Conditions Summary
The conditions/summary endpoint summarizes interpolated global current, historical, and forecast weather conditions. Data is available for the location and time requested, leveraging a proprietary blend of data, including weather station observations, radar & satellite information, global & regional models, and other proprietary sources.
Summaries are returned as daily summaries or returned for a specific time interval, such as 6-hour summaries.
Summaries can be returned for up to 1 month in a single query. Please note, each day will cost an API access, including partial days. For example, querying for summaries across 2.5 days will cost 3 API accesses.
Historical conditions are available from April 2011 through today.
Every request to the endpoint must include one of the supported actions in the url.{action}?client_id={client_id}&client_secret={client_secret}&{params}
Supported Actions
The following actions are supported with the /conditions/summary endpoint:
Action | Description |
:id | Type: stringTypically used for passing a geographical location name or identifier such as city name, lat/long, or even US and Canadian postal codes. Learn more. |
route | Type: stringAllows you to pass several coordinates along a custom route to return data points at each location. Learn more. |
The following is an example of what each object in the response will consist of. Depending on your requested action, the response may contain multiple instances of this object within an array.
Properties (number)
The latitude coordinate of the record.
loc.long (number)
The place or nearest place to the record. (string)
The place or nearest place to the record.
place.state (string)
The state abbreviation in which the response is located. This may be null
or an empty string depending on the country. (string)
The 2 letter ISO-3166 country abbreviation in which the response is located.
periods.#.timestamp (number)
The unix timestamp for the date/time the weather conditions summary.
periods.#.dateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time for the weather conditions summary
periods.#.range.maxTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp for the last condition valid time used to generate the summary.
periods.#.range.maxDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time for the last condition valid time used to generate the summary.
periods.#.range.minTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp for the earliest condition valid time used to generate the summary.
periods.#.range.minDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time for the earliest condition valid time used to generate the summary.
periods.#.range.count (number)
The total number of weather conditions intervals used to create the summary.
periods.#.temp.maxC (number)
The maximum temperature in Celsius
periods.#.temp.maxF (number)
The maximum temperature in Fahrenheit
periods.#.temp.maxTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the maximum temperature occurred
periods.#.temp.maxDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the maximum temperature occurred
periods.#.temp.minC (number)
The minimum temperature in Celsius
periods.#.temp.minF (number)
The minimum temperature in Fahrenheit
periods.#.temp.minTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the minimum temperature occurred
periods.#.temp.minDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the minimum temperature occurred
periods.#.temp.avgC (number)
The average temperature in Celsius
periods.#.temp.avgF (number)
The average temperature in Fahrenheit
periods.#.feelslike.maxC (number)
The maximum feels like temperature in Celsius
periods.#.feelslike.maxF (number)
The maximum feels like temperature in Fahrenheit
periods.#.feelslike.maxTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the maximum feels like temperature occurred
periods.#.feelslike.maxDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the maximum feels like temperature occurred
periods.#.feelslike.minC (number)
The minimum feels like temperature in Celsius
periods.#.feelslike.minF (number)
The minimum feels like temperature in Fahrenheit
periods.#.feelslike.minTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the minimum feels like temperature occurred
periods.#.feelslike.minDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the minimum feels like temperature occurred
periods.#.feelslike.avgC (number)
The average feels like temperature in Celsius
periods.#.feelslike.avgF (number)
The average feels like temperature in Fahrenheit
periods.#.dewpoint.maxC (number)
The maximum dewpoint in Celsius
periods.#.dewpoint.maxF (number)
The maximum dewpoint in Fahrenheit
periods.#.dewpoint.maxTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the maximum dewpoint occurred
periods.#.dewpoint.maxDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the maximum dewpoint occurred
periods.#.dewpoint.minF (number)
The minimum dewpoint in Celsius
periods.#.dewpoint.minC (number)
The minimum dewpoint in Fahrenheit
periods.#.dewpoint.minTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the minimum dewpoint occurred
periods.#.dewpoint.minDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the minimum dewpoint occurred
periods.#.dewpoint.avgC (number)
The average dewpoint in Celsius
periods.#.dewpoint.avgF (number)
The average dewpoint in Fahrenheit
periods.#.humidity.max (number)
The maximum relative humidity, from 0-100
periods.#.humidity.maxTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the maximum relative humidity occurred
periods.#.humidity.maxDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the maximum relative humidity occurred
periods.#.humidity.min (number)
The minimum relative humidity, from 0-100
periods.#.humidity.minTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the minimum relative humidity occurred
