A factory provider that is responsible for generating the necessary map content as required by the mapping strategy.
The third-party map view instance associated with the mapping strategy.
Adds an array of markers to the map view. The provided markers must be an instance type required by the current mapping strategy.
Adds a series of overlay layers to the map. The overlays must be an instance of the type required by the configured map strategy and underlying third-party mapping library.
Polygons & Polylines
Adds an array of polylines and/or polygons to the map view. The provided shapes must be an instance type required by the current mapping strategy.
Adds the specified map content source to the map.
Returns whether the listeners are registered for the specified event name.
Returns whether the map and underlying map strategy have been fully setup and initialized.
Returns whether the element is a vector source object.
Removes a registered listener function for the specified event.
Name of the event to remove the listener for.
Handler function to remove so it won't be executed next time the event is triggered.
Registers a listener function to be executed each time an event occurs
Name of the event to listen for. Value can contain multiple event names separated by spaces to trigger the same handler function for each event name.
Handler function to be called when the event occurs
Registers a listener function to be executed the first time an event occurs.
Name of the event to listen for. Value can contain multiple event names separated by spaces to trigger the same handler function for each event name.
Handler function to be called when the event occurs
Adds an array of markers from the map view. The provided markers must be an instance type required by the current mapping strategy.
Removes a series of overlay layers from the map. The overlay must be an instance of the type required by the configured map strategy and underlying third-party mapping library.
Removes an array of polylines and/or polygons from the map view. The provided shape must be an instance type required by the current mapping strategy.
Removes the specified map content source from the map.
Updates the base layer using tiles from the provided URL.
Triggers the specified event so that all registered listeners will be executed with the specified parameters.
Event name to trigger
Generated using TypeDoc
A map strategy for working with the third-party Leaflet mapping library.