
class SampleStyle(var expression: SampleExpression = SampleExpression.NUMBER, var channels: List<ColorBand> = listOf(, var quality: DataQuality = DataQuality.normal, var interpolation: InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.BICUBIC, var smoothing: Float = 0.0f, var offset: Float = 0.0f, var drawRange: ClosedRange<Double>? = null, var colorScale: ColorScaleOptions = ColorScaleOptions(), var opacity: Float = 1.0f, var multiband: Boolean = false, var meld: Boolean = true) : RasterStyle, ColorSampling

Sample style.


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constructor(expression: SampleExpression = SampleExpression.NUMBER, channels: List<ColorBand> = listOf(, quality: DataQuality = DataQuality.normal, interpolation: InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.BICUBIC, smoothing: Float = 0.0f, offset: Float = 0.0f, drawRange: ClosedRange<Double>? = null, colorScale: ColorScaleOptions = ColorScaleOptions(), opacity: Float = 1.0f, multiband: Boolean = false, meld: Boolean = true)


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open override var channel: SampleChannel
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open override var channels: List<ColorBand>
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open override var colorScale: ColorScaleOptions

A ColorScale maps numeric values to a color palette. The scale can then be used to generate a set of colors for a given range of values and options.

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open override var drawRange: ClosedRange<Double>?

Limits the data range that should be rendered from the sampled data. If not provided, then the full data range provided by the associated data source will be rendered by default.

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open override var expression: SampleExpression

Determines how data should be sampled from the encoded data texture.

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open override var interpolation: InterpolationMode

Type of interpolation to perform on the data.

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open override var offset: Float

Normalized amount to shift the interpolated sample values from 0 to 1. This is typically used for expression operations like diff where interpolated values can be negative and you need to start values half way (0.5) between the colorscale.range.

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open override var opacity: Float

Opacity of the rendered data from 0 (full transparent) to 1 (fully opaque).

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open override var quality: DataQuality

ntrols the data resolution that gets requested by the layer’s data source and rendered to the map. Data will be interpolated when rendering to the map to ensure low resolution/quality data is still smooth.

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open override var smoothing: Float

Amount of smoothing to apply on the data from 0 (no smoothing) to 1 (full smoothing). Increasing this value is useful for low resolution data sets or when higher detail is not desired or needed.