periods.#.humidity.minDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the minimum relative humidity occurred
periods.#.humidity.avg (number)
The average relative humidity, from 0-100
periods.#.windSpeed.maxKTS (number)
The maximum wind speed in knots
periods.#.windSpeed.maxKPH (number)
The maximum wind speed in kilometers per hour
periods.#.windSpeed.maxMPS (number)
The maximum wind speed in meters per second
periods.#.windSpeed.maxMPH (number)
The maximum wind speed in miles per hour
periods.#.windSpeed.maxDirDEG (number)
The wind direction at the time of maximum wind speed, in degrees, 0 - 360. With 0° being North and increasing clockwise
periods.#.windSpeed.maxDir (string)
The wind direction at the time of maximum wind speed. One of the following: N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, ESE, SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW, NW, NNW
periods.#.windSpeed.maxTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the maximum wind speed occurred
periods.#.windSpeed.maxDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the maximum wind speed occurred
periods.#.windSpeed.minKTS (number)
The minimum wind speed in knots
periods.#.windSpeed.minKPH (number)
The minimum wind speed in kilometers per hour
periods.#.windSpeed.minMPS (number)
The minimum wind speed in meters per second
periods.#.windSpeed.minMPH (number)
The minimum wind speed in miles per hour
periods.#.windSpeed.minDirDEG (number)
The wind direction at the time of minimum wind speed, in degrees, 0 - 360. With 0° being North and increasing clockwise
periods.#.windSpeed.minDir (string)
The wind direction at the time of minimum wind speed. One of the following: N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, ESE, SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW, NW, NNW
periods.#.windSpeed.minTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the minimum wind speed occurred
periods.#.windSpeed.minDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the minimum wind speed occurred
periods.#.windSpeed.avgKTS (number)
The average wind speed in knots
periods.#.windSpeed.avgKPH (number)
The average wind speed in kilometers per hour
periods.#.windSpeed.avgMPS (number)
The average wind speed in meters per second
periods.#.windSpeed.avgMPH (number)
The average wind speed in miles per hour
periods.#.windGust.maxKTS (number)
The maximum wind gust in knots
periods.#.windGust.maxKPH (number)
The maximum wind gust in kilometers per hour
periods.#.windGust.maxMPS (number)
The maximum wind gust in meters per second
periods.#.windGust.maxMPH (number)
The maximum wind gust in miles per hour
periods.#.windGust.maxTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the maximum wind gust occurred
periods.#.windGust.maxDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the maximum wind gust occurred
periods.#.windGust.minKTS (number)
The minimum wind gust in knots
periods.#.windGust.minKPH (number)
The minimum wind gust in kilometers per hour
periods.#.windGust.minMPS (number)
The minimum wind gust in meters per second
periods.#.windGust.minMPH (number)
The minimum wind gust in miles per hour
periods.#.windGust.minTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the minimum wind gust occurred
periods.#.windGust.minDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the minimum wind gust occurred
periods.#.windGust.avgKTS (number)
The average wind gust in knots
periods.#.windGust.avgMPS (number)
The average wind gust in meters per second
periods.#.windGust.avgKPH (number)
The average wind gust in kilometers per hour
periods.#.windGust.avgMPH (number)
The average wind gust in miles per hour
periods.#.precip.maxMM (number)
The maximum precipitation in millimeters
periods.#.precip.maxIN (number)
The maximum precipitation in inches
periods.#.precip.maxTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the maximum precipitation occurred
periods.#.precip.maxDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the maximum precipitation occurred
periods.#.precip.minTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the minimum precipitation occurred
periods.#.precip.minDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the minimum precipitation occurred
periods.#.precip.minMM (number)
The minimum precipitation in millimeters
periods.#.precip.minIN (number)
The minimum precipitation in inches
periods.#.precip.avgMM (number)
The average precipitation in millimeters
periods.#.precip.avgIN (number)
The average precipitation in inches
periods.#.precip.totalMM (number)
The total precipitation in millimeters
periods.#.precip.totalIN (number)
The total precipitation in inches
periods.#.snow.maxCM (number)
The maximum snowfall in centimeters
periods.#.snow.maxIN (number)
The maximum snowfall in inches
periods.#.snow.maxTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the maximum snowfall occurred
periods.#.snow.maxDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the maximum snowfall occurred
periods.#.snow.minCM (number)
The minimum snowfall in centimeters
periods.#.snow.minIN (number)
The minimum snowfall in inches
periods.#.snow.minTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the minimum snowfall occurred
periods.#.snow.minDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the minimum snowfall occurred
periods.#.snow.avgCM (number)
The average snowfall in centimeters
periods.#.snow.avgIN (number)
The average snowfall in inches
periods.#.snow.totalCM (number)
The total snowfall in centimeters
periods.#.snow.totalIN (number)
The total snowfall in inches
periods.#.snowDepth.maxCM (number)
The maximum snow depth in centimeters
periods.#.snowDepth.maxIN (number)
The maximum snow depth in inches
periods.#.snowDepth.maxTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the maximum snow depth occurred
