
The following classes are available globally.

  • AFNetworkActivityIndicatorManager manages the state of the network activity indicator in the status bar. When enabled, it will listen for notifications indicating that a session task has started or finished, and start or stop animating the indicator accordingly. The number of active requests is incremented and decremented much like a stack or a semaphore, and the activity indicator will animate so long as that number is greater than zero.

    You should enable the shared instance of AFNetworkActivityIndicatorManager when your application finishes launching. In AppDelegate application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: you can do so with the following code:

    [[AFNetworkActivityIndicatorManager sharedManager] setEnabled:YES];

    By setting enabled to YES for sharedManager, the network activity indicator will show and hide automatically as requests start and finish. You should not ever need to call incrementActivityCount or decrementActivityCount yourself.

    See the Apple Human Interface Guidelines section about the Network Activity Indicator for more information:

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    @interface AWFNetworkActivityIndicatorManager : NSObject


    class AWFNetworkActivityIndicatorManager : NSObject
  • AWFOAuthCredential models the credentials returned from an OAuth server, storing the token type, access & refresh tokens, and whether the token is expired. OAuth credentials can be stored in the user’s keychain, and retrieved on subsequent launches.

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    @interface AWFOAuthCredential : NSObject <NSCoding>


    class AWFOAuthCredential : NSObject, NSCoding