Getting Started
You'll need an active Xweather API subscription (opens in a new tab) and your application registered with the weather API in order to receive the required access ID and secret key.
Create an Xweather API account
Sign up for an Xweather Flex subscription (opens in a new tab). We offer a free developer account (opens in a new tab) for you to give our weather API a test drive.
Create your API access keys
Log in (opens in a new tab) to your account and find the Apps section to register your application for an API access key. Within the Apps section, click on New Application to register a new app. You will then be prompted to enter a project name and namespace. These can be updated at any time.
Review our API endpoints and actions
Find the endpoints and actions that provide you with the data you need in order to work with the weather API directly.
Check out our toolkits and SDKs
Our weather toolkits get you up and running with our Phrases API quickly.
Basic API Requests
Once you've signed up for the Xweather API and have an active client id and secret for your application, you're ready to start creating some requests. The following are some very basic code samples for various programming languages to help you get started with the weather API:
// fetch Aeris API output as a string and decode into an object
$response = file_get_contents(",wa?client_id=CLIENT_ID&client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET");
$json = json_decode($response);
if ($json->success == true) {
// create reference to our returned observation object
$ob = $json->response->ob;
echo sprintf("The current weather in Seattle is %s with a temperature of %d.", strtolower($ob->weather), $ob->tempF);
else {
echo sprintf("An error occurred: %s", $json->error->description);