periods.#.snowDepth.maxDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the maximum snow depth occurred
periods.#.snowDepth.minCM (number)
The minimum snow depth in centimeters
periods.#.snowDepth.minIN (number)
The minimum snow depth in inches
periods.#.snowDepth.minTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the minimum snow depth occurred
periods.#.snowDepth.minDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the minimum snow depth occurred
periods.#.snowDepth.avgCM (number)
The average snow depth in centimeters
periods.#.snowDepth.avgIN (number)
The average snow depth in inches
periods.#.pressure.maxMB (number)
The maximum pressure in millibars
periods.#.pressure.maxIN (number)
The maximum mean sea level pressure (MSLP) in inches
periods.#.pressure.maxTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the maximum pressure occurred
periods.#.pressure.maxDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the maximum pressure occurred
periods.#.pressure.minMB (number)
The minimum mean sea level pressure (MSLP) in millibars
periods.#.pressure.minIN (number)
The minimum pressure in inches
periods.#.pressure.minTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the minimum pressure occurred
periods.#.pressure.minDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the minimum pressure occurred
periods.#.pressure.avgIN (number)
The average mean sea level pressure (MSLP) in inches
periods.#.pressure.avgMB (number)
The average pressure in millibars
periods.#.spressure.maxMB (number)
The maximum station/surface pressure in millibars
periods.#.spressure.maxIN (number)
The maximum station/surface pressure in inches
periods.#.spressure.maxTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the maximum station/surface pressure occurred
periods.#.spressure.maxDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the maximum station/surface pressure occurred
periods.#.spressure.minMB (number)
The minimum station/surface pressure in millibars
periods.#.spressure.minIN (number)
The minimum station/surface pressure in inches
periods.#.spressure.minTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the minimum station/surface pressure occurred
periods.#.spressure.minDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the minimum station/surface pressure occurred
periods.#.spressure.avgMB (number)
The average station/surface pressure in millibars
periods.#.spressure.avgIN (number)
The average station/surface pressure in inches
periods.#.altimeter.maxMB (number)
The maximum altimeter pressure in millibars
periods.#.altimeter.maxIN (number)
The maximum altimeter pressure in inches
periods.#.altimeter.maxTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the maximum altimeter pressure occurred
periods.#.altimeter.maxDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the maximum altimeter pressure occurred
periods.#.altimeter.minMB (number)
The minimum altimeter pressure in millibars
periods.#.altimeter.minIN (number)
The minimum altimeter pressure in inches
periods.#.altimeter.minTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the minimum altimeter pressure occurred
periods.#.altimeter.minDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the minimum altimeter pressure occurred
periods.#.altimeter.avgMB (number)
The average altimeter pressure in millibars
periods.#.altimeter.avgIN (number)
The average altimeter pressure in inches
periods.#.visibility.maxKM (number)
The maximum visibility in kilometers
periods.#.visibility.maxMI (number)
The maximum visibility in miles
periods.#.visibility.maxTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the maximum visibility occurred
periods.#.visibility.maxDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the maximum visibility occurred
periods.#.visibility.minKM (number)
The minimum visibility in kilometers
periods.#.visibility.minMI (number)
The minimum visibility in miles
periods.#.visibility.minTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the minimum visibility occurred
periods.#.visibility.minDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the minimum visibility occurred
periods.#.visibility.avgKM (number)
The average visibility in kilometers
periods.#.visibility.avgMI (number)
The average visibility in miles (number)
The maximum sky cover, from 0-100, where 0 is clear and 100 is completely overcast (number)
The unix timestamp that the maximum sky cover occurred (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the maximum sky cover occurred (number)
The minimum sky cover, from 0-100, where 0 is clear and 100 is completely overcast (number)
The unix timestamp that the minimum sky cover occurred (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the minimum sky cover occurred (number)
The average sky cover, from 0-100, where 0 is clear and 100 is completely overcast (array)
An array of coded sky/cloud cover values. See the Weather Codes documentation for more information. (string)
The coded sky cover value. See the Weather Codes documentation for more information. (number)
The unix timestamp for the coded sky cover value. (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time for the coded sky cover value. (string)
The weather phrase for the period. Null if unavailable. (string)
The primary weather type for the period. Null if unavailable. (string)
The primary coded weather type for the period. Null if unavailable. See the Weather Codes documentation for more information. (string)
The icon representing the weather type for the period. Null if unavailable. (array)
An array of coded weather values. See the Weather Codes documentation for more information. (string)
The coded weather value. See the Weather Codes documentation for more information. (number)
The unix timestamp for the coded weather value. (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time for the coded weather value.
