary - addition of count of negative / positive polarity lightning strikes/pulses
- lightning/summary - addition of min/max amperage for negative / positive polarity lightning strikes/pulses
- lightning/summary - No longer in Beta, available to all subscription levels
- general - Update with 2018-06 US & Canadian postal codes
- lightning/summary - round average values (peakAmp, numSensors)
- lightning/summary - closest action limiting to 100 max strikes in the response
- lightning/summary - correct default time range for the last 5 minutes
- Other minor bug fixes and updates.
May 22, 2018
- airquality - periods.method attribute defining the AQI calculation method
- airquality/forecast - periods.method attribute defining the AQI calculation method
- observations - isDay improperly being set to false during the midnight sun
- forecasts - hourly intervals improperly setting isDay to false during the midnight sun
- alerts - improved handling of NWS alerts with malformed headers
- various other minor fixes and improvements.
May 16, 2018
- lightning - lightning API endpoint now available to all weather API premium subscriptions
- lightning/summary - /search action incorrectly returned an array vs an object
- general - /endpoint/searchlight,nv queries failed because API attempted search query
- various other minor fixes and improvements.
May 9, 2018
- alerts - add fire weather to nonprecip filter
- alerts/summary - add fire weather to nonprecip filter
- postalcodes - Update to 2018-05 Canadian Postal codes
- postalcodes - Update to 2018-05 US zip codes
- general - Update to 2018-05 IP to city DB for use with :auto
- general - namespace verification improvements
- airquality/forecasts - plimit parameter ignored
- various other minor fixes and improvements.
April 24, 2018
- AirQuality - New airquality endpoint provides global observations
- AirQuality - New airquality/forecasts endpoint provides global airquality forecasts (BETA)
- forecasts - mdnt2mdnt filter returns daily forecast using local midnight to midnight
- Observations - new weather filters, wxrain, wxsnow, wxice, wxfog allow filtering based on occurring weather
- places - support for AirQuality stations to be used in queries
- phrases/summary - many phrases tweaks and improvements
- phrases/summary - support for the limit parameter to control the number of hourly intervals used to make the summary. Default = 6
- phrases/summary - publically available (English only) as part of basic
- alerts - rename advisories endpoint to alerts (advisories now alias to alerts)
- alerts - improve default sorting. Emergency Flag, significance/priority (desc), issue time (desc)
- alerts/summary - rename advisories/alerts endpoint to alerts/summary (advisories/summary now alias to alerts/summary)
- observations/summary - new qcmin, qcmax filters to query qc codes that occurred in the summary.
- general - Update to 2018-04 US zip code and CA Postal codes
- observations/summary - improved handling of observations quality control
- alerts - details.color incorrect for tornado warning
- alerts - details.color incorrect for severe thunderstorm warning
- forecasts - the oddity of temp value of -0 now returns as 0
- other minor updates and bug fixes
February 27, 2018
- general - Update to 2018-02 US zip code and CA Postal codes
- forecasts - in some instances, hourly snowfall would not match day totals beyond 72 hours
- other minor updates and bug fixes
February 12, 2018
- advisories - new nonmarine filter option
- advisories/summary - new nonmarine filter option
- observations/summary - Improve speed for archive summaries, when no to provided
- earthquakes - Improve speed for archive summaries, when no to provided
- stormreports - Improve speed for archive summaries, when no to provided
- records - Improve speed for archive summaries, when no to provided
- fires - Improve speed for archive summaries, when no to provided
- other minor updates and bug fixes
January 24, 2018
- advisories - new airquality filter limits to smog, smoke, and air quality alerts
- advisories - support for Canadian Freezing Drizzle advisory
- advisories - corrections for Canadian Freezing Rain warning
- advisories - support for Canadian Smog Warning
- other minor updates and bug fixes
January 17, 2018
- general - support for EMPTY and !EMPTY to test for empty string EMPTY != NULL
- postcalcodes - Update with Jan 2018, US & Canadian Postal Codes
- places - improvements for the location determinations
- forecasts - iceaccum should be iceaccumIN and iceaccumMM
- other minor updates and bug fixes
December 13, 2017
- forecasts - hourly intervals for up to the next 24 hours now available in API Basic, use filter=1hr&limit=24.
