Callback function called when remote route data has been loaded and configured but before rendering.
Callback function called when weather data for the active route has loaded but before rendering.
Route update interval, in seconds. Default value is 0
, which disables auto-updating.
Minimum refresh rate is 60 seconds.
Array of route configuration objects defining the routes for the module instance.
Directions API service configuration.
Access key to use with the third-party directions API. Refer to the desired service's documentation for more information
Directions API service to use.
A Boolean indicating whether the route's info panel should be presented when the route is
selected and active. Default value is true
for desktop and false
for mobile devices.
Route group title. This value is only used when multiple routes are defined for the module instance.
URL string or a callback function that receives the currently active route and returns the URL path to use when requesting route data from a remote source.
Array of weather type codes to include in the weather options for the layer group's control.
Default value is all codes, e.g. ['temps', 'winds', 'windgust', 'weather', 'alerts']
. The
active weather type determine which weather data is plotted along the route.
Generated using TypeDoc
Amount of padding in pixels to use when fitting the bounds of a route to a map view.
You can provide one, two or four values. A single value will be applied to all sides. Two values correspond to the horizontal and vertical sides respectively. Four values correspond to the top, right, bottom and left sides of the map.
Default is
[100, 100]
or[0, 0]
for compact (mobile) viewports.