periods.#.solrad.ghi.maxWM2 (number)
The maximum global horizontal solar radiation in watts per square meter
periods.#.solrad.ghi.maxTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the maximum global horizontal solar radiation occurred
periods.#.solrad.ghi.maxDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the maximum global horizontal solar radiation occurred
periods.#.solrad.ghi.minWM2 (number)
The minimum global horizontal solar radiation in watts per square meter
periods.#.solrad.ghi.minTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the minimum global horizontal solar radiation occurred
periods.#.solrad.ghi.minDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the minimum global horizontal solar radiation occurred
periods.#.solrad.ghi.avgWM2 (number)
The average global horizontal solar radiation in watts per square meter
periods.#.solrad.ghi.totalWM2 (number)
The total global horizontal solar radiation in watts per square meter
periods.#.solrad.dni.maxWM2 (number)
The maximum direct normal solar radiation in watts per square meter
periods.#.solrad.dni.maxTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the maximum direct normal solar radiation occurred
periods.#.solrad.dni.maxDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the maximum direct normal solar radiation occurred
periods.#.solrad.dni.minWM2 (number)
The minimum direct normal solar radiation in watts per square meter
periods.#.solrad.dni.minTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the minimum direct normal solar radiation occurred
periods.#.solrad.dni.minDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the minimum direct normal solar radiation occurred
periods.#.solrad.dni.avgWM2 (number)
The average direct normal solar radiation in watts per square meter
periods.#.solrad.dni.totalWM2 (number)
The total direct normal solar radiation in watts per square meter
periods.#.solrad.dhi.maxWM2 (number)
The maximum diffuse horizontal solar radiation in watts per square meter
periods.#.solrad.dhi.maxTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the maximum diffuse horizontal solar radiation occurred
periods.#.solrad.dhi.maxDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the maximum diffuse horizontal solar radiation occurred
periods.#.solrad.dhi.minWM2 (number)
The minimum diffuse horizontal solar radiation in watts per square meter
periods.#.solrad.dhi.minTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the minimum diffuse horizontal solar radiation occurred
periods.#.solrad.dhi.minDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the minimum diffuse horizontal solar radiation occurred
periods.#.solrad.dhi.avgWM2 (number)
The average diffuse horizontal solar radiation in watts per square meter
periods.#.solrad.dhi.totalWM2 (number)
The total diffuse horizontal solar radiation in watts per square meter
periods.#.uvi.max (number)
The maximum UV index
periods.#.uvi.maxTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the maximum UV index occurred
periods.#.uvi.maxDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the maximum UV index occurred
periods.#.uvi.min (number)
The minimum UV index
periods.#.uvi.minTimestamp (number)
The unix timestamp that the minimum UV index occurred
periods.#.uvi.minDateTimeISO (string)
The ISO 8601 date/time that the minimum UV index occurred
periods.#.uvi.avg (number)
The average UV index (string)
Timezone name of the location, such as America/New_York
profile.tzname (string)
The timezone abbreviation for the location, such as EST
profile.tzoffset (number)
The timezone offset for the location in seconds.
profile.isDST (boolean)
True if the location is currently observing Daylight Savings Time (DST), otherwise false.
profile.elevM (number)
The elevation of the location in meters.
profile.elevFT (number)
The elevation of the location in feet.