- forecasts - new precise filter option. When used celsius temperatures will include 1 decimal point vs rounding to next whole number (tempC, maxTempC, minTempC, dewptC, feelslikeC, etc)
- phrases/summary - move out of beta and add phrases/summary endpoint to premium
- general - locations with Saint in the name can now use Saint, Sainte, St or St.
- postalcodes - Update with Dec 2017, US and Canadian Postal Code updates
- general - Return API warning is user supplies invalid parameter
- phrases/summary - place.state field would not always have proper state
- other minor updates and improvements
November 21, 2017
- countries - added place.continentFull to match places endpoint
- countries - update with latest population data
- general - Update to Nov IP to city DB for use with :auto
- places - Update to use proper continent names/abbreviations matching countries endpoint
- other minor updates and improvements
November 15, 2017
- airquality - limited public beta
- airquality/forecasts - limited public beta
- general - API will not support old / non active US zip codes and CA postal codes
- places/postalcodes - new property set to true if the zip code / postal code is still active. false if no longer active
- postalcodes - Update to 2017-11 Canadian Postal codes
- postalcodes - Update to 2017-11 US zip codes
- forecasts - sunrise/sunset off by 1 day with longitude >= 176
- observations - sunrise/sunset off by 1 day with longitude >= 176
- sunmoon - sunrise/sunset off by 1 day with longitude >= 176
- other minor updates and improvements
November 8, 2017
- advisories - hard free watch color code not correct
- other minor updates and improvements
October 25, 2017
- observations - Some queries/filter combinations could improperly return results without sky information
- places - City, XX where XX was a country abbreviation that matched a China province would fail to search the country
- other minor updates and improvements
October 24, 2017
- lighting/summary - new endpoint that provide summary information (total lighting pulses, etc) for use with lightning API subscriptions
- general - NULL is now a valid query value. i.e. /observations/search?query=rh:NULL
- general - NULl and !NULL are no longer case sensitive.
- threats - storm cell query parameters cannot be used with the threats endpoint. i.e. obtain threats based on storms with a 90% chance of hail
- rivers - filter=lowwaterecord not working properly
- advisories/summary - intermittent API error when using the wind or nonprecip filters
- observations/summary - intermittent API errors for some observations prior to 2013
- places/airports - query=name:xxxx improperly querying against the airport city name vs airport name
- other minor updates and improvements
September 21, 2017
- observation/archive - closest action not properly accounting for timezone.
- observation/summary - closest action not properly accounting for timezone.
