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Interface ShapeStyle

A data type that provides style options for vector shape objects on a map, such as polygons and polylines.


  • ShapeStyle



Optional adjustOpacity

adjustOpacity: boolean

A Boolean value indicating whether the item's opacity should be adjusted alongside the parent data source's opacity value. Default value is true.

Optional className

className: string

Style class name to add to the shape's DOM element.

Optional fill

fill: { color?: string; opacity?: number; rule?: string }

The shape's fill style options.

Type declaration

Optional id

id: string

Optional path

path: string

Defines the shape of the path for SVG elements.

Optional size

size: number[]

Size for the shape as [width, height] in pixels.

Optional smoothing

smoothing: number

The amount to simplify the shape path on each zoom level. More smoothing means better performance and a smoother appearance, and less means more accurate representation.

This value is not supported for all mapping strategies.

Optional stroke

stroke: { color?: string; dashArray?: string; dashOffset?: string; lineCap?: string; lineJoin?: string; opacity?: number; width?: number }

The shape's stroke style options.

Type declaration

Optional transform

transform: string

Defines a list of transform definitions that are applied to a vector element and the element's children.

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