"loc": {
"lat": 44.97997,
"long": -93.26384
"place": {
"name": "minneapolis",
"state": "mn",
"country": "us"
"periods": [
"timestamp": 1702533600,
"dateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T00:00:00-06:00",
"range": {
"maxTimestamp": 1702566000,
"maxDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T09:00:00-06:00",
"minTimestamp": 1702533600,
"minDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T00:00:00-06:00",
"count": 10
"temp": {
"maxC": 1.6,
"minC": -1.17,
"avgC": -0.12,
"maxF": 34.88,
"minF": 29.89,
"avgF": 31.79,
"maxTimestamp": 1702566000,
"maxDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T09:00:00-06:00",
"minTimestamp": 1702551600,
"minDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T05:00:00-06:00"
"feelslike": {
"maxC": 1.6,
"minC": -2.64,
"avgC": -0.32,
"maxF": 34.88,
"minF": 27.24,
"avgF": 31.42,
"maxTimestamp": 1702566000,
"maxDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T09:00:00-06:00",
"minTimestamp": 1702558800,
"minDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T07:00:00-06:00"
"dewpoint": {
"maxC": -5.98,
"minC": -9.48,
"avgC": -8.2,
"maxF": 21.24,
"minF": 14.93,
"avgF": 17.23,
"maxTimestamp": 1702566000,
"maxDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T09:00:00-06:00",
"minTimestamp": 1702533600,
"minDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T00:00:00-06:00"
"humidity": {
"max": 61.55,
"min": 47.01,
"avg": 54.68,
"maxTimestamp": 1702562400,
"maxDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T08:00:00-06:00",
"minTimestamp": 1702533600,
"minDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T00:00:00-06:00"
"windSpeed": {
"maxKTS": 5.87,
"minKTS": 2.45,
"avgKTS": 3.45,
"maxKPH": 10.88,
"minKPH": 4.54,
"avgKPH": 6.39,
"maxMPH": 6.76,
"minMPH": 2.82,
"avgMPH": 3.97,
"maxMPS": 3.02,
"minMPS": 1.26,
"avgMPS": 1.77,
"maxTimestamp": 1702558800,
"maxDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T07:00:00-06:00",
"minTimestamp": 1702537200,
"minDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T01:00:00-06:00",
"maxDirDEG": 218,
"maxDir": "SW",
"minDirDEG": 209,
"minDir": "SSW"
"windGust": {
"maxKTS": 8.5,
"minKTS": 4.15,
"avgKTS": 5.3,
"maxKPH": 15.74,
"minKPH": 7.69,
"avgKPH": 9.81,
"maxMPH": 9.78,
"minMPH": 4.78,
"avgMPH": 6.1,
"maxMPS": 4.37,
"minMPS": 2.13,
"avgMPS": 2.73,
"maxTimestamp": 1702558800,
"maxDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T07:00:00-06:00",
"minTimestamp": 1702548000,
"minDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T04:00:00-06:00"
"precip": {
"maxMM": 0,
"minMM": 0,
"avgMM": 0,
"totalMM": 0,
"maxIN": 0,
"minIN": 0,
"avgIN": 0,
"totalIN": 0,
"maxTimestamp": 1702533600,
"maxDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T00:00:00-06:00",
"minTimestamp": 1702533600,
"minDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T00:00:00-06:00"
"snow": {
"maxCM": 0,
"minCM": 0,
"avgCM": 0,
"totalCM": 0,
"maxIN": 0,
"minIN": 0,
"avgIN": 0,
"totalIN": 0,
"maxTimestamp": 1702533600,
"maxDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T00:00:00-06:00",
"minTimestamp": 1702533600,
"minDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T00:00:00-06:00"
"snowDepth": {
"maxCM": 4,
"minCM": 4,
"avgCM": 4,
"maxIN": 1.57,
"minIN": 1.57,
"avgIN": 1.57,
"maxTimestamp": 1702533600,
"maxDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T00:00:00-06:00",
"minTimestamp": 1702533600,
"minDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T00:00:00-06:00"
"pressure": {
"maxMB": 1034,
"minMB": 1033,
"avgMB": 1033.4,
"maxIN": 30.53,
"minIN": 30.5,
"avgIN": 30.52,
"maxTimestamp": 1702533600,
"maxDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T00:00:00-06:00",
"minTimestamp": 1702540800,
"minDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T02:00:00-06:00"
"visibility": {
"maxKM": 16,
"minKM": 15.521,
"avgKM": 15.943,
"maxMI": 9.942,
"minMI": 9.644,
"avgMI": 9.907,
"maxTimestamp": 1702558800,
"maxDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T07:00:00-06:00",
"minTimestamp": 1702551600,
"minDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T05:00:00-06:00"
"sky": {
"max": 19,
"min": 0,
"avg": 1.9,
"maxTimestamp": 1702566000,
"maxDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T09:00:00-06:00",
"minTimestamp": 1702533600,
"minDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T00:00:00-06:00",
"coded": [
"code": "CL",
"timestamp": 1702533600,
"dateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T00:00:00-06:00"
"code": "FW",
"timestamp": 1702566000,
"dateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T09:00:00-06:00"
"weather": {
"phrase": "Sunny",
"primary": "Sunny",
"primaryCoded": "::CL",
"icon": "sunny.png",
"coded": [
"code": "::CL",
"timestamp": 1702533600,
"dateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T00:00:00-06:00"
"code": "::FW",
"timestamp": 1702566000,
"dateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T09:00:00-06:00"
"solrad": {
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