- other minor updates and improvements
September 20, 2017
- rivers - New rivers endpoint providing access to AHPS river and lake gauge information
- rivers/gauges - New rivers/gauges endpoint provide access to AHPS river gauage information
- places - profile now includes wxzone, firezone, fips and countyid information when available (US & Canada)
- places/postalcodes - profile now includes wxzone, firezone, fips and countyid information when available (US & Canada)
- places/airports - profile now includes wxzone, firezone, fips and countyid information when available (US & Canada)
- advisories - support for querying issued, begins, expires and added timestamps via query parameter
- advisories - can now sort by begins timestamp
- advisories - new beach filter option (for rip currents etc)
- advisories/summary - support for querying issued, begins, expires and added timestamps via query parameter
- earthquakes - support for querying observed time via query parameter
- general - !NULL is a valid query parameter value. i.e. /observations/55403?qury=rh:!NULL will only return values where humidity is not null
- lightning - support for height and number of sensors. in output and new query/sort options
- forecasts - now calculating F temperatures prior to rounding C temperatures
- advisories - support for Storm Surge watch/warning categories and colors
- advisories - support for rip current statement category and color
- observations/archive - correct date localization globally
- observations/summary - correct date localization globally
- sunmoon - corrected date localization
- sunmoon - skip parameter ignored
- other minor updates and improvements
August 16, 2017
- General - August 2017 US zip codes & Canadian postal codes update
- General - Latest US fips, weather zone and fire zone updates
- places - fips:##### location support is no longer case sensitive. Can use fips:###### or FIPS:#####
- observations/summary - add default psort=dt:1 if no psort provided, so individual obs are sorted
- observations/summary - increase plimit max allowed to 1500 to support stations that report once per minute
- observations/summary - pskip support not always working properly
- advisories - Add improved support for Canadian Tropical Cyclone Statement, Weather Advisory
- other minor updates and improvements
August 8, 2017
- advisories - new country specific filters: canada, usa and allcountries
- advisories - new hassmallpoly filter limit queries to alerts with a small polygon
- advisories - new distinct filter returns a single copy of alerts. For use at the country level
- advisories/summary - support for Canadian alert summaries
- forecasts - improved support for smoke weather type
- forecasts - improved phrasing for haze weather type
- other minor updates and improvements
July 31, 2017
- advisories - Support for Canadian Alerts
- advisories - now set to the category the alert type is part of. i.e. flood, winter, heat, wind etc.
- places - Support for Canadian Location Codes (CLC-######) as a supported place format
- lightning - previously no guaranteed order by time, now defaults to descending matching other endpoints
- other minor updates and improvements
July 24, 2017
- advisories - will contain the general category/grouping of the alert type
- lightning - improved lightning addon support
- general - improved HTTP OPTIONS support
- general - update Canadian Postal Codes
- other minor updates and improvements
June 19, 2017
- advisories - new id attribute
- advisories - details.color attribute now contains the alert 6 character hex
- advisories - details.emergency attribute. Set to true if Tornado Emergency or Flash Flood Emergency issue as part of the respective warning, false otherwise
- advisories - new geoPoly attribute. If small polygon is set in the poly, geoPoly will be a GeoJSON version of the small polygon
- advisories - loc attribute. The location (lat/long) of the weather zone centroid or county centroid now included
- advisories - GeoJSON support via format=geojson. Will return points or if there is a small polygon, the feature will be of type polygon
- advisories - Query by advisory ID. i.e. /advisories/:id
- advisories - Affects action support
- lightning - Support for new developer, basic and premium lightning API subscriptions
- lightning - ob.age attribute contains the age in seconds from lightning observation to API request
- general - query parameters for the name, state and country are no longer case sensitive. i.e. query=name:MinnEap will work correction
- advisories - query by weather zone or county no longer case sensitive. i.e. query=wxzone:MnZ014
- advisories/summary - query by weather zone or county no longer case sensitive. i.e. query=wxzone:MnZ014
- batch - now returns API error if more than 25 requests in a single call. Previously only used the 1st 25.
- lightning - speed improvments for querying cloud to ground strikes
- stormcells/summary - summary.range now includes from/to atrributes
- advisories/summary - summary.range now includes from/to attributes
- stormreports/summary - summary.range now includes from/to attributes
- stormreports - query parameter with code:# now working properly.
- normals - filter=hasprecip not working properly in all use cases
- observations/archive - psort=dt:1 not working properly
- general - update latest US and Canadian Postal Codes
- general - update latest ip to city database for :auto functionality
- general - maxhits errors will now cache for 60 seconds
- other minor updates and improvements
May 30, 2017
- general - Update with latest US and Canadian postal codes
- advisories - Intermittent errors when querying by US weather zones (i.e. MNZ001)
- other minor bug and database updates
May 2, 2017
- batch - Increase the maximum batch request endpoints from 10 to 20
- places - Update population values
- places - Improvements for the China province support
- other minor bug and database updates